The debut of this Dutch comedy duo. They won the Dutch Cameretten festival which a short (early) version of this show.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

Born of a chance meeting in Venice, Silvestro and Camilla's rocky romance unfolds over 10 winters as new lovers come and go but they are eternally thrust back into one another's arms.

Dobrinya Nikitich goes on a quest to save the royal niece and finds out whether his old friend Zmey Gorinich is loyal to him. During the adventures, he is accompanied by the royal messenger who's in love with the royal niece.

Vlasnik vrhunskog francuskog restorana, gospodin Septime, nađe se umiješan u zločin kad nestane jedan od njegovih uglednih gostiju.

London, England, on the eve of World War II. Guinevere Pettigrew, a strict governess who is unable to keep a job, is fired again. Lost in the hostile city, a series of fortunate circumstances lead her to meet Delysia LaFosse, a glamorous and dazzling American jazz singer whose life is a chaos ruled by indecision, a continuous battle between love and fame.

When her mother falls for a wealthy man, Lina Cruz must move in with her new stepfather and transfer from an urban East Los Angeles public high school to an exclusive prep school in Malibu, where she struggles to fit in with her affluent new peers. After snooty cheerleading captain Avery blocks Lina from varsity, Lina recruits her best friends from her old school to help her whip the pathetic junior varsity cheerleading squad -- the Sea Lions -- into fighting shape.

The continuation of Joe's sexually dictated life delves into the darker aspects of her adult life and what led to her being in Seligman's care.

Purl, an earnest ball of yarn, gets a job at a fast-paced, male-centered startup company. Things start to unravel as Purl tries to fit in with this tight-knit group, but she must ask herself how far is she willing to go to get the acceptance she yearns for and if, in the end, it is worth it.

After finding an ad online for “video work,” Sara, a video artist whose primary focus is creating intimacy with lonely men, thinks she may have found the subject of her dreams. She drives to a remote house in the forest and meets a man claiming to be a serial killer. Unable to resist the chance to create a truly shocking piece of art, she agrees to spend the day with him. However, as the day goes on, she discovers she may have dug herself into a hole from which she can’t escape.

Jason Voorhees odvezen je u mrtvačnicu i proglašen mrtvim, ali on oživi, pobjegne iz bolnice i vrati se na Crystal Lake uhoditi nove žrtve.

A couple's camping trip turns into a frightening ordeal when they stumble across the scene of a horrific crime.

Jason Voorhees vraća se kako bi se osvetio svima koji uđu u njegove šume. Bezbrižno ljetovanje postaje smrtonosna noćna mora naivnim savjetnicima u kampu na Crystal Lakeu dok ih manijakalni ubojica progoni jednog po jednog.

Two sisters on Mexican vacation are trapped in a shark observation cage at the bottom of the ocean, with oxygen running low and great whites circling nearby, they have less than an hour of air left to figure out how to get to the surface.

Izolirani sanatorij duboko u divljini Zapadne Virginije napušten je nakon što incestuozna seljačka obitelj kanibala pobjegne i osveti se svojim tamničarima. Desetljećima poslije skupina studenata potraži zaklon u sada napuštenoj bolnici nakon što im mećava pokvari planove za zimski vikend u prirodi. Ali kada studenti susretnu najopasnije bivše pacijente odjela, jedini im je izbor da uzvrate udarac… Ili umru pri tom pokušaju!

George i Alice Newton vlasnici su male tvrtke koja proizvodi "osvježivače zatvorenih prostora". Imaju troje djece - tinejdžericu Ryce i nešto mlađe Teda i Emily. Glavna "zvijezda" u obitelji je prekrasni pas bernardinac kojem su nadjenuli ime Beethoven. Jednom prilikom Beethoven luta po njihovom malom gradu i zaljubi se u kuju Missy koja je također čistokrvni bernardinac. Njezin vlasnik, kojeg ona obožava, upravo se rastaje od antipatične i pohlepne Regine . Regina mrzi pse, ali kako u ime alimentacije želi izvući sve, oduzima mužu i Missy. Novi Reginin dečko, primitivni Floyd , ostavi po Regininoj uputi Missy na balkonu, a ona pobjegne i ode s Beethovenom u kino. Nakon deset tjedana izlegne četiri prekrasna šteneta. Newtonova djeca, Ted i Emily, naslute da je Beethoven zaljubljen pa krenu za njim. Pronađu ga s Missy i štencima u podrumu Reginine kuće. Pojavi se Regina, a oni se sakriju. Ona odvede Missy, a štenci je ne zanimaju. Djeca ih uzmu kući.

Life after college graduation is not exactly going as planned for Will and Jillian who find themselves lost in a sea of increasingly strange jobs. But with help from their family, friends and coworkers they soon discover that the most important (and hilarious) adventures are the ones that we don't see coming.

Eddie, a struggling animal trainer and single dad suddenly finds himself the personal wrangler for a large and lovable St. Bernard whose fabulous movie "audition" catapults the dog to stardom. However, a trio of unscrupulous ne'er-do-wells have plans to kidnap the famous dog and hold him for ransom.

Tijekom proslave mature na luksuznom brodu, srednjoškolce terorizira probuđeni Jason Voorhees. Moraju pobjeći njegovom ubojitom divljanju ili umrijeti u mračnim vodama New Yorka.

As the streets of Los Angeles overflow with camera-wielding gawkers seeking to capture images of a bizarre police pursuit, the same people who sought to exploit the suffering of others for amusement on the Internet become the stars of a gruesome viral video from which no one gets out alive.