Returning to their lord's castle, samurai warriors Washizu and Miki are waylaid by a spirit who predicts their futures. When the first part of the spirit's prophecy comes true, Washizu's scheming wife, Asaji, presses him to speed up the rest of the spirit's prophecy by murdering his lord and usurping his place. Director Akira Kurosawa's resetting of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" in feudal Japan is one of his most acclaimed films.

In a Mars base, the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe, knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.

Recently paroled from prison, legendary burglar "Doc" Riedenschneider, with funding from Alonzo Emmerich, a crooked lawyer, gathers a small group of veteran criminals together in the Midwest for a big jewel heist.

Nad Veliko Britanijo se razdivja nevaren virus, ki uide iz laboratorija za raziskavo primatov, v katerega so vdrli borci za pravice živali. Prenaša se s kapljo krvi, poguben pa je v nekaj sekundah, saj okužene za vedno pahne v stanje morilskega besa. V 28 dneh je država na kolenih in peščica preživeli začne reševati prihodnost, a se ne zaveda, da virus ni edina stvar, ki jih ogroža.

The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.

Billy is released after five years in prison. In the next moment, he kidnaps teenage student Layla and visits his parents with her, pretending she is his girlfriend and they will soon marry.

The Yamadas are a typical middle class Japanese family in urban Tokyo and this film shows us a variety of episodes of their lives. With tales that range from the humorous to the heartbreaking, we see this family cope with life's little conflicts, problems, and joys in their own way.

Two brothers reunite at their father’s funeral after many years apart. Between bitterness from the past and forgotten affection they will embark on a trip onboard their motorbikes which they built when they were children.

Nadine is a French young woman. Fausto is an Italian young man trying to make it in Paris as a restaurant waiter. They accidentally meet at a five-star hotel. Both are fragile, alone and obsessed with the idea of an unattainable happiness. Their intense love is challenged by their own individual ambition and desperation.

One of the sons of late Dr. Henry Frankenstein finds his father's ghoulish creation in a coma and revives him, only to find out the monster is controlled by Ygor who is bent on revenge.

Zgodba sledi očetu, ki se s svojo hčerko udeleži pop koncerta, na katerem spoznata, da sta se znašla v osrčju zastrašujočih in grozljivih dogodkov, ujeta v skrbno postavljeno past.

Mako and her girl friends enter a dispute with rival street gangsters The Eagles, a band of racist macho pigs led by the evil Baron, who hate half-breeds. When one of the girls start dating a half-breed, they start a terror campaign to take all of them out of town. Mako and her gang fight back, helping their new friend Kazuma find his long gone sister.

For the past four years, San Francisco cop Jack Cates has been after an unidentified drug kingpin who calls himself the Ice Man. Jack finds a picture that proves that the Ice Man has put a price on the head of Reggie Hammond, who is scheduled to be released from prison on the next day.

A plane is taken over by a mysterious virus. When the plane lands it is placed under quarantine. Now a group of survivors must band together to survive the quarantine.

Wong Fei Hung must deal with both foreign threats and the nationalist Red Lantern Society in this continuation of the popular kung fu series.

Female prisoners in a Phillippine jail are being subjected to sadistic torture. Five of the women--along with the help of two men--plot an escape.

A demonic leprechaun terrorizes a group of young people whom he believes stole his gold.

A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.

V mestu se pojavi zloglasna roparska banda, zato morajo na pomoč priteči komandant Lassard in njegovi zvesti policisti, da bi nepridipravom stopili na prste. Ker lopovom po vsej verjetnosti pomaga nekdo iz policijskih vrst, tega nečednega dejanja obtožijo komandanta Lassarda. Zdaj imajo Hightower, Tackleberry, Jones in njihovi kolegi še razlog več, da pridejo na sled zločincem in operejo Lassardovo ime.

Ker Kevin živi pri mami, se odloči, da bo božične praznike raje preživel z očetom in njegovo novo punco Natalie v njeni ogromni graščini, polni neverjetnih tehnoloških čudes. Medtem Kevinov stari sovražnik Marv skupaj s pomočnico Vero naredi načrt, da bo ugrabil princa, ki prihaja k Natalie na obisk. Nepridiprava ne računata na Kevina, ki jima po hiši pridno nastavlja past za pastjo. Lekcija za Marva in Vero bo zelo boleča! Medtem ko Kevin obračunava z njima, njegova starša odkrijeta, da za njun zakon morda le še obstaja upanje.