A screenwriter comes up with a story about an affair between a maid and her employer.

The enthralling, against-all-odds story that transfixed the world in 2018: the daring rescue of twelve boys and their coach from deep inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand.

1893 წელს განდი სამხრეთ აფრიკაში მატარებლიდან გადმოაგდეს იმის გამო, რომ იგი ინდოელი იყო და პირველი კლასის ვაგონით მგზავრობდა. აფრიკაში კანონი ინდოელების წინააღმდეგ იყო , მან კი გადაწყვიტა მშვიდობიანი საპროტესტო კამპანია წამოეწყო სამხრეთ აფრიკაში ინდოელთა უფლებების დასაცავად. მრავალი დაპატიმრებისა და მსოფლიოს ყურადღების მიპყრობის შემდეგ, მთავრობამ საბოლოოდ აღიარა ინდოელების უფლებები. ამ გამარჯვების შემდეგ განდი ინდოეთში დაბრუნდა სადაც მას როგორც გმირს ისე შეხვდნენ. ამის შემდეგ მან ბრიტანეთის იმპერიისგან ინდოეთის დამოუკიდებლობისთვის დაიწყო ბრძოლა. განდის სამშვიდობო-საპროტესტო აქციები მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით უპრეცენდენტო რაოდენობის ინდოელს მოიცავდა.

In the harsh times of the small time crime in Istanbul, a conscientious police officer Cumali is recognized by the police chief Ziver Bey who sees Cumali as a threat and matches him with Sekerpare, a famous harlot.

On the night of an astronomical anomaly, eight friends at a dinner party experience a troubling chain of reality bending events.

When a young boy makes a wish at a carnival machine to be big—he wakes up the following morning to find that it has been granted and his body has grown older overnight. But he is still the same 13-year-old boy inside. Now he must learn how to cope with the unfamiliar world of grown-ups including getting a job and having his first romantic encounter with a woman.

A man follows a group of workers coming for daywork in an industrial area. Soon, he’s stripped from his clothes and identity, dressed in a military uniform and armed. His determination not to fall behind the others is then tested by a series of unsettling events.

Blank-faced bug killer Bill Lee and his dead-eyed wife, Joan, like to get high on Bill's pest poisons while lounging with Beat poet pals. After meeting the devilish Dr. Benway, Bill gets a drug made from a centipede. Upon indulging, he accidentally kills Joan, takes orders from his typewriter-turned-cockroach, ends up in a constantly mutating Mediterranean city and learns that his hip friends have published his work -- which he doesn't remember writing.

After working as a drug courier and getting into a brutal shootout with police, a former boxer finds himself at the mercy of his enemies as they force him to instigate violent acts that turn the prison he resides in into a battleground.

After betraying his social class, denying his peasant roots and fleeing his native village, Ahmed has become a successful businessman and has found a place in the sun among the bourgeoisie. Azem, his childhood friend, has followed a quite different way. refusing the rat race, he has remained close to people of humble origin. Politically committed, he aspires to be useful to his country and more particularly to the forsaken rural world. The two former friends meet again. Due to the influence of Azem, Ahmed gradually becomes aware that his life is a failure.

მილან კუნდერას ამავე სახელწოდების რომანის ეკრანიზაცია. ეს არის სასიყვარულო რომანი, რომელიც დაიწყო პრაღის ცნობილი მოვლენების დროს 1968 წელს. მთავარი გმირია ლამაზი, ახალგაზრდა ქირურქი, შეგნებული ბერბიჭა სახელად ტომაში. და ტერეზა ახალგაზრდა შეყვარებული ქალი.

An embattled NYPD detective, is thrust into a citywide manhunt for a pair of cop killers after uncovering a massive and unexpected conspiracy. As the night unfolds, lines become blurred on who he is pursuing, and who is in pursuit of him.

When Sarah Marshall dumps aspiring musician Peter Bretter for rock star Aldous Snow, Peter's world comes crashing down. His best friend suggests that Peter should get away from everything and to fly off to Hawaii to escape all his problems. After arriving in Hawaii and meeting the beautiful Rachel Jansen, Peter is shocked to see not only Aldous Snow in Hawaii, but also Sarah Marshall.

Güven, a taxi driver is desperately in love with Meral, but he’s too shy to open up to her. One day he picks up a customer, gets accused of a crime he didn’t commit and his world is turned upside down.

Istanbul Police Department homicide detectives encounter a murder nothing like they’ve seen before.Commissioners Emin, Salih, Asuman and deputy Alaattin begin investigating.But strange murders keep happening. They don’t have any evidence or any clues. Day by day, tempers flare and the police chiefs grow annoyed.As the murders keep piling up, the public’s interest rises. The pressure on Emin and his colleagues get intense. At last, the chief of police assigns “crime expert” Dizdar Koşu, who has recently come back from the US, to the team.Overwhelmed with panic, pressure and disdain, Emin and his friends try to solve the strangest series of murders with the most unusual methods.This fast race against time immediately turns into a tragicomedy.

Working in a ferry as a waiter, Ayzek, having a defect with his front teeth, dreams to get his front teeth fixed and to marry his girlfriend, Songül. The news gets out that the ferry company is turning over the management to a new one and the whole crew is to be interviewed. When the interviewer arrives on board, Ayzek’s world is turned upside down.

After 8 years, Arif's old friend 216 from planet GORA pays a visit to Earth.Together they go on a quest where they'll be visiting 60's.

ემა და ლივი ბავშვობის მეგობრები არიან.მათ ერთმანეთის მეჯვარეობა ბავშვობიდანვე ჰქონათ გადაწყვეტილი..ყველაფერი მას შემდეგ შეიცვლება რაც ისენი ერთი და იგივე დღეს დანიშნავენ ქორწინების თარიღს..

Birol has given up his true passion, dancing, after getting injured in an accident. Birol leaves his job as a quilt maker at his father’s shop when his father passes away and travels to İstanbul to dance his way to the top at a talent show. But his dreams soon run up against uncanny realities.

The medical team that came to the village in the late 1990s placed an intrauterine contraceptive device in all women with at least three children. As the men of the village sit down and ponder what the device worn by the women is, they conclude that the state has wired them through a series of misunderstandings. Until this misunderstanding is cleared up, everything in the village is set to change.