Καθώς ο κόσμος αφήνει πίσω του τον πόλεμο και η τεχνολογική πρόοδος αλλάζει τη ζωή της, η Βάιολετ ελπίζει ακόμα ότι θα ξαναδεί τον αγνοούμενο διοικητή της.

Μετά το τέταρτο αντίκτυπο, έσπασαν χωρίς τους Ευαγγελισμούς τους, οι Σίντσι, Άσουκα και Ρέι να αναζητήσουν καταφύγιο στα ερημικά κόκκινα ερείπια του Τόκιο-3. Όμως ο κίνδυνος για τον κόσμο δεν έχει τελειώσει. Ένας νέος αντίκτυπος εμφανίζεται στον ορίζοντα - αυτός που θα αποδειχθεί το αληθινό τέλος του Ευαγγελίου.

A young girl had her voice magically taken away so that she would never hurt people with it, but her outlook changes when she encounters music and friendship. Will Naruse be able to convey the anthem of her heart?

In their last year of high school, two girls in the brass band club perform a song inspired by a fairy tale that parallels their friendship.

A bullied girl becomes friends with a new kid during a break, but when classes start up again, their new friendship is nearly ruined when the bullying continues.

This is the story of Tokisaki Kurumi that shouldn't have been told. The amnesiac young girl, Empty, who woke up in the neighboring world encounters Tokisaki Kurumi. Led by her, the place she arrived at was the school's classroom. In order to kill each other, the girls known as semi-Spirits gathered. Now then, let's begin our battle (date).

A pregnant woman from a primitive tribal community, searches desperately for her husband, who is missing from police custody. So as to find her husband and seek justice for them, as their voice, a High Court advocate rises in support. Will their battle for justice succeed?

Παγιδευμένη από την κοινωνία και τις οικογενειακές υποχρεώσεις, μια νεαρή εικονογράφος μάνγκα ξεκινά ένα αντισυμβατικό ταξίδι σεξουαλικής και προσωπικής απελευθέρωσης.

Όταν μια έφηβη στην Ινδία ανακαλύπτει το πάθος της για το σκέιτμπορντ, ο δρόμος μπροστά της είναι δύσκολος καθώς ακολουθεί το όνειρό της να συμμετάσχει σε αγώνες.

Yuna and Akari are two high school girls with very different views on love: Yuna dreams about romance through rose-coloured glasses, while Akari is down-to-earth and practical. Meanwhile, high school boys Kazuomi and Rio also have different views on love: Kazuomi is an airhead who can't grasp the concept of love, while Rio grabs onto any confession as an opportunity—so long as the girl looks cute. Will these four classmates end up leading a youthful romance that meets their expectations?

Devoted to her family’s rice-cake–making business and the high school baton club, Tamako is a little slow when it comes to love. She’s oblivious to her childhood friend Mochizo’s affections, even though all their friends know. With graduation closing in and Mochizo leaving for Tokyo, will Tamako realise her feelings and tell him in time?

During the summer of 1981, a group of friends in New York are completely unprepared for the onslaught of AIDS. What starts as a rumor about a mysterious "gay cancer" soon turns into a major crisis as, one by one, some of the friends begin to fall ill, leaving the others to panic about who will be next. As death takes its toll, the lives of these friends are forever redefined by an unconditional display of love, hope and courage.

Lukas, 20, is a prisoner in his own body. As a pre-op transgendered person, he is constantly finding himself trapped in uncomfortable, compromising positions. His best friend, Ine introduces him to the gay scene in Cologne where he meets the confident and gorgeous, Fabio. The two develop a romantic relationship that tests the boundaries of love. ROMEOS forgoes stereotypes and conventions to offer an honest and humorous examination of the most basic of human conditions: friendship, sex, and love.

Families were terrorized at the orphanage. Someone wants them dead, apparently with black magic that is very deadly. She has a grudge and she was also born because of the sins of the orphans who formed her into the queen of black magic.

Σε μια εναλλακτική ιστορία της συνέπειας του δεύτερου παγκόσμιου πολέμου, η Ιαπωνία έχει χωριστεί στη μέση, με το νότο – Honshu και τα άλλα νησιά – να έχουν συμμαχήσει με τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και το βόρειο νησί Hokkaido που προσαρτάται από μια αινιγματική Ένωση. Ήταν στο Hokkaido που χτίστηκε ένας μυστήριος πύργος, ένα σκέλος από μέταλλο που φθάνει επάνω από την ατμόσφαιρα, ορατό από τη βόρεια άκρη Honshu.Το 1996, τρεις έφηβοι, ο Hiroki, ο Takuya και η Sayuri, κάνουν μια συμφωνία – θα χτίσουν ένα πειραματικό αεροσκάφος, σχεδόν αόρατο στην επιτήρηση, θα διασχίσουν το Hokkaido και θα ξεκλειδώσουν τα μυστικά του πύργου. Το όνειρό τους δεν πραγματοποιήθηκε ποτέ, επειδή η Sayuri εστάλη στο Τόκιο για ιατρική περίθαλψη αφότου περιήλθε σε κώμα.

An American writer goes to a remote Welsh manor on a $20,000 bet that he can write a classic novel like 'Wuthering Heights' in 24 hours. However, upon his arrival he discovers that the apparently empty manor has several rather odd inhabitants.

Κάποτε ήταν αστέρας του τένις, όμως ποτέ δεν είχε την καριέρα που ήλπιζε. Τώρα, στα 37 του χρόνια, ο Τομά αποφασίζει να κυνηγήσει το όνειρό του και να αγωνιστεί στο Γαλλικό Όπεν.

Σε μία επαρχιακή πόλη, μία νοικοκυρά κερδίζει την προσοχή που της λείπει όταν καταγγέλλει ότι ο σύζυγός της έχει εξαφανιστεί, και αναγκάζει τους γύρω της να προσπαθήσουν να ανακαλύψουν την αλήθεια.

The true story of a young female soldier who comes of age during the Eritrean civil war.

Vanessa Stewart is a beautiful American woman engaged to be married. Vanessa is an artist and is also a buyer for her father's company. She goes to Venice on a business trip and meets television reporter Bill Fitzgerald from Ireland. They fall madly in love in the four days they are in Venice.