A father and his son who lived seperated for some time meet each other one day and try to talk their problems over and understand their diametrical differences.

Every Thursday a group of ladies would gather to play cards and discuss their loves, lives and children while their daughters played in the next room. Thirty years later, the daughters meet at a funeral for one of the mothers. Like their mothers, they discuss their hopes, dreams and fears.

Three distinct tales unfold in the bustling city of Tokyo. Merde, a bizarre sewer-dweller, emerges from a manhole and begins terrorizing pedestrians. After his arrest, he stands trial and lashes out at a hostile courtroom. A man who has resigned himself to a life of solitude reconsiders after meeting a charming pizza delivery woman. And finally, a happy young couple find themselves undergoing a series of frightening metamorphoses.

Arthur a César sú už od školských čias najlepšími priateľmi, hoci ich životy by snáď ani nemohli byť rozdielnejšie. Arthur je neurotický chemik, rozvedený a s napätým vzťahom so svoju dospievajúcou dcérou. César je voľnomyšlienkársky sukničkár, ktorý si rád užíva život plnými dúškami, vďaka čomu má vždy problémy s peniazmi. Kvôli jednému veľkému nedorozumeniu sa rozhodnú dobehnúť stratený čas a žiť svoje životy naplno, bláznivo a nezabudnuteľne.

Stuck in his hometown, Venice, during the pandemic, director Andrea Segre turns the camera on the frozen city, while reminiscing about his father, a scientist and chemist, and the past.

Three Italian retirees embark on a journey to find a new country to live in.

Oleg, a young Latvian butcher, arrives in Brussels in the hope of getting a better salary in a meat factory. His experience turns short after being betrayed by a colleague. Alone in a country where he doesn’t belong, he quickly falls under the yoke of Andrzej, a Polish criminal.

Zavčasu ráno je more v Ostii pokojné. Muž zaklope na dvere akejsi ženy a predá jej hodinky. O niekoľko dní, opäť v skorých ranných hodinách, vylúčia mladého asistenta filozofie zo skupiny, ktorá má exhumovať telo Nietszscheho. Dve krivdy. Dve rodiny, ktoré na prvý pohľad nemajú nič spoločné: Pavoneovci a Vismarovci. Bohatí intelektuáli versus robotníci podporujúci fašizmus. Stoja na opačných stranách barikády a žijú v rovnakej džungli – v Ríme. Dva protichodné póly, ktoré sa zrazia vďaka banálnej príbhode. Karty odhalí až bláznovstvo 25-ročnéch chlapca. Vyjde najavo, že všetci majú nejaké tajomstvo a nikto nie je taký, ako vyzerá. Všetci sme predátori.

Trinásťročný Giuseppe sa náhle stratí. Jeho spolužiačka Luna je doňho zamilovaná a s jeho záhadným zmiznutím sa nevie zmieriť. Vzbúri sa voči tichu a spoluvine, ktorými je obklopená a aby ho našla, zostúpi do ponurého sveta, ktorý chlapca pohltil a do ktorého sa dá vstúpiť cez tajuplnú bránu v jazere.

Nevia, a 17-years-old girl from a poor trailer park family in Naples, joins a circus, trying to escape from her situation.

Gaetano and Delia, a separated couple, try to pick up the pieces of their broken love, recalling all the faults and the mistakes which led them to where they are now.

Undine je historička, ktorá pracuje ako sprievodkyňa v múzeu v Berlíne. Vie všetko o Humboldtovom Fóre, a má talent vybrať si správnu blúzku a sako. Je nonšalantne krásna a spôsob, akým sprostredkuje svoje vedomosti o meste, ktoré bolo vystavané na močarisku, je rovnako profesionálny a pôvabný. Aj napriek tomu, čas od času, sa jej pohľad zatúla k nárožnej kaviarni v Stadtmuseum, aby videla, či tam je alebo nie je alebo ešte bude. On. Ale Johannes odchádza, odchádza od nej, a Undine sa rúca svet. Kúzlo je preč.

Italy, after the promulgation of the racial laws (1938). Luciano, a Fascist-abiding restaurateur, nonetheless believes he can still live by his own rules inside his business. However, everything changes when Anna, a girl with a dangerous secret, starts to work at his restaurant.

Three tales of privileged youth entangled in murder: French students kill for money, an Italian student smuggles cigarettes, and an English poet exploits a grim discovery.

As an unpredictable, sweeping pandemic causes people to develop sudden amnesia, a man finds himself enrolled in a recovery program designed to help him build a new life. His treatment: performing daily tasks prescribed by his doctors on cassette tape, and capturing those with a Polaroid camera.

An introverted teenager tells his parents he is going on a ski trip, but instead spends his time alone in his mom's basement. But things didn't go as planned after his half sister joins him.

In her public persona, Eleanor “Tussy” Marx was a translator, actress, a children’s rights activist and a persuasive labour organizer, a tireless powerhouse determined to carry on her father’s work. She held her own with twentieth century gods, including both her father and his colleague Engels. In her privately life, however, she was vulnerable and her attraction to the self-indulgent and self-important Edward Aveling led her into misery and ultimately proved fatal.

Vojenskej pevnosti, ktorá stráži hranice neznámeho impéria, velí postarší muž vykonávajúci aj funkciu správcu. Jeho starostlivé velenie udržuje po mnoho rokov pokoj s kmeňmi nomádov a dochádza len k drobným nedorozumeniam. Všetko sa zmení s príchodom plukovníka Jolla, ktorý prichádza na základe informácií, že barbari chystajú útok. Je krutý a brutálny, správca nechápe Jollove metódy, ani jeho ciele. Jeho protesty nepomáhajú a nakoniec naň padne podozrenie z kolaborácie s nepriateľom. Musí sa rozhodnúť, či zvolí lojálnosť k impériu, alebo ľudskosť, právo a spravodlivosť.

Fabio struggles with a cumbersome father and a capricious and spoiled little sister who consider him a good for nothing, a “vegetable” in fact. The unfortunate recent graduate looks for a job reacts to the contempt of his family and demanding employers, when an unexpected event remixes roles…

Marco and Anita discover they are expecting a child. Finally a ray of light in Marco’s life after his heartbreak following the loss of Leo, his first born with his former wife Clara. Suddenly, however Perla, the new owner where the couple lived until the tragic accident, bursts into Marco’s and his ex-wife’s lives. The mysterious woman claims she keeps feeling a strange presence and hearing the voice of a child that is tormenting her and her son. Marco therefore finds himself torn between the ties of the past and an unwritten future.