BEWARE OF IMAGES is a feature-length, animated documentary about the history of visual representation. The movie explores the intricate relationship between the technology, regulation and social effects of mass media. Its aim is to serve as an educational and entertaining media literacy tool that can be enjoyed by everyone.

A promotional short documentary on the making of the film American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes and written by Alan Ball.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

A documentary about the inspiration of director Michel Gondry. An extraordinary world where onirism, memories and childhood have the utmost importance.

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

To help her sick mother, a girl is hired for what she believes to be a simple delivery service. That will cause her serious problems with her boyfriend and with justice.

After World War II, scores of refugees leave in search of a new home. They now stand in the hall of a large mansion, waiting to receive their deeds of ownership for sections of land that the lord of the manor had left behind after he fled. Among them is young Jeruscheit who, during her travels, had to bury one of her own children. Her husband has been declared missing, and up until now she has had little purpose in life. But then she discovers it: to work, to build, and to help others. And maybe someday Jeruscheit will find her family.

Abstract art film made for gallery exhibition.

A young girl who lives by the sea with her parents, is the object of one fellows affection. One day she meets a wily artist painting on the beach, he seduces the young girl and gives her a ring, with the promise of marriage. When the young admiring fellow comes to propose, she proudly announces her engagement to the artist. Shocked he leaves and her parents demand meeting her husband to be. She goes to bring him home, and finds he already has a sophisticated fiancée. Distraught she hurries home, and when her father realizes what she has done, he orders her out of the house. As she wanders despondent along the sea, the young fellow who has found out about her betrayal, immediately goes to see her. Finding she has been disowned by her father, he goes looking for her...

A photographer has his camera all set up to take a gentleman's picture. The subject checks his face in a hand mirror, and the photographer poses him. Just as the photographer is about to take the picture, the subject gets up to look at the camera more closely. The frustrated photographer soon becomes quite impatient.

Five short comic sketches, all unrelated to each other, except that they are all expressions of Italian sexual humor.

The paths of a couple who'd dated for more than a decade diverge when Juan decides he wants to raise a family and Elizabeth focuses on her career.

S.I.S., or Special Investigation Squad, is an elite branch of the LAPD. A new psychopath terrorizing Los Angeles proves to be their hardest case yet.

A short student-made documentary that details the creation and operation of the Cornish underground event management business "Pakt Events"