A hidden memory sends David across the far reaches of time and space to solve a deadly mystery involving his time-traveling future selves.


  香港最大黑社会帮会“和联胜”举行两年一度的办事人选举,阿乐(任达华饰)与大D(梁家辉饰)作为两大地区领导,暗地里展开争夺宝座的努力,一众有投票权的元老亦为自身利益而明争暗斗,选举因此相当不顺利。  结果,阿乐再次获选成为办事人,满心不服的大D决定挑战帮规,他要抢夺到象征最高权力的信物龙头棍,组织新帮会。五名小头目(古天乐、张兆辉、张家辉、林雪、林家栋饰)牵连其中,为争夺龙头棍展开连番内斗。最终鹿死谁手,一切不得而知。

Lex Cordova is a young woman who counsels terminally ill clients that have trouble letting go. While proving uniquely talented in her ability to connect with the dying, Lex is at a total loss when dealing with everyone else.

In this adaptation of the work of Robert E. Howard, Conan goes in search of the ancient Sword of Atlantis, a powerful weapon you need to deal with an evil sorcerer. Together with a group of brave warriors live an incredible adventure in which you face terrible creatures from hell.



Three mercenaries extracting a druglord out of Guinea-Bissau are forced to hide in the mystical region of Saloum, Senegal.


一名侦探和一名法医联手解决维多利亚时代伦敦的一系列可怕谋杀案 ,但其中一个人隐藏着一个致命的秘密。

故事发生在 一个小镇上。一场暴风雪把一群居民困在当地的旅店里,新到达的护林员芬恩和邮政员工塞西莉维持着秩序,他们将揭开一个神秘生物背后的真相,这个神秘生物已经开始威胁到了社区安全。

Viola Davis, Denzel Washington, George C. Wolfe and more share the heart, soul and history that brought August Wilson's timeless play to the screen.


伊拉纳·格雷泽(《大城小妞》)、贾斯汀·塞洛克斯、皮尔斯·布鲁斯南将主演A24恐怖新片[假阳性](False Positive,暂译)。约翰·李(John Lee)执导,约翰与伊拉纳操刀剧本。卡司还包括约什·汉密尔顿([八年级])、格瑞辰·摩尔、索菲亚·布什(《芝加哥警署》)。剧情暂处于保密状态。该剧将于下周纽约开拍。

The twilight of a sacred monster, Jules Maugin, an actor at the height of his glory. Beneath the famous personality, the big mouth, and the social shell, lies the intimate portrait of a man laid bare.

A small town news team discovers a box of videotapes wherein a faceless figure, dressed in a dark suit, haunts and torments a family...slowly driving them insane. Soon after, they realize that the 'Operator' has begun to stalk them as well.

On October 31st, two preteens in a small town accidentally awaken an evil that has lain dormant for decades. They are forced to survive through a terrifying Halloween night of cat-and-mouse, from the monster known as "Bloody Bobby."

Kill or be killed is the golden rule of the Game of Death. Sucks for seven millennials who ignored that rule. Now each one's head will explode unless they kill someone. Will they turn on each other to survive, or will this sunny day be the last for the innocent people of their middle-of-nowhere town?

After several locals are viciously murdered, a Louisiana sheriff starts to suspect he may be dealing with a werewolf.

  在一个晴朗的日子里,两对青年男女索菲(斯蒂芬妮·贝尼特 Stephanie Bennett 饰)、本(安德鲁·邓巴 Andrew Dunbar 饰)、珍妮(梅丽莎·罗斯伯格 Melissa Roxburgh 饰)、戴维(布莱登·佛雷切 Brendan Fletcher 饰)辗转来到一个有着三百年历史的古老村落,这里荒草丛生,遍布着凯尔特人的遗迹,四周弥漫着古朴而神秘的异域气息。他们最先来到村中的小酒馆休息,经当地人介绍,决定前往一处古爱尔兰文明的发祥地探险。他们抵达位于密林深处的小木屋过夜,谁知当四周一片黑暗之际,某种神秘的生物悄悄接近索菲等人的住处。   完全没有防备的探险之旅,却在不知不觉间成为命运掌握在他人之手的猎物……