After marriage, a woman struggles to be the submissive wife that her husband and his family expect her to be.

Villa Primic was once a luxurious home. Now in disrepair, the Primic family home is up for sale by the owner, Rose, and her two heirs, Massimiliano and Adele. The head of the family, Valerio, is vehemently opposed to this. The reunion is going to be complicated...

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Naples, 1959. Pure Mathematics professor Renato Caccioppoli, Bakunin's grandson, is a tortured soul. Recently discharged from the psychiatric hospital, left by his wife, and increasingly disillusioned with academia and the Communist Party, he lives his last days with painful detachment.

Maailmaa jo usealta kantilta nähneet Fern ja Dave kohtaavat toisensa sattumalta ulkoiluttaessaan koiriaan vehreässä Pohjois-Lontoossa. Vaikka molemmat yksineläjät suhtautuvat uuteen tuttavuuteen varauksella, ystävyys alkaa hiljalleen syventyä. Aluillaan olevan yhteisen taipaleen tielle ilmaantuu kuitenkin salaisuuksia, joiden sanoittaminen tuntuu liki ylitsepääsemättömän hankalalta. Kaikkein henkilökohtaisimpien asioiden jakaminen toisen kanssa kun voi olla yllättävän haastavaa runsaasta elämänkokemuksesta huolimatta - tai juuri sen takia.

A French chef swears revenge after a violent attack on his daughter's family in Macau, during which her husband and her two children are murdered. To help him find the killers, he hires three local hit-men working for the mafia.

The story follows Nozaki Haruka, a middle school student who transfers to a new school in a small town because of her father's work. Unfortunately, she becomes a victim of horrific bullying, but since the school will be closing in 2 months after graduation, no one is willing to help her.

After a car accident that caused the loss of her baby, Jane experiences an increasing amount of nightmares that shake her to her core. After seeking professional help, her haunting visions turn into an even more frightening reality, one full of black magic, blood orgies, and murder.

Yvan De Wiel, a private banker from Geneva, is going to Argentina in the midst of a dictatorship to replace his partner, the object of the most worrying rumors, who disappeared overnight. Between hushed lounges, swimming pools, and gardens under surveillance, a remote duel takes place between two bankers who, despite different methods, are the accomplices of a discreet and merciless form of colonization.

Former East Germany, 1992. Patrick Stein and Markus Bach, two very different police officers, are commissioned to investigate the disappearance of two female teenagers in a remote area of the country. Did they run away from home or did something more terrible happen to them?

Frank, Swaino ja Packie ovat bestiksiä, jotka fanittavat Red Soxia, rakastavat meluisia baareja ja Frankin teini-ikäistä tytärtä Crystalia. Kun Frank kutsuu ystävänsä viskinhöyryiseen illanviettoon ja pyytää heitä tekemään palveluksen nuoren naisen puolesta, kolmikko ajautuu kohti hallitsemattomien tapahtuminen kaaosta.

Franck just had the most crazy and wonderful idea for a company that would finally get him and his friends proper jobs. As Uber delivers food, Amazon daily items, Song Express will deliver songs. To your friends, or your loved one, or yourself, anywhere you want. It is brilliant, it is foolish, it could work… For Franck, Jean-Claude, Sophie and José, Song Express becomes something more than just a professional challenge: it is the dream of a lifetime.

In a forgotten pocket of Southern Ohio where American manufacturing and opportunity are drying up, a determined young woman finds a ticket out when she is accepted to college. Alongside her older brother, Ruth Avery joins a dangerous scrap metal crew in order to pay her way. Together, they spend one brutal winter working the scrap yards during the day and stealing valuable metal from the once thriving factories by night. With her goal in sight, Ruth finds that the ultimate cost of an education for a girl like her may be more than she bargained for, and she soon finds herself torn between a promising future and the family she would leave behind.

Two, very different, brothers are reunited for their father's funeral. But, when they arrive at the crematorium nobody is there, not even the corpse, except for Chloe who introduces herself as their sister.

A 30-year-old spends a wild weekend in Palm Springs and wakes up to find she has magically transformed into her 70-year-old self.

A couple in crisis after the birth of their first son rekindles their love during a trip to Norway.

When young couple Sarah and Kyle move next door to Helen, a charismatic older woman, they have no idea she's a deeply disturbed psychopath who will stop at nothing to become Sarah's surrogate mother, and grandmother to the child she is expecting. Julia Borsellino, Mark Taylor, Deborah Grover, Marium Carvell star. (2021)

An American writer living in exile in London, Philip listens to women. His English mistress, who visits him regularly in the studio that serves as their refuge. A student he loved in another life. A former lover confined to a hospital in New York.

A teen and her mother live simply in a home in the woods, spending their time making metal music. A chance encounter with a fellow teen causes her to uncover a connection between her family and witchcraft, which causes a rift with her mother.

Entinen maavoimien eliittisotilas Mack on muuttanut kaupunkiin, jonka vesivoimala työllistää valtaosan paikallisista. Hänen rauhalliselle elämälleen tulee kuitenkin äkkiloppu, kun kostonhimoisen rikollisen Ron Whitlockin johtama palkkasoturijoukko valtaa voimalan ja ottaa panttivangeiksi niin työntekijät kuin luokkaretkellä olevan koululaisryhmänkin. Mackin on pysäytettävä mielipuoli, ennen kuin tämä avaa patoluukut ja aiheuttaa tuhotulvan.