A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life.

لوسي هي مساعدة معرض شابة تجمع التذكارات من علاقاتها. تكتشف أنه يجب عليها التخلي عن ماضيها للمضي قدمًا ، وتوصل إلى طريقة جميلة وفنية لمساعدة نفسها والآخرين الذين عانوا من حسرة.

تلجأ مديرة تحرير بدار نشر لطلب الزواج من موظف تحت قيادتها، لتتمكن من الحفاظ على الإقامة في الولايات المتحدة، فتبدأ في التودد إليه رغم شخصيتها الحازمة.

سئمت شخصان غريبان من كونهما عازبين في أيام العطلات ، ويتفقان على أن يكونا زائدين أفلاطونيين لبعضهما البعض طوال العام ، فقط للقبض على مشاعر حقيقية على طول الطريق.

After a disastrous first date for caterer Holly and network sports director Messer, all they have in common is a dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter Sophie. But when they suddenly become all Sophie has in this world, Holly and Messer must set their differences aside. Juggling careers and social calendars, they'll have to find common ground while living under the same roof.

هنري لاعب ماهر في إغواء النساء. ولكن عندما يلتقي هذا الطبيب البيطري مع لوسي ، وهي فتاة تعاني من مشكلة غريبة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالاستدعاء الكامل ، يدرك أنه من الممكن الوقوع في الحب مرة أخرى ... ومرة تلو الأخرى. هذا لأن لوسي المبهجة ليس لديها ذاكرة قصيرة المدى ، لذلك يجب على هنري أن يجذبها يومًا بعد يوم حتى يكتسحها أخيرًا عن قدميها.

A girl who's sick of the social strictures of junior high is transformed into a grownup overnight. In this feel-good fairy tale, teenager Jenna wants a boyfriend, and when she's unable to find one, she fantasizes about being a well-adjusted adult. Suddenly, her secret desire becomes a reality, and she is transformed into a 30-year-old, but adulthood, with its own set of male-female challenges, isn't as easy as it looks.

It’s the battle of wills, as Andie needs to prove she can dump a guy in 10 days, whereas Ben needs to prove he can win a girl in 10 days. Now, the clock is ticking - and the wildly entertaining comedy smash is off and running in this irresistible tale of sex, lies and outrageous romantic fireworks!

Book superstore magnate, Joe Fox and independent book shop owner, Kathleen Kelly fall in love in the anonymity of the Internet—both blissfully unaware that he's trying to put her out of business.

توافق منتجة أخبار عزباء على أخذ نصائح زميلها المزعج بشأن المواعدة… والمثير للدهشة أنّ توجيهاته قد تُفلح فعليًا في مساعدتها للعثور على الحبّ.

In the glamorous world of New York City, Rebecca Bloomwood is a fun-loving girl who is really good at shopping - a little too good, perhaps. She dreams of working for her favorite fashion magazine, but can't quite get her foot in the door - until ironically, she snags a job as an advice columnist for a financial magazine published by the same company.

A slacker and a career-driven woman accidentally conceive a child after a one-night stand. As they try to make the relationship work, they must navigate the challenges of parenthood and their differences in lifestyle and maturity.

أتمنى أن تفوز أفضل عروس. يصبح صديقان مقربان متنافسين عندما يتم حجز حفلات زفافهما عن طريق الخطأ في نفس اليوم.

After getting into a car accident while drunk on the day of her sister's wedding, Gwen Cummings is given a choice between prison or a rehab center. She chooses rehab, but is extremely resistant to taking part in any of the treatment programs they have to offer, refusing to admit that she has an alcohol addiction.

خلال إجازة جامحة في لاس فيجاس ، أدركت السيدة المهنية جوي ماكنالي والفتى المستهتر جاك فولر أنهما تزوجا بعد ليلة من الهجر في حالة سكر. ثم يُجبرون ، لأسباب قانونية ، على عيش الحياة كزوجين لفترة زمنية محدودة. على المحك هو مبلغ كبير من المال.

عندما يتزوج قاتل من النخبة من أزيز كمبيوتر جميل بعد قصة حب عاصفة ، يتخلى عن البندقية ويستقر مع عروسه الجديدة. أي حتى يعلم أن شخصًا ما من ماضيه قد وضع عقدًا على حياته.

Sylvia's work increasingly takes her away from the three men who help bring up Mary, her daughter. When she decides to move to England and take Mary with her, the three men are heartbroken at losing the two most important females in their lives.

An unemployed lingerie buyer convinces her bail bondsman cousin to give her a shot as a bounty hunter. Her first assignment is to track down a former cop on the run for murder – the same man who broke her heart years before. With the help of some friends and the best bounty hunter in the business, she slowly learns what it takes to be a true bounty hunter.

Three kids and their Dad move from L.A to Edmonton. When they go shopping at West Edmonton Mall they find counterfeit cash. They inadvertently help catch the crooks, and later make a discovery about Santa

A young couple bound by a seemingly ideal love, begins to unravel as unexpected opportunities spin them down a volatile and violent path and threaten the future they had always imagined.