Shaggy is selected to participate in the World Invitational Games in London, England.

У новом филму, враћају нам се деца познатих зликоваца у новој авантури. Мал, Евие, Карлос и Џеј у новом филму прелазе баријеру и враћају се у своје родно место, острво Изгубљених, где би могли имати веће шансе за успех, срећу и испуњење. Но Мал зна како мора заувек да затвори баријеру између светова како њихови непријатељи Ума и Хад не би донели неред у идилично краљевство којим сада управља краљ Бен. Упркос њеној одлуци, незамислива мрачна сила и даље прети људима Аурадона, а Мал и њени пријатељи суочени су с највећим изазовом до сада.

The Guardians of Arcadia reunite to battle the nefarious Arcane Order, who've reawakened the primordial Titans.

New York, 1980. Three complete strangers accidentally discover that they're identical triplets, separated at birth. The 19-year-olds' joyous reunion catapults them to international fame, but also unlocks an extraordinary and disturbing secret that goes beyond their own lives – and could transform our understanding of human nature forever.

Javier se ha casado con María, el amor de su vida, y ahora lo único que desea es estar feliz con ella el resto de su vida, pero el destino se la quita poco después de la boda. Ahora Javier está enredado en sus emociones: ¿cómo aceptará la muerte de su mujer para encontrar nuevamente el amor?

Join Barbie in a colourful, modern-day fairytale filled with fashion, friends and fun! Barbie and her dog Sequin jet off to visit her Aunt's amazing fashion house in Paris, and much to her surprise it's about to be shut down forever. After she discovers three enchanting Flairies with sparkle-magic powers, Barbie comes up with a brilliant idea to save the business. She even inspires Alice, a shy fashion designer, and together they create a dazzling runway fashion show. Barbie shows that magic happens when you believe in yourself.

In 1666, a colonial town is gripped by a hysterical witch-hunt that has deadly consequences for centuries to come, and it's up to teenagers in 1994 to finally put an end to their town's curse, before it's too late.

Barbie plays Lumina, a mermaid girl with the power to change the color of pearls. Cheerful and creative, Lumina finds herself working in a mermaid salon customizing fabulous hairstyles. And when Lumina has the chance to attend the royal ball, her friends adorn her with a gown fit for a princess. At the ball, villains try to seize power over the kingdom, and Lumina finds within herself an unexpected power that proves she is much more than a hair stylist.

A mysterious teenager named Ángelo cares for Klaus, a German doctor with a dark past who lives trapped in an iron lung.

Defiant 18-year-old Adela León pushes her father and an unbending headmistress to the limit in this delicious comedy.

The evolution of adult cinema through the most influential films in history, a journey that begins in the 1970s and ends nowadays. An in-depth analysis of the success of the most prestigious erotic films, their impact on industry and society, and their influence on cinema and contemporary culture.

Некад давно на Земљи су живели диносаури. Међу њима, живео је и мали диносаур Мало Стопало, са својим деком и баком. И много се тога узбудљивог и опасног догађало тој диносаурској породици и свим њиховим рођацима, али је већ дуго времена живот у њиховој долини спокојан и леп. Но, онда и дека, и бака, па и Мало Стопало, почињу осећати нешто неодређено, нешто што их помало плаши, а први су се знакови појавили у сновима. Мудри дека каже Малом Стопалу да би требао да буде спреман - можда ће већ сутра сви заједно морати да крену на далеки пут... Мало Стопало и не слути да ће на крају тог пута наћи некога кога је изгубио и пре него што се родио - свог несталог оца. И наћи ће се пред тешком одлуком: напустити Зелену долину и све своје рођаке и остати с оцем или напустити вољеног тату и вратити се у Зелену долину...

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

A young female breakdancer, Angel, moves to Los Angeles after an attack by an ex-boyfriend nearly ends her dance career forever. B-Girl follows Angel through recovery and acceptance of a new life as she busts a move into the male-centric world of underground hip hop.

A woman struggles to keep her stepdaughter from harms way after she hires an assassin to kill her husband, but the hitman turns and blackmails her for the crime.

Када дадиља изненада умре од инфаркта, деца је однесу у мртвачницу, али после открију да је сав новац који јој је оставила њихова мајка остао у њеној торбици. Најстарија сестра Су Елен мора да се брине за браћу и сестре. Деца морају да преживе лето без мајке и новца. Мораће da радe!

Торенте је лењ, безобразан, сексистички, расистички и десничарски мадридски полицајац, грозна особа која мари само за себе. Торенте се преселио у Марбељу и вратио се детективском послу. Али у једном случају се уплиће у опасну заверу. Граду прети уништење, а Торенте се налази и усред уцењивачке акције коју предводи његов ујак.

Mystery writer Cornelia Van Gorder has rented a country house called "The Oaks", which not long ago was the scene of some murders committed by a strange and violent criminal known as "The Bat". Meanwhile, the house's owner, bank president John Fleming, has recently embezzled one million dollars in securities and has hidden the proceeds in the house, but is killed before he can retrieve it.

Each year Lucia volunteers at a Summer Camp in Sicily. This summer however, will be the hottest on record, not just because of the crazy weather, but also because of Nicola, the new soon-to-be-priest deacon who, besides being extremely handsome, hides a tormented and idealistic soul. His arrival sows panic in this seaside community, upsetting Lucia's plans forever.

When two researchers discover a colossal shark's tooth off the Mexican coast their worst fears surface - the most menacing beast to ever rule the waters is still alive and mercilessly feeding on anything that crosses its path. Now they must hunt the fierce killer and destroy it... before there is no one left to stop it