An intimate concert film, in which Taylor Swift performs each song from her album 'folklore' in order, as she reveals the meaning and the stories behind all 17 tracks for the very first time.

After the suicide of his best friend and the fire of a local dance called Cromañón, including recitals, illegal parties in an abandoned warehouse and high school, a year passes by in the life of Zabo who writes everything he feels and lives in his blog, "Memories of a teenager".

Tai romantinė komedija, pasakojanti apie du žmones, kurie tiki meile, bet niekaip negali atrasti tikrosios jos prasmės. Audringą Naujųjų metų vakarą likimas nulemia taip, kad jų keliai susikerta ir prasideda linksmas chaosas.

African Cats captures the real-life love, humor and determination of the majestic kings of the savanna. The story features Mara, an endearing lion cub who strives to grow up with her mother’s strength, spirit and wisdom; Sita, a fearless cheetah and single mother of five mischievous newborns; and Fang, a proud leader of the pride who must defend his family from a once banished lion.

Frenkas Sinatra kažkada apie Niujorką dainavo – „jei pavyks čia, pavyks bet kur“. Tikėdamiesi, kad jiems pavyks, kasmet į šį niekuomet nemiegantį miestą atvyksta tūkstančiai žmonių. Tai – istorija apie du iš jų. Barlou – talentinga balerina, nutarusi siekti savo svajonės Amerikos menų šventovėje Niujorke. Deja, pirmasis susidūrimas su šios šventovės realybe nėra labai malonus: didžiulę patirtį turinti baleto mokytoja Oksana atvirai pasako, kad Barlou iki tobulybės dar labai toli. Nurijusi nuoskaudą, mergina nutaria nepasiduoti ir dalyvauja atrankoje į naują Brodvėjaus šokio spektaklį. Jo režisierius Zanderis atkreipia dėmesį į Barlou ir ji atrenkama repeticijoms.

Portland, Oregon, 1971. Bob Hughes is the charismatic leader of a peculiar quartet, formed by his wife, Dianne, and another couple, Rick and Nadine, who skillfully steal from drugstores and hospital medicine cabinets in order to appease their insatiable need for drugs. But neither fun nor luck last forever.

Nina and Madeleine have been sharing their lives and the landing between their two apartments for decades. After more than 20 years of loving in the shadows, Madeleine promises Nina she will tell her family the truth. It takes an unexpected event to show her the importance of living your truth.

Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.

Cristina, a journalist of Mexican origin, travels to her ancestral home in Veracruz to investigate a story of sorcery and healing. There, she is kidnapped by a group of locals who claim she's the devil incarnated.

A terminally ill mother invites her family to their country house for one final gathering, but tensions quickly boil over between her two daughters.

Rose Morgan, who still lives with her mother, is a professor of Romantic Literature who desperately longs for passion in her life. Gregory Larkin, a mathematics professor, has been burned by passionate relationships and longs for a sexless union based on friendship and respect.

Veteran catcher Crash Davis is brought to the minor league Durham Bulls to help their up and coming pitching prospect, "Nuke" Laloosh. Their relationship gets off to a rocky start and is further complicated when baseball groupie Annie Savoy sets her sights on the two men.

In 1974, 12-year-old Jan Broberg is abducted from a small church-going community in Idaho by a trusted neighbour and close family friend.

Fashion assistant Maca has just about got her life together after a devastating breakup, when Leo, the man who broke her heart returns. Seeking support from best friends, Adriana and Jime, all three will learn love can be complicated.

Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents Daniel Cravinhos's point of view of the events that led to the death of Marísia and Manfred von Richthofen, his girlfriend’s parents.

Malu, Lúcia and Maria found the ideal man to marry. Until they discover that in reality this man is the same person: Samuel, who was dating all of them over the past years. The three will have to decide if they will fight amongst each other for exclusivity or will unite in revenge.

A family must use a magical box of Animal Crackers to save a rundown circus from being taken over by their evil uncle Horatio P. Huntington.

After his brother dies in a car crash, a disgraced MMA fighter takes over the family nightclub — and soon learns his sibling's death wasn’t an accident.

Spiritizmo seansų metu rašytoją aplanko mūzos, tačiau vieną kartą jis netyčia išsikviečia savo mirusios žmonos dvasią. Situacija gerokai komplikuojasi, kuomet jis patenka į meilės trikampio pinkles, mat praėjo net penkeri metai, kaip jis yra vedęs dabartinę savo žmoną.

Years after moving to a remote town, ex-cop Pipa is pulled back into the dark world she thought she'd left behind when a corpse appears on her property.