Чудо је невероватна инспиративна топла прича о Аугусту Пулману, дечаку с тешким генетским поремећајем због којег од рођења има унакажено лице и главу. Топла и дирљива прича пуна људскости и наде! Након 28 операција због којих никад није могао да нормално похађа школу, с десет година га родитељи ипак уписују у пети разред основне школе Бекер. Аугие у школу креће с пуно страха и неверице и боји се како ће свакодневно бити изложен погледима, згражавању и коментарима својих школских пријатеља.

Прича о улози Ј. Роберта Опенхајмера у развоју атомске бомбе током Другог светског рата.

Радња филма се врти око породичног окупљања које крене по злу након смрти 85-годишњег Харлана Томбија, главе породице. У њихов породични дом долазе два детектива како би истражили смрт и открили скривене породичне тајне. Сваки члан породице постаје сумњив, па чак и споредни ликови који се појављују током филма.

Старија кинеска имигранткиња је увучена у незамисливу авантуру у којој сама покушава да спаси свет истражујући паралелне универзуме у којима се среће са животним путањама које је могла да води.

Главни јунак је Крис, црнац који планира да упозна родитеље своје беле девојке Роуз. Али, од почетка нешто није како треба.

Док свет пада, млада Фуриоса бива зграбљена са Зеленог места многих мајки у руке велике бајкерске хорде коју предводи војсковођа Дементус. Чистећи кроз пустош, наилазе на цитаделу којом председава Имортан Џо. Два тиранина воде рат за превласт, а Фуриоса мора да преживи многа искушења док саставља средства да пронађе пут кући.

A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility — skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.

When her mother disappears while on vacation in Colombia with her new boyfriend, June’s search for answers is hindered by international red tape. Stuck thousands of miles away in Los Angeles, June creatively uses all the latest technology at her fingertips to try and find her before it’s too late. But as she digs deeper, her digital sleuthing raises more questions than answers... and when June unravels secrets about her mom, she discovers that she never really knew her at all.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

An ex-thief is accused of enacting a new crime spree, so to clear his name he sets off to catch the new thief, who’s imitating his signature style.

За најбоље другарице Беки и Хантер, живот се своди на савладавање страхова и померање граница. Али након што се попну 2000 стопа до врха удаљеног, напуштеног радио торња, остају насукане без икакве могућности повратка на земљу. Сада ће њихове стручне вештине пењања бити стављене на крајњи тест док се очајнички боре да преживе недостатак залиха и висине које изазивају вртоглавицу у овом адреналинском трилеру.

After the events of the summer, Ares and Raquel they don't see a way forward in their relationship and decide to go separate ways. But when they meet again in the winter in Barcelona, the love and desire they feel for each other is undeniable. Will they be able to find a way to get back together?

After a team of surgeons botches his beloved wife's operation, the distraught Dr. Phibes unleashes a score of Old-Testament atrocities on his enemies.

26 years ago, state troops were ordered to open fire on civilians in the city of Gwangju who were demonstrating as apart of a democratic movement. Thousands of civilians were killed. Now, a shooter from the national team, a gang member, a policeman, CEO from a large company and director of a private security outfit get involved in a plan to convict the person responsible for the massacre.

A professional GO player gathers a team to help him carry out his revenge against the man who killed his brother.

North Korea's 8th Special Forces hijack a shipment of CTX, a potent new liquid explosive, and threatens South Korea as part of a plot to re-unify the two countries. Ryu and Lee, special agents of O.P., South Korea's secret intelligence service, attempt to track down the terrorists and find the CTX. Meanwhile Hee, the 8th's ultra-bad female sniper, resurfaces to wreak havoc and haunt Ryu.

Лични поглед на порекло француског војсковође и брз, немилосрдан успон до цара, посматран кроз призму Наполеонове зависничке, нестабилне везе са његовом женом и једном истинском љубављу, Жозефином.

Philosophical twenty-something Ross Ulbricht creates Silk Road, a dark net website that sells drugs, while DEA agent Rick Bowden goes undercover to bring him down.

Florence wants to introduce David, the man she’s madly in love with, to her father Guillaume. But David isn’t attracted to Florence and wants to throw her into the arms of his friend Willy. The four characters meet in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

Eun-joo dreams of being a plastic surgery specialist while she works as a nurse. At night, she has a job as Nabi, having sex on the phone to come up with money for her dad's medical bills. La Belle's madam Big Mama pays her girls in advance and forces them to do sexual activities like body cams while she rips them off their money. At La Belle are Candy, Cherry, Eunmi and other girls with stories but have sex on the phone with men. Meanwhile, Joon-ho, Eun-joo's hospital director starts showing interest in Eun-joo who looks like his dead wife and they develop a romantic relationship. However, Eun-joo doesn't open up to him so he starts to feel disappointed. Joon-ho starts getting obssessed with her the more she pushes away from him until one day he sees her going to her night job.