After releasing the Chupacabras, Leo San Juan decides that it is time to return together with his brother Nando to his grandmother's house. Halfway down the road, Charro Negro manages to confuse Leo and because of him, an innocent girl is dragged into the underworld. Leo is forced to repair the damage. Your friends will come to try to help you and get out of there as soon as possible. But it is no coincidence that the Charro has chosen to involve Leo, his intentions go beyond getting a new soul.

Checo and Chuma decide to use their criminal skills to do good and help people. Along the way, they learn that friendship and love are more than just clichés.

在肯塔基州路易斯维尔,理发师莎朗·史蒂文斯(Sharon Stevens)召集群众,帮助丧偶的父亲埃德·施密特(Ed Schmitt)拯救了他病危的5岁女儿米歇尔(Michelle),因为他们的社区在1994年遭受了北美寒潮的一场大暴风雪。

Leo San Juan, an insecure child of nine years old, lives eternally frightened by horror stories that Nando tells his older brother. Within these stories it is 'The Legend of Nahuala', according to which, an old abandoned Casona is possessed by the spirit of an evil witch known as the Nahuala.


Organic mountain farmer Christian Bachler and "Oberbobo" Florian Klenk, editor-in-chief of the Viennese magazine "falter", argue in front of 100,000 viewers on Facebook about the responsibility of farmers for their cattle. This creates a friendship. When the bank wants to auction the farm, Bobo starts a fundraiser. 13,000 people follow the call and donate 420,000 euros, the farm is debt-free. A modern fairy tale that changes both of them: Bobo and the farmer are now fighting together for sustainable agriculture.


巨大不明生物“祸威兽”不断地出现,已经成为日本习以为常的现象。 这种生物通常兵器无力对抗,即将迎来极限的日本政府聚集了“祸威兽”专家,成立了“祸威兽特设对策室”通称“祸特对”。 班长-田村君男(西岛秀俊 饰)、作战立案担当官-神永新二(斋藤工 饰)、非粒子物理学者-滝明久(有冈大贵 饰)、泛用生物学者-船缘由美(早见明理 饰)被选拔进入“祸特对”,执行任务。 突然从大气外飞来的银色的巨人使危机加剧。 为了处理银色巨人的问题,祸特对又新配置了分析官-浅见弘子(长泽雅美 饰)和神永携手处理。 在浅见的报告书上这样写着——奥特曼(暂称),茫无头绪。

年轻的查理·金凯德在家中发现了一个秘密总部,似乎是属于一个超级英雄的。他告诉了他的朋友们,他们开始相信,与金凯德关系疏远的父亲可能过着秘密的双重生活。(豆瓣电影) 放学后,查理和他的朋友们在家里发现了一个世界上最强大的超级英雄的总部。当坏人进攻时,他们必须联合起来保卫总部,拯救世界。



18th century. Paola, a young, reckless street urchin inadvertently gets in the way of the plans of terrifying Baron De Michelis, a small and mean hunchback always escorted by his trusted (and abused) minion Marmotta, with an unquenchable thirst for power and an unmeasurable hate for witches. The intervention of the sweet and powerful Dolores, a good witch who has devoted her life to children, saves Paola from being burned at the stake. Through a magical apprenticeship, breakneck pursuits, incredible transformations and a whole lot of trouble, Paola will discover that fate has something really special in store for her… And so the legend begins.



Resort developer Madison Lane is tasked with finding a location for a new ski resort. Her boss tells her to take a trip to Christmas, Colorado, to consider the location. On her way into town, Madison has a minor fender-bender with the town’s welcome sign. Town Sheriff Gage McBride gives Madison a ride into town so she can attend her meeting with the mayor while the car is towed and repaired. Little does Madison know that the town is on a mission to convince Madison that Christmas is the best place for the new ski resort.


宫崎骏担任企划,宫崎吾朗执导的吉卜力首部全3DCG动画长片《アーヤと魔女》(暂译:阿雅与魔女)曝光片名logo,并宣布将于今年冬季在NHK播出! 影片改编自《哈尔的移动城堡》原著作者戴安娜•韦恩•琼斯的一部同名小说(封面如图2),讲述少女阿雅在不知道自己是魔女的女儿的情况下长大,并在奇妙的家中和使坏的魔女一起生活,故事由此展开。


Mariana (15) is annoyingly in love with the school's badboy, Ali2, but he is occupied with the only blonde in Romsås.

When a mysterious fog surrounds the boundaries of California, there is a communication breakdown and all the Mexicans disappear, affecting the economy and the state stops working missing the Mexican workers and dwellers.