Četveročlana obitelj Ki-taeka je bliska, ali potpuno nezaposlena, pred njom je mračna budućnost. Sina Ki-wooa preporučuje njegov prijatelj, student na prestižnom sveučilištu, za dobro plaćeni posao podučavanja, te se nada da će tako imati redovite prihode. Sa svim očekivanjima svoje obitelji, Ki-woo odlazi u obiteljski dom na intervju. Stigavši u kuću gospodina Parka, vlasnika globalne IT tvrtke, Ki-woo susreće njegovu suprugu Yeon-kia, lijepu mladu damu. Ali nakon ovog prvog susreta između dviju obitelji, uslijediti će nezaustavljivi niz nezgoda.

After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.

In post-war Italy, the family of typical housewife Delia is in turmoil over the impending engagement of beloved firstborn Marcella. The arrival of a mysterious letter, however, will ignite Delia's courage to face her abusive husband and imagine a better future.

After losing a finger in a work accident, an Italian worker becomes increasingly involved in political and revolutionary groups.

Film je krajem 2020. godine pokorio dodjelu nagrada Europske filmske akademije gdje je proglašen apsolutnim pobjednikom osvojivši čak četiri priznanja i to u kategorijama najboljeg europskog filma godine, najbolje režije, scenarija te glavnog glumca. Nije nevažno spomenuti i činjenicu da je JOŠ JEDNA RUNDA bila izabrana za službenu konkurenciju filmskog festivala u Cannesu.

In the midst of a civil war, former violinists Jan and Eva Rosenberg, who have a tempestuous marriage, run a farm on a rural island. In spite of their best efforts to escape their homeland, the war impinges on every aspect of their lives.

Naš svijet su zauzeli naizgled neranjivi grabežljivci, koji - na najmanji mogući šum - odmah napadaju smrtonosnom silom. Sve se stoga odvija oko jednog bitnog pravila – kreći se pažljivo i nikada ne stvaraj nikakav zvuk, pa čak ni najmanji šum. Jedna je genijalna obitelj uspjela preživjeti u tišini, pažljivo prigušujući svaki mogući zvuk u svakodnevnom životu. U ovom nadnaravnom, napetom horor trileru uz Johna Krasinskog glumi i dobitnica nagrade Zlatni globus® Emily Blunt, Noah Jupe i Millicent Simmonds.

A pair of teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania travel to New York City to seek out medical help after an unintended pregnancy.

Dani i Christian su mladi američki par čiji je odnos na rubu razlaza. No, nakon što ih obiteljska tragedija zadrži zajedno, Dani se pridružuje Christianu i njegovim prijateljima na putovanju u izolirano švedsko selo, na neobičan festival ljetnog solsticija i slavlju koje se događa samo jednom svakih 90 godina. Ono što počinje kao bezbrižan ljetni odmor u zemlji vječne sunčeve svjetlosti, doživljava zlokoban zaokret kada stanovnici otoka pozivaju svoje goste da sudjeluju u svečanostima koje čine taj pastirski raj sve strašnijim i uznemirujućim. Naizgled idilična lokacija i divan početak ljeta pretvorit će se u horor koji će im prirediti pripadnici poganskog kulta koji u selu obitavaju.

Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.

An idle part-time college lecturer is annoyed by the yapping sound of a nearby dog. He decides to take drastic action.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

A disgraced former Kung Fu expert makes a living as a merchant with the help of a hot headed friend. When the men are harassed by gangsters, the merchant decided to teach his friend monkey boxing so they can defend their business.

Progonjena prošlošću, medicinska sestra 1862. otputuje iz Engleske u zabačeno selo u Irskoj kako bi istražila navodno čudesan post mlade djevojke.

Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to agree to a treaty. However, what they didn't realize was that the handsome Persian was in fact a sexual sadist. So, it is up to the King's half- brother, some Hungarian prince, to save Angélique from the evil troll's clutches.

Obitelj ekscentričnih varalica susretne ženu koja se brzo zbliži s emocionalno osakaćenom kćeri i uskomeša problematičnu obiteljsku dinamiku.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

In the depths of an ancient forest, something has been growing. Something older than humanity itself, and perhaps greater too. When a park ranger discovers a man and his son living wild, she stumbles onto a secret that is about to change the world.

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.