A talented martial artist who can't walk past a person in need unites with a probation officer to fight and prevent crime as a martial arts officer.

Jūs maldāties, ja uzskatāt, ka uz Zemes vairs nav pūķu. Viņi dzīvo starp mums, dažkārt lido ļoti augstu, blakus lidmašīnām. Neesat pamanījuši? Tāpat kā mums, arī viņiem ir sapņi, un viņi tic, ka reiz atradīs savu senču zemi – brīnumskaisto Debess malu. Par burvju zemi pūķītis Ugunsputns uzzinājis no vecā pūķa Pelēkbārdas. Kopš tā mirkļa viņš vairs nespēj to aizmirst. Viņam ir tā jāatrod! Klīst baumas, ka drīzumā cilvēki apmetīsies zaļajā pūķu ielejā. Viņi cirtīs kokus, būvēs mājas, ieņems viņu kluso stūrīti, un tad... tad visi pūķi noteikti izzudīs! Sapņotājs Ugunsputns kopā ar draudzenīti Brūnīti apņemas spert nopietnu soli – atrast Debess malu, atgriezties un kopā ar visiem pūķiem atkal aizlidot uz turieni.

SG-1 searches for an ancient weapon which could help them defeat the Ori, and discover it may be in the Ori's own home galaxy. As the Ori prepare to send ships through to the Milky Way to attack Earth, SG-1 travels to the Ori galaxy aboard the Odyssey. The International Oversight committee have their own plans and SG-1 finds themselves in a distant galaxy fighting two powerful enemies.

Tragedy, betrayal and a mysterious discovery fuel a woman's vengeance for the loss of her tribe and family.

One of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time, Marie Colvin is an utterly fearless and rebellious spirit, driven to the frontlines of conflicts across the globe to give voice to the voiceless.

A social butterfly who dies during her birthday week is given a second chance to right her wrongs on Earth.

In an effort to get his buddy out of a gambling debt, Jeff agrees to join forces with Judge in a weapons heist. The job goes bad and Judge betrays Jeff. Jeff plots the ultimate revenge on Judge and his followers and it is a question of whether he can follow through with his plan.

A hacker who is spying on a pretty neighbour messes up his assignment to break into Swiss bank accounts for Russian mobsters.

When talented young writer Elizabeth Wurtzel earns a scholarship to Harvard, she sees it as her chance to escape the pressures of her working-class background and concentrate on her true talent. But what starts out so promising leads to self-destructive behavior and paralyzing depression that reflects an entire generation's struggle to navigate the effects of divorce, drugs, sex, and high expectations.

After a failed sabotage mission, a trio of anti-apartheid freedom fighters ends up in a tense bank hostage situation. Based on a true story.

On-call substitute doctor Shugo suddenly finds himself faced with a terrifying criminal in a clown mask. The assailant demands that Shugo treat injured high school student Hitomi. The perpetrator sets siege to the building and Shugo finds himself confined with 64 unknown patients.

An updated re-telling based in the Gothic South with the Usher Family, led by Mother. The family has been cursed by madness, unrequited love and when Roderick comes home with his girlfriend Morgan, it spells the beginning of the end as her sister Madeline will stop at nothing to prevent their marriage as Morgan fights to take Roderick away from the madness that is the House of Usher.

The murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio shocks the little town of Brembate di Sopra, Italy. To bring the culprit to justice, prosecutors have only scant DNA evidence and no database to compare them to. Based on a true story.

1960s, the city of Clerville. The forthcoming visit of heiress Eva Kant, who'll be bringing a famous pink diamond with her, catches the attention of Diabolik, the infallible and elusive thief whose real identity is unknown: while trying to steal the jewel, he finds himself bewitched by Eva's charm, a feeling she may be reciprocating. But the police, led by relentless Inspector Ginko, is rapidly closing in on him...

In 1943, Colonel Greg Brandon, stationed at an United States Army Air Forces 8th Air Force, 103rd Bomb Group base in England, repeatedly attempts to persuade superiors that massive daylight bombing will hasten the end of World War II. In spite of the mission's extreme difficulty, his plan is finally put into effect against a German aircraft factory. During preparation for the raid, Brandon alienates his men by insisting that normal bombing operations continue. His disdain for cautious Lieutenant Archer and brash RAF Wing Commander Trafton Howard further antagonizes his associates, including his girl friend, WAC Lieutenant Gabrielle Ames. When his bomber crashes the morning of the mission, Brandon boards a bomber manned by Archer and Howard. During the effective air raid, he is impressed by Archer's courage and Howard's judgment.

An off-duty SAS soldier, Tom Buckingham, must thwart a terror attack on a train running through the Channel Tunnel. As the action escalates on the train, events transpire in the corridors of power that may make the difference as to whether Buckingham and the civilian passengers make it out of the tunnel alive.

Sieviete saņem acu transplantus un kopā ar to spēju redzēt mirušos cilvēkus. Kopā ar ārstu Sidnijas ceļš ved uz Meksiku, kur viņi mēģina atrast acu donoru un atklāt savādo vīziju noslēpumu

Four notorious thieves wake up in a fortified warehouse and are forced by a cunning master thief to plan and commit an extraordinary diamond heist.

Detective James Knight 's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from imperiling the city's festivities. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show... one that will strike dangerously close to Knight's home.

Samuraju pilsētas pievārtē, kurā valda savi likumi, vietējais vadonis Gubernators, piedāvā cietumā sēdošam banku laupītājam brīvību, ja viņam izdosies atrast Gubernatora pazudušo krustmeitu Bernisu. Aprīkots ar ierīci, kas uzsprāgs, ja viņš izdomās bēgt, “varonis” dodas pazudušās meitenes meklējumos.