Live at the Showbox captures Pearl Jam playing in the intimate environment of the Showbox Theatre in Seattle, WA. It was released on May 7, 2003. It was recorded on December 6, 2002 at The Showbox in the band's hometown of Seattle, Washington. The show was the second of four warm-up gigs for the band's 2003 Riot Act Tour. The DVD is only available through the band's official website.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

Saunders with his Cattlemen's Protective Agency is running roughshod over the ranchers. Lawyer Larry Kimball is fighting him but he needs a rancher that will stand up with him against Saunders. He finds him when Lou Gehrig retires from baseball to take up ranching. Lou expects to relax on his ranch but quickly joins Larry in the fight.

Когда мир Старка рушится на его глазах по вине неизвестных противников, Тони жаждет найти виновных и свести с ними счеты. Оказавшись в безвыходной ситуации, Старк может рассчитывать только на себя и свою изобретательность, чтобы защитить тех, кто ему дорог. Это становится настоящим испытанием для героя, которому придется не только сражаться с коварным врагом, но и разобраться в себе, чтобы найти ответ на вопрос, который давно его тревожит: что важнее — человек или костюм?

Группа агентов ФБР, базирующаяся на Гавайях под видом секс-радиостудии, через спутник получает сведения о переброске в Техасе террористами партии оружия и взрывчатки. Секс-диктор Айва зашифрованным секс-текстом сообщает об этом свои техасским коллегам «Тигрице» и «Стражу». «Тигрица» и «Страж» преследуют террористов и уничтожают их. Но вскоре выясняется, что террористы были всего лишь отвлекающим маневром. Пока «Страж» отсутствовал, бандиты побывали в его офисе и скопировали компьютерный диск, на котором были данные о филиппинских сокровищах, конфискованных японцами во время второй мировой войны и спрятанных на острове «Дикий Пляж».

Arnold, a school kid with a vacant stare and hair sticking out, takes the bus to school. He sits idly through lessons. Then, it's time for band, where he plays the piccolo. He daydreams through the Vienna waltz, imagining himself ice-skating, and sending the school bully into the cold water by cutting a circle through the ice around him. The band plays a second song, and Arnold imagines spring. The music ends, the room empties except for Arnold. The teacher says, "Arnold, everybody's gone to recess."

Ervin Plummer-played by the estimable George Macready, who like his good friend Vincent Price was a man of culture and erudition who specialised in bad guy roles-is a grasping avaricious businessman with a hunger for gold.

What do we do when the Federal Government steps outside of its constitutional limits? Do we ask federal judges in black robes to enforce the limits of federal power? Do we "vote the bums out" in the hopes that new bums will surrender their power? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison didn't think so, and neither should we. The rightful remedy to federal tyranny rests in the hands of the people and the States that created the federal government in the first place. It's called nullification, and it's an idea whose time has come.

Filmmaker Jack Bond and Salvador Dali got together at Christmas 1965 to make Dali in New York, a highly entertaining film. Dali devoted two weeks of his life to creating extraordinary scenes for the film, performing "manifestations" with a plaster cast. A thousand ants and one million dollars in cash. When he confronts the feminist writer, Jane Arden, sparks fly. "You are my Slave! I am not your slave. Everybody is my slave." Dali recalls his meeting with Freud, "The last human relationship ever" About his wife, 'But for Gala I would be lying in a gutter somewhere covered with lice" Jim Desmond's dazzling cinematography captures the great artist painting as Flamenco virtuoso Manitas de Plata performs. Dali in New York is a rare treat for anyone who loves film and the living theatre of Dali's surreal universe.

Мир впал во мрак. Города, как сказано в предсказании, стали кладбищами, а кладбища городами. Эпидемия распространяется из небоскрёба по всему мегаполису. В доме одновременно оказываются разные люди, оказавшиеся там с разными целями. Полицейские, наркодиллеры, школьницы, рэперы, девицы легкого поведения, тусовщики... Они первыми и оказываются жертвами.Небоскрёб превращается в кладбище восставших мертвецов. Эпидемия выходит на улицы города, но она меняет людей, превращая их не только в зомби. Милый и когда-то добрый учитель химии становится хозяином бойцовой арены, на которой люди сражаются с мертвецами. И что ждёт такой грёбаный мир? Надежда или смерть. Умереть или сражаться?

The SD Gundams are at it again: first with a race among all of the prior SD Gundam characters, then the SD Zeons run a space travel agency in the second episode.

Inspired by the book of Job, Trust tells the story of Daniel Rainwater, an everyday guy whose life is falling apart. As his marriage to Sarah begins to crumble when he loses his job and thinking that life couldn't get any worse, it does. Bitter towards God and going nowhere fast, Daniel must learn to trust God again before he loses it all for good. For Sarah, as tensions in the marriage rise, she falls out of love. Only to be confronted with whether she can still believe in her marriage and in hope once again. Meanwhile, their children Lea and Jonah are going through their personal journeys, with Lea having to learn to trust her parents and Jonah having to overcome his individual fears. Trust asks the age old question of 'How do we trust God, when life is falling apart? And carries a thread of relevance to everyone that no matter what you're going through, 'Never give up on hope'.

Through a collage of found footage, reenactments, and digital manipulation, the intersection between queerness and age is explored through a reflection of youthful regrets.

Backstreet Boys - Never Gone Tour Live in Shanghai, China 2006