Peril of the Antilles was filmed at the beginning of November 2010 while visiting a friend in Haiti. At this specific time, the cholera epidemic was on its way to Port-au-Prince, Hurricane Tomas was on the horizon, presidential elections were in a couple weeks and the first Gede (day of the dead) took place since the January quakes. Along the way I acquired a very curious copy of Michel “Sweet Micky” Martelly’s (Haiti’s newest president and once bad boy of Compas) music video from his early 90’s heyday… shot in a familiar location… rajé gain´ zoreille…

During President Obama's terms extreme energy extraction grew faster than anyone could have predicted, putting the 17 million people in America who live within one mile of a new gas or oil rig in harm's way.

This film is a short comedy/mock-umentary about a man who is so obsessed with the beauty of numbers that he tries to actually become a number. Its performance shows us the significance of human progress and having a beautiful mind.

A video recently posted shows something popping out of a closed toilet. Before the school was closed, rumors of "Hanako-san in the toilet" were whispered at the school, and now the interview team will try to confirm the truth.

When Jen's son disappears during a game of hide-and-seek she unwittingly embarks on a journey through time to find him.

After World War II, scores of refugees leave in search of a new home. They now stand in the hall of a large mansion, waiting to receive their deeds of ownership for sections of land that the lord of the manor had left behind after he fled. Among them is young Jeruscheit who, during her travels, had to bury one of her own children. Her husband has been declared missing, and up until now she has had little purpose in life. But then she discovers it: to work, to build, and to help others. And maybe someday Jeruscheit will find her family.

20th Anniversary Pop collection (15 videos) featuring Gary Numan's new wave classic "Cars" to Lionel Richie's smooth moves in "All Night Long" and Aqua's outrageous "Barbie Girl," Lisa Stansfield's "All Around the World," Smash Mouth's "Walkin' on the Sun," Tears for Fears' "Shout," Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping," Big Country's "In a Big Country," A Flock of Seagulls' "I Ran" and more.

The untold story of the first women in U.S. history to be sent into direct ground combat.

A photographer has his camera all set up to take a gentleman's picture. The subject checks his face in a hand mirror, and the photographer poses him. Just as the photographer is about to take the picture, the subject gets up to look at the camera more closely. The frustrated photographer soon becomes quite impatient.

One of the series of Bobby Bumps silent animated shorts made at Bray Studios.

Fraternity brothers enter one of their own into a scholarship lottery after a women's college insults them. Though the Zeta boys are celebrated for their comedy drag revue, staying undercover as a woman at an all-girls' school wasn't part of the rehearsal!

როდესაც ადამიანი წარმატებას ადრეულ ასაკში მიაღწევს, აქვს ძალიან ბევრი ფული, შესაშური კარიერა, იცნობენ საზოგადოების მაღალ წრეებში და პატივს სცემენ მას, ეს ყველაფერი ძალიან კარგია. მაგრამ ამას მარტო ერთი მხარე არ აქვს. მაგალითად, გიორგი თავს წარმატებული ადამიანის სიმბოლოდ მიიჩნევს, მთელს დროს საქმეს უთმობს. უყურადღებოდ რჩება მეუღლე ნინი, ცუდად ექცევა თანაშემწეს, მძღოლს ადამიანად არ თვლის. არ აღიარებს არცერთ ღირებულებას, რასაც შემოსავალი არ მოაქვს, ამიტომ სიღნაღში მდებარე პირველ ქართულ საბავშვო თეატრსაც კი დახურავს, რუსული რესტორანი უფრო პრიორიტეტულად მიაჩნია. რა მოხდება მაშინ, როცა გიორგი ყოველი იმ ადამიანის სხეულში იმოგზაურებს, ვისაც უსამართლოდ მოექცა? როგორი მძღოლი იქნება იგი საკუთარი თავისთის, ან თანაშემწე, თანაშემწის ცოლი, რომელთანაც სიღნაღში პაემანი აქვს, როგორ იგრძნობს თავს თეატრის დირექტორის როლში? კარგია ძაღლად ყოფნა, რომლის დაჭერასაც შენივე მითითებით ცდილობენ?

In 2006, Charlie Lynch was invited by the civic leaders of Morro Bay, CA to open a medical marijuana dispensary within the city limits. Offered a business license and asked to join the Chamber of Commerce, Lynch opened and maintained his business according to the most rigorous standards available. However, marijuana remains a Class 1 narcotic according to the DEA, and Lynch's business soon became the target of a large Federal investigation. This film explores the horrific descent into hell faced by Mr. Lynch - previously a law abiding citizen without so much as a speeding ticket, as he is cast as a Pablo Escobar and thrown into Federal detention.

Poetic biography of author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

A look inside the minds of two students who have been bullied to the extreme.