Nekega poletnega jutra moški sredi francoskega podeželja doživi prometno nesrečo. Medtem ko v borbi za življenje prehaja med nezavestjo in zavestjo, se mu pred očmi odvijejo njegovo življenje in dogodki, ki so pripeljali do nesreče. Moški je pariški arhitekt Pierre, razpet med nekdanjo ženo Catherine in mlajšo partnerico Hélène. Na predvečer nesreče mu Hélène postavi ultimat, ki se zdi Pierru nesprejemljiv, zato jo zapusti. V trenutku ko ga prestreli uvid, da ljubi Hélène, pa njegovo odločitev, da bi z njo preživel življenje, prekriža višja sila.

Hanako Haibara was born and raised in the city of Tokyo. After she gets dumped by her boyfriend, while in her late 20's, she goes on blind dates to find a man to marry. Miki Tokioka was born in a province. She studied very hard and entered a prestigious university in Tokyo. She experienced difficult financial times, but she now works at an IT company. Due to a man, Hanako Haibara and Miki Tokioka meet each other.

Set in a magnificent villa near a sun-drenched St. Tropez, lovers Jean-Paul and Marianne are spending a happy, lazy summer holiday. Their only concern is to gratify their mutual passion - until the day when Marianne invites her former lover and his beautiful teenage daughter to spend a few days with them. From the first moment, a certain uneasiness and tension begin to develop between the four, which soon escalates in a dangerous love-game.

A shy teenager on a summer vacation experiences the joy and pain of young adulthood when he forges an unlikely bond with an older girl.

Rachel loves her life, her students, her friends, her ex, her guitar lessons. When she falls in love with Ali, she grows close to his 4-year-old daughter, Leila. She tucks her in, looks after her, and loves her like a mother... which she isn’t. Not yet. Rachel is 40. The desire for a family of her own is growing stronger, and the clock is ticking. Is it too late?

Biografski film o Celine Dion, dekletu rojenem v Quebecu v Kanadi, ki je z leti postala svetovno znana pevska zvezda. V prvem delu filma smo priča njenemu odraščanju, nato sledijo leta svetovnega glasbenega preboja, ki se začne v sedemdesetih in traja vsa devetdeseta leta prejšnjega stoletja. V filmski biografiji se prepleta tudi privlačna ljubezenska zgodba med Celine in njenim starejšim managerjem. Film je režirala Valerie Lemercier, samooklicana oboževalka Dionove, ki je svoj poklon pevki namenila v svetovnem podnaslovu filma - Moč ljubezni.

Five years after their summer together in Barcelona, Xavier, William, Wendy, Martine and Isabelle reunite.

Antoine de Maximy disappeared in the Carpathian Mountains during the filming of J'irai dormir chez vous (2005) after a car accident . His editor, Agnès, tries to find him thanks to the pictures of his trip.

Piše se leto 2015. V Grčiji, opustošeni zaradi finančne krize, na volitvah zmaga zveza levih strank Siriza, na čelu katere je karizmatični mladi politik Aleksis Cipras. Za pomoč pri pogajanjih z zloglasno Trojko, ki narekuje ukrepe za grški izhod iz krize, je določen finančni minister Janis Varufakis, ugledni ekonomist z bleščečo mednarodno akademsko kariero. Njegovi predlogi vodijo proti nekonvencionalnim rešitvam, ki pa bi lahko omilile res težaven položaj Grkov. Na zasedanjih t. i. Evroskupine pa poteka vse prej kot demokratična in transparentna igra …

Follows the lives of three families who live in a three-story building in a Roman neighbourhood.

Ko preprosta, ne ravno najbolj bistra prijatelja Jean-Gab in Manu v prtljažniku avtomobila najdeta orjaško muho, se odločita, da jo bosta udomačila in zdresirala. Prepričana sta namreč, da lahko z njo čez noč obogatita. Njuna ideja seveda naleti na mešane odzive med novimi – prav tako čudaškimi ali vsaj čudnimi – prijatelji in neznanci, ki jih srečata na svojem popotovanju.

Skupina superjunakov, ki se proti zlobnežem bori s pomočjo negativne energije tobaka, se po divji bitki z želvo velikanko odpravi na obvezen enotedenski team building, da bi okrepili ekipnega duha, preden se vrnejo reševat svet … Najnovejša pustolovščina vodilnega francoskega absurdista Quentina Dupieuxa (Mandibule, Neverjetno, a resnično) je zelo zabaven, zelo nepredvidljiv in zelo prismojen poklon starim superjunaškim serijam.

DNA revolves around a woman with close ties to a beloved Algerian grandfather who protected her from a toxic home life as a child. When he dies, it triggers a deep identity crisis as tensions between her extended family members escalate revealing new depths of resentment and bitterness.

After winning the lottery, the life of the happy winner turns into a nightmare. The movie consists of four separate stories divided into five parts. They tell the different stages of the winner's life, from discovering the reward to witnessing the consequences caused by the prize.

Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.

Ève and Henri are among the happy few of the French community in Vienna. They are “la crème de la crème”. The perfect picture crumbles when Ève discovers that Henri is cheating on her. On an impulse, she finds revenge with Jonas, a perfect young Austrian guy. But he’s not who she thought he was. This will lead them to an irreversible spiral.

A failed 40 year old comedian wants to organize the first Black protests in France but meeting with other French celebrities of the Black community will make it a whole new adventure.

Nilo is a feminist writer, living an orderly life with her husband and 13-year-old daughter Laura. When her irresponsible sister Maya, whose projects constantly tend to bomb, both "kidnaps" Nilo's Volvo and daughter and heads south, Nilo tags along. The goal of the trip is Portugal, where the sisters’ complicated mother recently diagnosed with cancer lives, together with Maya’s son, who it has finally become time to take responsibility for.

1940, Jeanne Reichenbach turns her back on a peaceful life to link her destiny to Léon Blum. She's been loving him since her teenage years, and is ready to sacrifice her freedom to mary him at Buchenwald, where he's held prisoner. They will survive together.

Two couples, Pierre and Aimée, Éric and Pénélope, all share four years of friendship without cloud. Only concern, Penelope and Pierre have become lovers ... The situation becoming untenable, they decide to break. But after a final night of passionate love, fate plays a trick on them: Peter and Penelope each wake up in the body of the other! To protect their secrecy, they each find themselves having to live the life of the other. This is the beginning of the complications ...