About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

A documentary celebrating the men whose vocal stylings have carried the torch for soul across six decades.. Featuring footage of Brenton Wood performing Gimme Little Sign and Curtis Mayfield singing Keep On Keeping On, as well as appearances by Billy Preston, Bill Withers, Billy Ocean, Alexander O'Neal, Barry White, Bobby Womack and many more.

Triller Fight Club presents Triad Combat on Saturday, November 27 at Globe Life Stadium, in Arlington, TX with a the main card featuring former champion Frank Mir competing against Kubrat Pulev in the Heavyweight Division and a special live Heavy Metal Concert by Metallica.

After awakening in her basement, the protagonist finds herself cursed by an object, rendering her unable to blink. Haunted by a sinister silhouette creature that appears from various locations, she realizes her only chance of defeating it lies in mastering the ability to confront the creature without averting her gaze.

This is a story about the elderly and caregiving, about the life of a 98-year-old father and 90-year-old mother (*at the time of filming) who suffered from dementia. With the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, the cheerful mother, who had always been a whiz at housework, gradually lost her abilities to do everyday things. Meanwhile, their daughter chronicled the heartbreaking reality of their lives with as much love and humor as possible.

With the beginning of the Kurdish rebellion in Iran by the Kurdish parties in 1358, including Komleh and the Democrats, Mohammad Boroujerdi was assigned by Seyyed Ruhollah Khomeini to return the situation to normal in Kurdistan as the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. This film deals with a part of Mohammad Borujerdi's life and his leadership style in Kurdistan.

Is heavy manual labour disappearing or is it just becoming invisible? Where can we still find it in the 21st century? Workingman's Death follows the trail of the HEROES in the illegal mines of the Ukraine, sniffs out GHOST among the sulphur workers in Indonesia, finds itself face to face with LIONS at a slaughterhouse in Nigeria, mingles with BROTHERS as they cut a huge oil tanker into pieces in Pakistan, and joins Chinese steel workers in hoping for a glorious FUTURE.

The Four Tops circa the early 21st century are more Vegas than their original R&B/soul roots, as proven by the 2002 DVD/video, 40th Anniversary Special. Recorded live on August 8, 1996, at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, the quartet glitzes it up for slightly over an hour, performing fun versions of such classics as "Baby I Need Your Loving," "Reach Out (I'll Be There)," "Standing in the Shadows of Love," "Shake Me Wake Me (When It's Over)," and "Ask the Lonely," among others.

In what is left of the city of Jaffa, a man about to lose his house contemplates his fate. Meanwhile two women remain tied to their homes. Cats scrabbling her front door, one finds solace feeding her old mother, until her house is taken over by an Israeli film crew. The other immerses herself in dreams of love whilst making wedding decorations. In a nearby café an old captain sits motionless the whole day through, while another man moves restless like a fish in an aquarium. For these Palestinian characters this is a way of life, holding onto hope through their own rituals.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.

Young journalist Sebastian Zöllner is writing an article on artist Manuel Kaminski. Zöllner hopes that Kaminski dies soon, so that he can cash in on his article.

The Special Features Blu-ray disc contains a lossless DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround mix of the Inception soundtrack.

Documentary about Swansea and Exeter

Set in a small town in the Sierra Nevadas, Pine Flat is a look at youth and a meditation on nature, socialization, and solitude.

In every universe there are slight changes in our everyday lives, whether it’s what mug we use/what’s in the fridge. However, one thing remains the same, the people that change our lives.