A DVD compilation of 3 zombie-themed episodes from What's New, Scooby-Doo?. Smile and say "ciao"! The phantom-busters travel to Italy in Pompeii and Circumstance. With a colossal mystery to solve, will our friends be ghoulish gladiator goners, or will their love for Italian art and Scooby Snax save them? Then it's off to the City by the Bay for the Grind Games in The San Franpsycho, where a seaweed-sprouting ghoul from Alcatraz prison cares competing skateboarders to the core. If they don't find the creep behind the Legend of the Creepy Keeper, it'll be lights out in Fright House of a Lighthouse. Who's scared of zombies? Not Scooby-Doo!

俄罗斯莫斯科闹市中央,执行押送任务的军方部队遭到一伙训练有素的匪徒袭击,大战过后的现场惨不忍睹,重要的卫星元件遭到劫持。国际刑警霍布斯(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)查明,包括此案在内的一系列案件均系前特种部队军人欧文·肖(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)所为。为了将这群训练有素、老练凶狠的匪徒绳之于法,他辗转找到隐居世外桃源的多米尼克·托雷多(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)助拳。霍布斯开出的条件令人难以拒绝,他不仅可以将托雷多和布莱恩(保罗·沃克 Paul Walker 饰)一伙从前的犯罪记录一笔勾销,此外欧文一伙中竟然还有本该死去的拉蒂(米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez 饰)。前所未有的危险战斗,为了安定平凡的生活,这群亡命之徒再上战场……

In an effort to discover the depth of the country's polarization, four recent college graduates decide to travel across the United States gathering stories encompassing the spectrum of life in America. Their goal is to find the human stories behind the nation's social and political schism, proving that Americans are not tied together by political identity, geographical location or belief systems, but primarily by love, hope and dreams - universal truths.

Pee-Wee is excited when Jambi the genie grants him a wish. He wishes to fly but gets upset when he sees Captain Carl and Miss Yvonne on a romantic date with each other.

在上一集J重新召回K作为搭档之后,时间又过去了许多年,但是曾经被K捕获的外星人鲍里斯对地球的觊觎却一直没有停歇。知道机会来临,鲍里斯 成功从月球监狱越狱。为了向斩去自己一只手臂的K复仇,他取得了时空机,回到了1969年,干掉了当时还没有太多经验的K,因而使得K没能成功设置空间A网以保护地球。第二天一早,J就发现老搭档K人间蒸发了;在诸多麻烦误解之后,J终于了解到了K已经死了四十多年。但无论未来如何发展,K都和地球的命运有着千丝万缕的联系。而且这段时间里,鲍里斯成为了地球最大的威胁,甚至引发了外星人攻击地球。没有A网的保护,地球行将毁灭。而为了阻止鲍里斯的计划,J只有穿越回1969年,去拯救年轻版的K。

Gamera escapes from his rocket enclosure and makes his way back to Earth as a giant opal from New Guinea is brought back to Japan. The opal is discovered to have been an egg that births a new monster called Barugon. The creature attacks the city of Osaka by emitting a destructive rainbow ray from his back, along with a freezing spray capable of incapacitating Gamera.

A documentary about unemployed people who bought fruit and vegetables at moderate prices at the wholesale market and sold these in the streets of Frankfurt. Since they had no permits they were constantly with their bulky carts on the run from the police. One part of the film was shot at the fairgrounds in front of the wholesale market. Newspaper and lottery ticket vendors, propagandists offering their ware for a few pfennigs, all convey the mood of a time when need made people inventive.

In their third cinema adventure the Famous Five are searching for a pirate treasure...

一位神秘人物的出现让小镇上的居民终日生活在恐惧之中,他利用一架邪恶的机器制造出了许多可怕的怪物,将它们放到镇上为非作歹。这时,就轮到“秘密公司”的诸位出马了,可摩拳擦掌跃跃欲试的沙吉(马修·里沃德 Matthew Lillard 饰)和搭档史酷比(Neil Fanning 配音)却被告知留守公司,不必参加行动。   不甘心的沙吉决定和史酷比私下里调查事件的真相,以挽回他们一败涂地的名声,没想到却闹出了一大堆的麻烦。随着调查的深入,博物馆馆长帕特里克(赛斯·格林 Seth Green 饰)带着他的阴谋渐渐浮出水面,线索显示,这一切,很可能和传说中的恶魔复仇有着千丝万缕的关联。

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

The Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple had an opportunity to take part in an episode of East of Main Street, an HBO documentary series that has been produced for the past three years to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This year’s episode, Milestones, focuses on how different groups of Asian Americans mark the milestones throughout their lives.


在长达几个世纪的放逐之后,巨人第一次重回大地,他们誓要夺回失去的领土。而杰克(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)为了阻挡巨人的脚步也被迫加入这场生死攸关的战斗。为了国家和人民,以及勇敢的伊莎贝尔公主(艾莉诺·汤姆林森 Eleanor Tomlinson 饰)对于自己的青睐,杰克必须直面他一度认为只存在于传奇中,不可阻挡的对手,而他自己最终成就了属于自己的传奇……

在公爵(钱宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum 饰)的率领下,特种部队给恐怖组织“眼镜蛇”以沉重的打击。虽然眼镜蛇指挥官等中心人物落网,但白幽灵(李秉宪 饰)等组织骨干依然逍遥法外,时刻准备向特种部队和全世界展开反扑。在干净利落解决某中东国家的核危机后,特种部队突然遭 到来自美国政府的惨烈打击,公爵等队员英勇殉职,只有拦路虎(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)、杰伊小姐(阿德琳妮·帕里奇 Adrianne Palicki 饰)和弗林(D·J·科特罗纳 D.J. Cotrona 饰)三人侥幸逃生。原来眼镜蛇早已渗透到美国高层,他们藉此抹黑特种部队,栽赃重要成员之一的蛇眼,其目的是为了找出并解救被囚禁的指挥官。名义上已经“死亡”的拦路虎三人,必须想尽各种办法阻止眼镜蛇的邪恶计划,为死去的战友和特种部队正名……

After a vampire leaves his native Balkans, he murders a Czech artist, assumes his identity, and moves in with the dead man's American cousins.


Kim Marsden inherits a cattle station near Alice Springs after the death of her father. Kim becomes convinced her father was murdered. She sends for a legendary local bushman called the Sundowner, who was one of her father's best friends.