Delphine and Solange are two sisters living in Rochefort. Delphine is a dancing teacher and Solange composes and teaches the piano. Maxence is a poetand a painter. He is doing his military service. Simon owns a music shop, he left Paris one month ago to come back where he fell in love 10 years ago. They are looking for love, looking for each other, without being aware that their ideal partner is very close...

In Kabuki style, the film tells the story of a remote mountain village where the scarcity of food leads to a voluntary but socially-enforced policy in which relatives carry 70-year-old family members up Narayama mountain to die. Granny Orin is approaching 70, content to embrace her fate. Her widowed son Tatsuhei cannot bear losing his mother, even as she arranges his marriage to a widow his age. Her grandson Kesa, who's girlfriend is pregnant, is selfishly happy to see Orin die. Around them, a family of thieves are dealt with severely, and an old man, past 70, whose son has cast him out, scrounges for food. Will Orin's loving and accepting spirit teach and ennoble her family?

An All-American football player's dreams to play in the NFL are halted when he is falsely accused of rape and sent to prison.

Lui, a struggling author with a heart condition, and his wife Elle, a retired psychiatrist, find their idyllic life shattered when Elle begins to succumb to the effects of dementia.

Manekenski par Carl in Yaya je povabljen na luksuzno križarjenje. Medtem ko ustrežljiva posadka skrbi za zbirko bajno bogatih potnikov, zapiti kapitan tiči v svoji kabini in posluša Internacionalo. A pripravlja se nevihta in med slavnostno večerjo s sedmimi hodi se potnikov loti huda morska bolezen … Švedski satirik Ruben Östlund (Višja sila, Kvadrat) svoje strupene bodice tokrat uperi v svet visoke mode in ekonomsko privilegiranih ter ustvari divje zabavno farso, v kateri se razredna hierarhija obrne na glavo in razkrije tržna vrednost lepote. Zlata palma na zadnjem festivalu v Cannesu.

The Guerrasio family and friends gather to celebrate Claudio and Carmela’s oldest daughter’s 18th birthday. There is a healthy rivalry between the birthday girl and her 15-year-old sister Chiara as they compete on the dancefloor. It is a happy occasion, and the close-knit family are on top form. However, everything changes the next day when the father disappears. Chiara, unconvinced by the cover story, starts to investigate. As she gets closer to the truth, she is forced to decide what kind of future she wants for herself.

Former Danish servicemen Lars and Jimmy are thrown together while training in a neo-Nazi group. Moving from hostility through grudging admiration to friendship and finally passion, events take a darker turn when their illicit relationship is uncovered.

A remote brick manufacture factory produces bricks in an ancient way. Many families with different ethnicities work in the factory and the boss seems to hold the key to solving their problems. Forty-year-old Lotfollah, who has been born on-site, is the factory supervisor and acts as go-between for the workers and the boss. Boss has Lotfollah gather all the workers in front of his office. He wants to talk to them about the shutdown of the factory. All matters now to Lotfollah is to keep Sarvar unharmed, the woman he has been in love with for a long time.

Katherine Watson is a recent UCLA graduate hired to teach art history at the prestigious all-female Wellesley College, in 1953. Determined to confront the outdated mores of society and the institution that embraces them, Katherine inspires her traditional students, including Betty and Joan, to challenge the lives they are expected to lead.

Po tragediji se gangster skrije na otoku Jeju, kjer se poveže z žensko, ki jo preganjajo lastni demoni.

A woman watches time passing next to the suitcases of her ex-lover (who is supposed to come pick them up but never arrives) and a restless dog who doesn't understand that his master has abandoned him.

A thirteen-year-old French girl deals with moving to a new city and school in Paris, while at the same time her parents are getting a divorce.

Kriminalna drama, navdihnjena s šokantno resnično zgodbo o družinskem imperiju za italijansko modno hišo Gucci. V treh desetletjih dobimo vpogled v to kaj pomeni ime, koliko je vredno in kako daleč bo družina šla, da bo imela nadzor. Ko se Patrizia Reggiani, neznanka iz skromnega okolja, poroči v družino Gucci, začne njena nebrzdana ambicija razkrivati njihovo zapuščino in sproži nepremišljeno spiralo ljubezni, izdaje, dekadence, maščevanja in na koncu ... umora.

Paul, a 20 year old midwesterner, arrives at the central bus station and quickly catches eyes with Wye, a 22 year old girl voguing on the sidewalk. After Paul seeks her out in secret, an intense love between them blossoms. But when Paul discovers Wye is trans, he is forced to confront his own identity and what it means to belong.

At Fallbrook Middle School, the annual student-elected Teacher of the Year award is held. And every year for the last 43 years Norman Warner or most fondly called Stormin' Norman Warner has won the award. Now that he has died, the burden of carrying the legacy falls into the hands of Matt Warner, the son of the late Norman Warner who has always lived in the shadow of his father.

Tri generacije žensk se borijo proti tistim, ki bi jim lahko vzeli vse. Sam je bila stara komaj 12 let, ko jo je bila njena mama Scarlet, elitna morilka, prisiljena zapustiti. Sam so vzgajali v Firmi, neusmiljeni hudodelski združbi, za katero je delala njena mati. Petnajst let kasneje gre Sam po materinih stopinjah in postane neustrašna morilka. S svojimi talenti se znebi najnevarnejšega nereda v Firmi. Je učinkovita in zvesta.

Dje arrives in Paris penniless, relying on his charm to get by. He seizes every opportunity which comes his way, even if it means killing.

A murder mystery set in 1936 Budapest, just as Hungary was preparing to align itself with Hitler. A beautiful young girl is found dead and nobody wants to investigate—except Gordon, a crime reporter who has a gut feeling that things are not what they seem.

April is released from prison after having been busted as an illegal sex worker. In the basement of a luxury hotel in Tbilisi where she works, she meets Dije, a young man who has left his native country Nigeria behind. Believing he is on his way to Georgia in the United States, he finds himself in a country that offers him no future. April herself is hiding and coming to terms with a lost love that is better not spoken of in Georgian society. Between longing and survival, in the searing heat of the capital, an extraordinary relationship develops between these two people who live on the margins of society.

In hellish Casablanca, a car-crash sets ablaze a burning, passionate love story between has-been rocker Larsen and the streetwise amazon Rajae. An unspoken trauma is their common history; rock n' roll their mutual saviour. Larsen's snakeskin-covered guitar and Rajae's liquid gold voice could be heaven, if only everything from his drug-induced visions to her music-buff pimp didn't get in the way. The only hope for their blooming romance is to skip this ferocious town. Is there a way out of this crazy Moroccan underworld with its menagerie of sadistic cops, venomous snakes, metal concerts and shotgun-wielding modern-day Calamity Janes? For these punk Romeo and Juliet, maybe the answer lies in a song - the one they've been writing and dreaming together : Zanka Contact