Em conjunto com um funcionário encarregado da liberdade condicional, um mestre em artes marciais incapaz de deixar alguém em apuros dedica-se a combater e evitar o crime.

Drago, um jovem dragão prateado, está cansado de viver escondido e quer mostrar à geração mais velha que é um verdadeiro dragão. Agora que os humanos estão a ameaçar destruir o último refúgio da sua espécie, Drago parte secretamente numa aventura, com a sua fiel amiga Sorrel, em busca da Orla do Céu, um local mítico e um misterioso santuário secreto para Dragões, onde poderão viver em paz sem serem ameaçados pela espécie humana. Durante esta aventura, Drago e Sorrel encontram Ben, um órfão que vive nas ruas e que afirma ser um Cavaleiro de Dragões. Enquanto Ben e Drago fazem amizade rapidamente, Sorrel desconfia cada vez mais do novo elemento do grupo e tenta livrar-se dele a cada oportunidade. Porém, o improvável trio terá de aprender a trabalhar em conjunto, porque há alguém que os persegue: o impiedoso Espigão Dourado, um terrível monstro devorador de dragões, criado por um alquimista, cujo único propósito é o de perseguir e destruir todos os dragões da Terra.

Este emocionante filme de longa-metragem se inicia exatamente onde a equipe Stargate SG-1 composta por Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), Vala (Claudia Black), Teal'c (christopher Judge) e Cam (Ben Browder) havia interrompido sua mais eletrizante aventuras de todos os tempos: na busca de um artefato antigo que eles esperam possa derrotar os opressores oris. Porém, a corajosa equipe descobre que há um traidor a bordo da Odyssey e também fica sabendo que os poderosos oris estão prestes a lançar um ataque mortal à Terra.

Neste episódio especial de "Kingdom", a tragédia, a traição e uma descoberta misteriosa alimentam a sede de vingança de uma mulher que perdeu a tribo e a família.

Marie Colvin é uma das correspondentes de guerra mais famosas num tempo em que o jornalismo independente está sob ataque cerrado. Destemida e com um espírito rebelde, percorre as linhas da frente de conflitos de todo o mundo, dando voz àqueles que não têm forma de ser ouvidos. Depois de ser atingida por uma granada no Sri Lanka, passa a usar uma pala sobre o olho, mas continua a sentir-se tão à vontade nas festas da elite londrina como a confrontar ditadores com as suas denúncias públicas e perguntas incómodas. A sua missão – mostrar ao mundo o verdadeiro preço da guerra – leva-a ao encontro do prestigiado fotógrafo Paul Conroy e, juntos, embarcam na aventura mais perigosa das suas vidas: expor o conflito armado da Síria.

A social butterfly who dies during her birthday week is given a second chance to right her wrongs on Earth.

In an effort to get his buddy out of a gambling debt, Jeff agrees to join forces with Judge in a weapons heist. The job goes bad and Judge betrays Jeff. Jeff plots the ultimate revenge on Judge and his followers and it is a question of whether he can follow through with his plan.

A hacker who is spying on a pretty neighbour messes up his assignment to break into Swiss bank accounts for Russian mobsters.

When talented young writer Elizabeth Wurtzel earns a scholarship to Harvard, she sees it as her chance to escape the pressures of her working-class background and concentrate on her true talent. But what starts out so promising leads to self-destructive behavior and paralyzing depression that reflects an entire generation's struggle to navigate the effects of divorce, drugs, sex, and high expectations.

After a failed sabotage mission, a trio of anti-apartheid freedom fighters ends up in a tense bank hostage situation. Based on a true story.

On-call substitute doctor Shugo suddenly finds himself faced with a terrifying criminal in a clown mask. The assailant demands that Shugo treat injured high school student Hitomi. The perpetrator sets siege to the building and Shugo finds himself confined with 64 unknown patients.

An updated re-telling based in the Gothic South with the Usher Family, led by Mother. The family has been cursed by madness, unrequited love and when Roderick comes home with his girlfriend Morgan, it spells the beginning of the end as her sister Madeline will stop at nothing to prevent their marriage as Morgan fights to take Roderick away from the madness that is the House of Usher.

The murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio shocks the little town of Brembate di Sopra, Italy. To bring the culprit to justice, prosecutors have only scant DNA evidence and no database to compare them to. Based on a true story.

1960s, the city of Clerville. The forthcoming visit of heiress Eva Kant, who'll be bringing a famous pink diamond with her, catches the attention of Diabolik, the infallible and elusive thief whose real identity is unknown: while trying to steal the jewel, he finds himself bewitched by Eva's charm, a feeling she may be reciprocating. But the police, led by relentless Inspector Ginko, is rapidly closing in on him...

In 1943, Colonel Greg Brandon, stationed at an United States Army Air Forces 8th Air Force, 103rd Bomb Group base in England, repeatedly attempts to persuade superiors that massive daylight bombing will hasten the end of World War II. In spite of the mission's extreme difficulty, his plan is finally put into effect against a German aircraft factory. During preparation for the raid, Brandon alienates his men by insisting that normal bombing operations continue. His disdain for cautious Lieutenant Archer and brash RAF Wing Commander Trafton Howard further antagonizes his associates, including his girl friend, WAC Lieutenant Gabrielle Ames. When his bomber crashes the morning of the mission, Brandon boards a bomber manned by Archer and Howard. During the effective air raid, he is impressed by Archer's courage and Howard's judgment.

Um agente das forças especiais em viagem entre Londres e Paris com a namorada tem de passar à ação quando mercenários implacáveis e armados tomam o controlo do comboio.

Jessica Alba encabeça o elenco deste remake de um popular filme de terror de Hong Kong sobre uma jovem violinista, cega desde a infância, que recupera a visão após um transplante de córnea.

Four notorious thieves wake up in a fortified warehouse and are forced by a cunning master thief to plan and commit an extraordinary diamond heist.

Detective James Knight 's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from imperiling the city's festivities. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show... one that will strike dangerously close to Knight's home.

In the treacherous frontier city of Samurai Town, a ruthless bank robber is sprung from jail by wealthy warlord The Governor, whose adopted granddaughter Bernice has gone missing. The Governor offers the prisoner his freedom in exchange for retrieving the runaway. Strapped into a leather suit that will self-destruct within five days, the bandit sets off on a journey to find the young woman—and his own path to redemption.