Robertas Redfordas vaidina Depresijos laikų sukčių Džonį Hukerį, kurio draugą ir mokytoją Liuterį Koulmaną nužudo reketininkas/lošėjas Doilas Loneganas. Norėdamas atkeršyti už Liuterio mirtį, Džonis sukuria „geluonį” – klastingą planą, turintį sunaikinti Loneganą. Jis pasiūlo savo paslaugas sukčių karaliui Henriui Gondorfui. Hukeris su Gondorfu surenka gražią sukčių komandą, visi jie nekenčia Lonegano ir nori atkeršyti už Liuterį.

When petty criminal Luke Jackson is sentenced to two years in a Florida prison farm, he doesn't play by the rules of either the sadistic warden or the yard's resident heavy, Dragline, who ends up admiring the new guy's unbreakable will. Luke's bravado, even in the face of repeated stints in the prison's dreaded solitary confinement cell, "the box," make him a rebel hero to his fellow convicts and a thorn in the side of the prison officers.

Liepos karštis, nedidelis Hadleyville miestas Naujojoje Meksikoje. Savo vestuvių dieną ir paskutinę dieną kaip šerifas Vilas Keinas sužino, kad nusikaltėlis Frenkas Mileris, kuris Keino buvo suimtas, bet dabar jam suteikta malonė, sugrįžta į miestą. Trys Milerio gaujos nariai (Mileris Jaun., Kolbis ir Piersas) laukia geležinkelio stotyje savo vadeivos, kad atkeršytų šerifui Keinui - traukinys turėtų atvykti lygiai vidurdienį.

During the 1972 elections, two reporters' investigation sheds light on the controversial Watergate scandal that compels President Nixon to resign from his post.

An aging group of outlaws look for one last big score as the "traditional" American West is disappearing around them.

An alcoholic ex-football player drinks his days away, having failed to come to terms with his sexuality and his real feelings for his football buddy who died after an ambiguous accident. His wife is crucified by her desperation to make him desire her: but he resists the affections of his wife. His reunion with his father—who is dying of cancer—jogs a host of memories and revelations for both father and son.

The murder of her father sends a teenage tomboy on a mission of 'justice', which involves avenging her father's death. She recruits a tough old marshal, 'Rooster' Cogburn because he has 'true grit', and a reputation of getting the job done.

Buvęs slaptasis agentas, o dabar vienišas nevykėlis, Brainas privalo nusileisti buvusios žmonos reikalavimui ir duoti sutikimą savo dukrai atostogoms kelionei po Europą. Naivę merginą, o taip pat ir jos draugę pagrobia albanų banditai ir ruošiasi parduoti jas į albanų vergiją. Susijaudinęs tėvas tuoj pat vyksta į Prancūziją tam, kad išgelbėtų savo dukrą...

Maria marries a young soldier in the last days of World War II, only for him to go missing in the war. She must rely on her beauty and ambition to navigate the difficult post-war years alone.

Hud Bannon is a ruthless young man who tarnishes everything and everyone he touches. Hud represents the perfect embodiment of alienated youth, out for kicks with no regard for the consequences. There is bitter conflict between the callous Hud and his stern and highly principled father, Homer. Hud's nephew Lon admires Hud's cheating ways, though he soon becomes too aware of Hud's reckless amorality to bear him anymore. In the world of the takers and the taken, Hud is a winner. He's a cheat, but, he explains, "I always say the law was meant to be interpreted in a lenient manner."

In 2015, thirty year old refugee Francis, the sole survivor of a boat that illegally crossed the Mediterranean, is drawn into Berlin's seedy underbelly.

After the end of WWII, a young Lithuanian woman and a young Italian man from Stromboli impulsively marry, but married life on the island is more demanding than she can accept.

John Russell, disdained by his "respectable" fellow stagecoach passengers because he was raised by Indians, becomes their only hope for survival when they are set upon by outlaws.

A bounty hunter trying to bring a murderer to justice is forced to accept the help of two less-than-trustworthy strangers.

Texas Ranger Jake Cutter arrests gambler Paul Regret, but soon finds himself teamed with his prisoner in an undercover effort to defeat a band of renegade arms merchants and thieves known as Comancheros.

Aspiring actor and hot-dog stand employee Bobby Taylor catches the ire of his grandmother for auditioning for a role in the regrettably titled exploitation film "Jivetime Jimmy's Revenge." When Tinseltown Studios casts Taylor in the title role, he has a series of conflicted dreams satirizing African-American stereotypes in Hollywood, and must reconcile his career goals with his desire to remain a positive role model for his little brother.

An FBI agent tracks a serial killer with the help of three of his would-be victims - all of whom have wildly different stories to tell.

Two air traffic controllers who thrive on living dangerously compete to outdo each other on several levels.

Sadoun is France’s best soccer player whose extra-curriculum pleasures are damaging his play and new contract negotiations. Dispatched by his scheming agent to his home village, he ends up reconciling with his father, relating to his fatherless niece, who dotes on him, and training his local children’s team, whom he takes to championship glory.

At a Greek hotel in the off-season, a chambermaid, a man obsessed with BMW cars, and a photo-store clerk attempt to film and photograph various badly re-enacted struggles between a man and a woman.