A young actress arrives late to a casting, making up a great excuse without knowing a small detail.

A young girl gets so scared by the horror movie her older brother watches that she can’t sleep at night. Worse, the creatures from the film torment her, and she has to find a way to get through the night in this dialogue-free stop-motion film

Sparta Academy is the nation's top prep school, where students with poor grades undergo frightening torture under the school headmaster's direction. Kekko Kamen makes her appearance at the school in outrageous attire, completely naked except for her red mask, boots and gloves, and attacks the torturing teacher.

Guest Director, Rob Shaw takes the helm on this special Pop & Cub episode. Get your bandages ready for all the paper cuts 'cause you'll never look at stationary the same way again! Wanna know how this episode was crafted? Walk your mouse over to the Paper Craft blog and peel the pages on all the awesome behind-the-scene work that went into this beautiful short!

多姆现年 36 岁,是法国西部小镇莱索布勒德奥洛纳港 Petit Gael II 号渔船上的一名水手。他习惯于连续至少三周出海。尽管他经常不在家,但自从父母离婚后,他十几岁的孩子们还是决定和他住在一起。但是,当女儿梅莱斯怀孕后,多姆明白,他必须在大海和家人之间做出选择。

A World War II propaganda film about the need to remain calm and logical during wartime.

A shipwrecked Don Rainsford washes up on a homicidal big-game hunter's Caribbean island where the madman hunts human prey for his personal island habitat.

Cristina and Susana have been best friends since high school. Now, both over 30 years old, they are still living like they did in their teenage years. Or maybe they never grew up.

1986年周海媚、黎明主演的电影 “猪仔”是香港人对警校学员的称呼。聪明英俊的麦继香和温柔美丽的乌珠珠前往警校受训。麦对乌一见钟情,无奈男女学警界线分明。麦继香趁放假之日,追踪到珠珠家,不料珠珠的父亲竟是他的教官乌蛟龙,大惊失色的麦继香被骂得落荒而逃。一次校长让乌教官领“猪仔”们试更出勤,乌教官在麦继香等“猪仔”的配合下,破获一宗抢劫案。经过此次出更,乌教官信心恢复,亦谅解麦继香对自己女儿的一片痴心,准许二人继续来往。

Marco the Monkey works as a beach officer. But he spends most of his time trying to win the heart of the beautiful Lulu. He is just about to succeed, when Marco's rival, Carlo, builds a gigantic monkey-shaped casino right on Marco's beach. Lulu is fascinated by the charming Carlo. Jealously Marco starts an undercover investigation of Carlo's strange casino. Soon he discovers the truth. Carlo will take over the island and force Lulu to marry him! When Marco tries to arrest Carlo a problem rises. Literally from the ground. Because Carlo's Casino is a giant robot.

In this short animation film, Norman McLaren presents the first 3 of the 5 categories of motion: constant, accelerated and decelerated. Various types of acceleration and deceleration are demonstrated, and examples are shown of how these types of motion may be applied in regard to gesture, gravity and perspective.

An insane gore filled zombie anthology.

In WWI Germany, a famous conductor is attacked and transformed into a vampire, and must now choose between the woman he loves and avenging his only son's murder.