Mickey and his friends take a close look at important street safety situations and tips.

After the Japanese defeat to the Russians, Kaji leads the last remaining men through Manchuria. Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines.

Film je intímnym a zároveň epickým príbehom vojny, rozpovedaným cez prizmu ženskej protagonistky. Je to ľúbostný list matky dcére. Waad al-Kateab opisuje svoj život počas piatich rokov neutíchajúcich konfliktov v sýrskom meste Aleppo. Hlavná hrdinka sa vo víre ničivých bojov zamiluje, vydá a porodí Samu. Jej kamera je svedkom neuveriteľných príbehov o strate, prežití i smiechu a zachytáva Waadinu snahu vyriešiť mimoriadne ťažkú dilemu: má utiecť z mesta, aby ochránila život svojej dcéry, aj keď to bude znamenať, že sa vzdá boja za slobodu, ktorému už tak veľa obetovala?

A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.

Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, tries desperately to gain the consent of Akbar’s plaintiff so as to stop the execution.

Comedy juggernaut Dave Chappelle's fourth Netflix Special, taped on November 20th, 2017 at Los Angeles' Comedy Store.

Gwynplaine, son of Lord Clancharlie, has a permanent smile carved on his face by the King, in revenge for Gwynplaine's father's treachery. Gwynplaine is adopted by a travelling showman and becomes a popular idol. He falls in love with the blind Dea. The king dies, and his evil jester tries to destroy or corrupt Gwynplaine.

In the early days of Nazi Germany, a powerful noble family must adjust to life under the new dictatorship regime.

Georgia mala odmalička jeden jediný sen – stať sa požiarničkou ako jej otec. Žiaľ v New Yorku v roku 1920 ženy toto povolanie nesmeli vykonávať. Keď mestskí hasiči začnú jeden po druhom miznúť pri záhadných požiaroch, ktoré zničili divadlá na Broadway, Georgia si uvedomí, že toto je jej šanca. Prezlečie sa za chlapca, nalepí si fúzy a pod menom Joe sa prihlási do skupiny dobrovoľných hasičov, ktorá ma za úlohu zastaviť tajomného podpaľača. Georgia však nesmie za nijakých okolností prezradiť svoju pravú identitu, pretože by to to mohlo ohroziť celú túto nebezpečnú misiu, ktorej navyše velí jej otec.

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.

At the royal court, a prince is presenting the princess whom he is pledged to marry when a witch suddenly appears. Though driven off, the witch soon returns, summons some of her servants, and carries off the princess. A rescue party is quickly organized, but the unfortunate captive has been taken to a strange, forbidding realm, from where it will be impossible to rescue her without some special help.

James Bowen finds himself the target of an animal welfare investigation that threatens to take away his beloved cat, Bob, at Christmas.

Cachin's friends are back. After overcoming many adversities, an inheritance will put them to the test, facing funny situations and dark characters that will try to boycott one of their greatest dreams.

Comedian Tom Papa takes on body image issues, social media, pets, Staten Island, the "old days" and more in a special from his home state of New Jersey.

A woman struggles to keep her stepdaughter from harms way after she hires an assassin to kill her husband, but the hitman turns and blackmails her for the crime.

Marino Pacileo has a soft spot for gambling. When he discovers that Lila's father, the young Chinese girl that he is in love with cannot pay a debt, the gambler steals money from the jail he is in to help the love of his life.

The five-year romance of a window dresser and her boyfriend breaks up, as each of them finds a more interesting partner.

The master of Italian horror, Lucio Fulci, stars as... Lucio Fulci, a filmmaker with a reputation for gruesome horror films. His body of work has started to plague his mental state, and he is haunted by the grotesque set-pieces his mind has conjured up during his career. His psychiatrist, Egon Schwarz, uses a hypnotised Fulci as an avatar to carry out his own disturbed fantasies, in hopes of ruining the master’s reputation once and for all.