Fernanda is married to Tom, with whom she has a five-year-old daughter, Joana. The couple is in the midst of wear and tear caused by living together for many years, which generates constant friction. Who helps Fernanda to overcome the crisis is her partner Aníbal, inseparable partner during the arduous journey between saving the marriage or putting an end to it.

After being blinded in a coup against the king, Joseon's greatest swordsman goes into hiding, far removed from his city's anguish. But when traffickers kidnap his daughter, he has no choice but to unsheathe his sword once more.

Kirurginja Evgenia Belyaeva ima mjesec dana da se pripremi za let na Međunarodnu svemirsku postaju, gdje mora operirati člana posade. Hoće li biti spremna za izazov? Može li prevladati svoje strahove i nesigurnosti? Hoće li uspjeti izvesti kompliciranu operaciju u nultoj gravitaciji i dati kozmonautu priliku da se živ vrati na Zemlju?

San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.

Busy chocolatier Charlotte has left her boyfriend James at the altar three times and now she needs to prove to him that she really does want to marry him. Things are complicated when James’ ex-girlfriend Nicole, who is also the owner of Chocolate Monthly Magazine, arrives on the scene and says she wants him back.

Ronan, borbeni pilot i Izraleac po 'Zakonu o povratku' (izraelski koji daje pravo Židovima koji nisu iz Izraela i preobraćenima, da dođu i žive u Izrael, te da dobiju izraelsko državljanstvo), srušen je i zarobljen u Siriji nakon misije. S obzirom da je sin američkog senatora, poslana je zajednička američko-izraelska postrojba da spasi Ronana u roku od 36 sati.

Marc and Rebeca, a young couple, travel to an old country house that used to belong to their family. Once there, they write the shared history of their roots, creating a huge family tree that harbours relationships of love, heartbreak, sex, madness, jealousy and infidelity, and under which also lies a history laden with secrets.

A group of travelers are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned jail where a notorious nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned and was suspected of murdering prisoners.

Kako će izgledati Moskva ako isključite električnu energiju, zaustavite svu proizvodnju, i čitav svijet gleda međuplanetarnu igru? Poslije galaktičkog rata koji se desio u blizini Zemlje, Mjesec je uništen i polovi planete su se pomjerili. Ogromni svemirski brod lebdi nad Zemljom – a to je ustvari stadion, u kojem se odvijaju sportski događaji koji liče na fudbal. Ime igre je cosmoball. Kada igra počne cijeli svijet se zaustavlja da je gleda. Igrači se zovu Atlete, i za obične ljude oni su polubogovi, jer rezultati svakog meča određuju sudbinu planete …

In 2029, an elite police squad combats an anti-reunification terrorist group while another enemy lurks nearby.

Intimna, intenzivna i ljubavna priča ZAROBLJENA NADA prati Grace (Annette Bening), šokiranu saznanjem da je suprug (Bill Nighy) ostavlja zbog druge nakon 29 godina braka te rastavom uzrokovan emocionalni krah njihova odrasla sina jedinca (Josh O'Connor). Rastrojena Grace osjeća da ne pripada u svoj mali primorski gradić, ali u konačnici opet pronalazi uporište i otkriva nov, snažan glas.

Film prati mladu medicinsku sestru, Talithu Bateman, koja iz zabave preuzima aplikaciju koja točno predviđa kada će osoba umrijeti. Aplikacija joj tada pokaže da ima samo tri dana života. Kako vrijeme otkucava, počinje je progoniti tajanstvena figura, a Talitha mora pronaći način da spasi vlastiti život prije nego što joj ponestane vremena.

Fred Bartel is the charismatic boss of a trendy Parisian communication agency, Happy Few. After a heated tax audit, he was forced by the administration to relocate overnight his company in La Courneuve. Fred and his team meet Samy, a young suburb who will quickly propose to teach them the rules and practices to adopt in this new environment.

Kada bivša policajka dobije posao u mrtvačnici, njezina noćna smjena dobije zastrašujući obrat nakon što dovezu opsjednuto tijelo mlade djevojke.

Za dvoje bivših ljubavnika trebao je to biti kratak let do tropskog otoka na koji su se uputili radi vjenčanja njihova prijatelja. No, samo nekoliko minuta nakon polijetanja, njihov pilot pretrpi kobni srčani udar, ostavljajući Saru i Jacksona bez ideje gdje su, bez radio veze s kontrolom leta i bez znanja o tome kako se upravlja zrakoplovom. Ne okružuje ih ništa, osim beskraja oceana i neba u svim smjerovima, i zastrašujuće oluje koja će ih zahvatiti. Sara i Jackson imaju samo jednu šansu – i nema povratka.

U svijetu koji teroriziraju super-zlikovci, jedna je žena stvorila proces kako običnim ljudima dati supermoći. No kada znanstvenica Emily Stanton (Spencer) slučajno svojoj staroj prijateljici (McCarthy) da nevjerojatne moći, njih se dvije moraju udružiti i postati prvi superjunački tim Thunder Force. Sad je u njihovim rukama borba protiv supermoćnih kriminalaca i spašavanje Chicaga iz ruku Kralja (Bobby Cannavale).

While testing the latest first person shooter from global game developer, Sentinel, video game champion Max Troy discovers the events happening within the game are being reflected in the real world. He soon determines that the game's protagonist is real-life Orson Creed, an ex-Sentinel employee who is being remotely controlled by the corporation for reasons unknown. As virtual and real worlds collide, Max and Creed must join forces to unravel the conspiracy before the game's sinister events escalate and overwhelm the city.

Taking off immediately where the last one ended, in this episode Mike travels across dimensions and time fleeing from the Tall Man, at the same time he tries to find the origins of his enemy, and what really happened the night that his brother died. Meanwhile, Reggie battles the spheres and the undead in a quest to find Mike before the Tall Man can complete his transformation.

Nakon nestanka oca znanstvenika Meg Murry, tri nebeska bića – gđa Štoštica, gđa Gdještica i gđa Tkoštica – putuju na Zemlju kako bi pomogle Meg u potrazi. Putujući kroz nabore u vremenu i prostoru poznate pod nazivom „teseranje“, oni odlaze u svjetove izvan svoje mašte, gdje se suočavaju sa zlom silom. Kako bi se vratila kući, Meg se mora suočiti s tamom u sebi i pronaći snagu da pobije tamu koja okružuje svemir.

A pilot battles to save his family and the planet after an experiment for unlimited energy goes wrong.