Željeznica će proći kroz pospani Rock Ridge u kojemu će zemljište vrijediti pravo bogatstvo. Jedini je problem što ljudi u Rock Ridgeu već posjeduju svu zemlju. Kako ih istjerati? Mjestašce ostaje bez predstavnika zakona koji je ubijen te traže od guvernera novog šerifa. Pod utjecajem zlog Hedleya Lamarra (Harvey Korman), čovjeka s jakim političkim vezama kojemu je u interesu učiniti grad nesnošljivim za život i tako prisliti stanovnike na prodaju, guverner William J. Lepetomane (Mel Brooks) im dodjeljuje crnoputog šerifa Barta (Cleavon Little) što je do tada bilo nezamislivo. Uz pomoć emotivnog lokalnog pijanca Jima (Gene Wilder), Bart smišlja plan kako spasiti gradić od korumpiranog guvernera, Lamarra i njegove željeznice.

Marketinški stručnjak na letu kući za Dan zahvalnosti sjedi do bučnog prodavača prstena za zavjese. Kada njihov let preusmjere zbog snježne oluje, jedan prodavačev savjet vodit će ih iz jedne katastrofe u drugu. Na putu kući kako bi proveo Dan zahvalnosti sa svojom obitelji, Neal Page (Steve Martin) na letu iz New Yorka za Chicago sjedi pokraj neotesanoga galamdžije Dela Griffitha (John Candy). Neal je ljubazni marketinški stručnjak koji je trebao dobiti mjesto u prvoj klasi; Del je prodavač alki za tuš-zavjese željan podijeliti svoja putnička iskustva s Nealom kad snježna oluja preusmjeri njihov let. Dok Neal pokušava pronaći prijevoz kući, a Delov savjet vodi ih iz jedne katastrofe u drugu – svaku iritantniju od one prije – postavlja se pitanje hoće li Neal stići na vrijeme kući kako bi proveo Dan zahvalnosti sa svojom obitelji. Ili će ga provesti s ovim gubitnikom?

The stooges are three doctors who graduated medical school by being in it for too many years. They come across such problems as an overly chirpy nurse, a mental patient, and a combination to a safe swallowed by the hospital superintendent in the course of their attempt to get through the day.

Norma Rae is a southern textile worker employed in a factory with intolerable working conditions. This concern about the situation gives her the gumption to be the key associate to a visiting labor union organizer. Together, they undertake the difficult, and possibly dangerous, struggle to unionize her factory.

Dave, nineteen, has just graduated high school, with his three friends: the comical Cyril, the warm hearted but short-tempered Moocher, and the athletic, spiteful but good-hearted Mike. Now, Dave enjoys racing bikes and hopes to race the Italians one day, and even takes up the Italian culture, much to his friends' and parents' annoyance.

Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC headquarters in Brussels and end up hijacking a tank.

Nishi is an advertising executive for a caramel company that is planning to launch a new product, in fierce competition with two other companies.

Indian scout Tom Jeffords is sent out to stem the war between the Whites and Apaches in the late 1870s. He learns that the Indians kill only to protect themselves, or out of retaliation for white atrocities.

At Adams College, the jocks rule the school from their house on high, the Alpha Beta fraternity. So when a group of socially-challenged misfits try to go Greek, they're instantly rejected by every house on campus. Deciding to start their own fraternity to protect their outcast brothers, the campus nerds soon find themselves in a battle royale as the Alpha Betas try to crush their new rivals.

Lucky Day (Steve Martin), Dusty Bottoms (Chevy Chase) i Ned Nederlander (Martin Short) zvijezde su nijemih vestern filmova, koje ostaju bez svoga posla uslijed velikih promjena u gledateljskom ukusu. Pozvani iz Meksika, kako bi nastupili zajedno s velikom tamošnjom ikonom El Guapom, njih se trojica daju na put, ali po dolasku shvaćaju da El Guapo nije nikakav glumac, nego okrutni kriminalac koji tlači lokalno stanovništvo. Tri amigosa pozvana su baš zato kako bi oslobodili žitelje malenog sela, koji ne razumiju kako ova tri glumca limitirana talenta nisu zapravo spretni i nepobjedivi kauboji, kakve su portretirali u svojim filmovima.

A brain surgeon marries a femme fatale, causing his life to turn upside down. Things go more awry when he falls in love with a talking brain.

During the Great Depression, a sheet music salesman seeks to escape his dreary life through popular music and a love affair with an innocent school teacher.

Londonskom detektivu Sigersonu Holmesu (G. Wilder) uistinu nije lako. Premda vjeruje da se sposobnošću i inteligencijom može mjeriti sa svojim starijim bratom Sherlockom Holmesom (D. Wilmer), nezadovoljni Sigerson cijeli život živi u sjeni slavnoga brata. Za njega kao detektiva gotovo nitko nije čuo, baš kao i za njihova trećeg brata Mycrofta, zbog čega Sigerson otvoreno prezire i zapravo mrzi Sherlocka. No kad nepoznat netko iz sefa uglednog lorda Redcliffa (J. Le Mesurier) jedne noći ukrade izuzetno vrijedan tajni dokument koji je lordu povjerila kraljica Victoria (S. Field), Sherlock Holmes zaključi da je riječ o velikoj spletki, te sa svojim prijateljem i suradnikom doktorom Watsonom (T. Walters) odluči prividno otputovati iz Londona. Pretvarajući se da odlazi iz grada, Sherlock namjerava upravo Sigersona gurnuti u prvi plan, te njemu prepustiti istragu slučaja koji bi mogao ugroziti sigurnost zemlje.

Nevjerojatni dvojac koji je vječito napušen, prodaje dovoljno svog 'posebnog' sladoleda da zaradi ozbiljan novac i ostvari svoje snove - nove gitare, otok na suncu i lijepe žene. Ali, naravno, ne ide sve po planu. Dok slave svoje bogatstvo u kineskom restoranu, Cheech sretne svoju davno izgubljenu ljubav Donnu i otprati je do njenog otmjenog apartmana. Međutim, ubrzo doznaje da dolazi Donnin dečko, bivši zatvorenik po imenu Animal. U međuvremenu, Chong je nesvjesno zamijenio sav njihov novac za bezvrijedni bankovni ček - a jedini način da ga vrati je da ode u obližnju ludnicu.

Jonas Nightengale is a fraudulent Christian faith healer who makes a living travelling around America holding revival meetings and conducting 'miracles' with the help of his friend and manager, Jane, and their entourage.

This is the story loosely based on Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed, who introduced rock'n'roll to teenage American radio audiences in the 1950s. Freed was a source of great controversy: criticized by conservatives for corrupting youth with the "devil's music"; hated by racists for promoting African American music for white consumption; persecuted by law enforcement officials and finally brought down by the "payola" scandals.

Pierre Renard is the blackboy of the writer George Vallier. At the time of a reception, the Italian actor Aldo Barazutti takes him for the writer and proposes to him to come to work with him in Tunisia with the development of a scenario. In fact Barazutti wants only to flee her wife to find her mistress Valerie. Misunderstandings when Vallier joined them. They must flee in the desert a jealous husband...

The students of a school create a big mess for their favorite teacher to return to school.

After their plane crashes in the Pacific Ocean after a storm a group of people scramble to a tropical island. At first the place seems home to palm trees and exotic wildlife but on the discovery of a disused military base they find out the island poses a severe threat to them

After a turn of unfortunate events in Jamaica, Everton leaves his home to make it big in the music business in America. Everything is not a bed of roses in Hollywood, but with struggles and perseverance he finds love and success, only to have it all threatened when the Don of LA (Paul Campbell) wants his dues.