Devetnajstletni Andrew je ambiciozen študent jazz bobnov na prestižnem glasbenem konservatoriju. V strahu pred povprečnostjo vadi dneve in noči. Ko ga ugledni in strahospoštovani glasbeni profesor Fletcher povabi v elitni šolski jazz ansambel, se njegovo življenje spremeni za vedno. Fletcherjeve brutalne, sadistične metode še bolj podžgejo Andrewovo obsedenost, da bi dosegel popolnost za vsako ceno, neizprosni učitelj pa ga žene na rob njegovih sposobnosti in zdravja. Film je od premiere na filmskemu festivalu Sundance 2014, kjer je povzročil pravo senzacijo in osvojil tako nagrado žirije kot nagrado občinstva, zagotovljena festivalska uspešnica, pospremljena s stoječimi ovacijami, kjerkoli se pojavi.

Encouraged by her managers, rising pop star Mima takes on a recurring role on a popular TV show, when suddenly her handlers and collaborators begin turning up murdered.

During the last forty years, the photographer Sebastião Salgado has been travelling through the continents, in the footsteps of an ever-changing humanity. He has witnessed the major events of our recent history: international conflicts, starvations and exodus… He is now embarking on the discovery of pristine territories, of the wild fauna and flora, of grandiose landscapes: a huge photographic project which is a tribute to the planet's beauty. Salgado's life and work are revealed to us by his son, Juliano, who went with him during his last journeys, and by Wim Wenders, a photographer himself.

In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operations Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged.

Uma Thurman je morilka, ki jo na njen poročni dan napadejo člani bande njenega šefa Billa (David Carradine). Uspeva preživeti napad, čeprav ostaja v komi. Pet let pozneje se zbudi s koščkom kovine na glavi in veliko željo po maščevanju v srcu.

The two brothers Trinity and Bambino are exchanged by two federal agents and take advantage of the situation to steal a huge booty hidden in a monastery by a gang of outlaws.

As election time nears, current Triad chairman Lok faces competition from his godsons. At the same time, Jimmy looks to increase his business relations with mainland China.

William Blake, an accountant turned fugitive, is on the run. During his travels, he meets a Native American man called Nobody, who guides him on a journey to the spiritual world.

After Rocky goes the distance with champ Apollo Creed, both try to put the fight behind them and move on. Rocky settles down with Adrian but can't put his life together outside the ring, while Creed seeks a rematch to restore his reputation. Soon enough, the "Master of Disaster" and the "Italian Stallion" are set on a collision course for a climactic battle that is brutal and unforgettable.

Oborožen z zgolj eno besedo – TENET – ter z borbo za preživetje celega sveta, se glavni junak zgodbe prebija skozi mračen svet mednarodnega vohunjenja na misiji, ki se dogaja v nečem izven realnega časa in prostora. To ni potovanje skozi čas. To je inverzija.

England, 15th century. Hal, a capricious prince who lives among the populace far from court, is forced by circumstances to reluctantly accept the throne and become Henry V.

Avtor čustvenih mojstrovin Vrni se, Govori z njo in Vse o moji materi predstavlja zgodbo slepega scenarista, ki je pred leti v prometni nesreči izgubil vid in ljubezen svojega življenja. Od tedaj živi in dela pod psevdonimom, saj je njegova prvotna identiteta umrla z ljubljeno osebo. Toda neke noči spregovori o svoji preteklosti in razkrije tragično zgodbo o nesojeni ljubezni, polni tragičnih preobratov, ljubosumja in prevar.

After Doug picks up hitchhiking Rosco with his truck, they are mistaken for two bank robbers by the traffic police. They manage to escape only to be confused for two secret agents while trying to take a flight at the airport.

His Wife is dead and his Son hates him, but this old man still has fight in him! When he loses a highly publicized virtual boxing match to ex-champ Rocky Balboa, reigning heavyweight titleholder Mason Dixon retaliates by challenging Rocky to a nationally televised, 10-round exhibition bout. To the surprise of his son and friends, Rocky agrees to come out of retirement and face an opponent who's faster, stronger, and thirty years his junior.

After a mysterious prisoner with only a few weeks left on his sentence breaks out of prison in Central City, the Elric brothers attempt to track him down. The search leads them to Table City in the southwestern country of Creta, where Alphonse rescues a young alchemist named Julia from the very man they are trying to capture. In the thick of the fight, they literally tumble into Julia's home turf, the slums of Milos Valley, and are embroiled in the grassroots rebellion of her people.

Potem ko je pred sedmimi leti izgubil ženo, se ekscentrični doktor John Dolittle, slavni zdravnik in veterinar kraljice Viktorije Britanske, umakne pred svetom za visoke zidove graščine Dolittle, družbo pa mu delajo le eksotične živali. Ko pa mlada kraljica hudo zboli, se mora Dolittle, čeprav nerad, odpraviti na epsko pustolovščino na mitičen otok, da bi našel zdravilo, pri tem pa si povrne duhovitost in pogum, ko naleti na stare nasprotnike in odkrije čudežna bitja.

George Lutz, his wife Kathy, and their three children have just moved into a beautiful, and improbably cheap, Victorian mansion nestled in the sleepy coastal town of Amityville, Long Island. However, their dream home is concealing a horrific past and soon each member of the Lutz family is plagued with increasingly strange and violent visions and impulses.

Two hundred years after Lt. Ripley died, a group of scientists clone her, hoping to breed the ultimate weapon. But the new Ripley is full of surprises … as are the new aliens. Ripley must team with a band of smugglers to keep the creatures from reaching Earth.

When his boss is killed, Detroit cop Axel Foley finds evidence that the murderer had ties to a California amusement park called Wonder World. Returning to sunny Beverly Hills once more, Foley reunites with Detective Billy Rosewood to solve the case. Along with Billy's new partner, Detective Jon Flint, they discover that Wonder World is being used as a front for a massive counterfeiting ring.

Globalna ekonomija je na robu propada; brezposelnost je dosegla 24 %, gorivo pa 12 dolarjev za liter. Genialni inovatorji, umetniki ter industrialci še vedno skrivnostno izginjajo v neznano. Dagny Taggart, izvršna podpredsednica železniškega podjetja Taggart Transcontinental, je odkrila morebitni odgovor na čedalje večjo energetsko krizo: v opuščeni tovarni je naletela na načrte za revolucionarni motor, ki bi utegnil vnovič pognati svet. Vendar je njegova pogonska moč mrtva, saj ni nikogar, ki bi mogel doumeti skrivnost njegove izdelave – in nekdo jo opazuje. V tekmi s časom mora najti izumitelja, preden bi se svetovni motor splošnega napredka za vselej ustavil. Kdo je John Galt?