Solicitor Alan Phipps formulates a plan to blackmail his wealthy and unfaithful wife, Yvonne, and at the same time, get revenge against her boyfriend, John Brodie, by setting him up to appear that he is the blackmailer and for Yvonne to kill him.

Three years have passed, Antonio and Luca are seeing each other for the first time since Denis's death. Luca, who has hit rock bottom after the death of his friend, was lucky enough to meet Tancredi, his current boyfriend, ...while Antonio has focused on his work, so much so that he is now a well-known chef in a pastry shop. It is clear that there is still a special relationship between the two, but Antonio mistakes Luca's affection for something more and does everything he can to ruin his relationship with Tancredi, even though Cristina does not approve of his behavior. Will Antonio learn to leave the past behind in order to fully experience what the future has to offer him?

A Szürke Hölgy és a Hajóskapitány meséje átjárja Middleton történelmét. Amikor Cassy beköltözik a 200 éves Szürke Házba és csodás otthont varázsol magának, a Middletoniak szeretnék ott tartani a jubileumi ünnepséget. Ennek semmi akadálya, bár Cassy közben kénytelen kiadni az óriási ház szobáit, hogy fedezni tudja a felújítás költségeit. Ezzel pedig elindítja a lavinát. A varázslatokkal teli történetben megjelenik a gonosz is, aki csalással próbálja elvenni a Szürke Házat jogos örökösétől. Ám a kisváros és Jake, a rendőrkapitány összefognak és végül a mesének köszönhetően megmenekül a történelmük.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

Mothra and her fairies return to Japan to warn mankind that they must return Kiryu to the sea, for the dead must not be disturbed. However Godzilla has survived to menace Japan leaving Kiryu as the nation's only defense.

A sok galibát okozó Lütyő őrmester beevez a házasság révébe. Egy ezredes csinos özvegye veti ki a hálóját a derék csendőrre, remélve, hogy némi ösztönzéssel és öszeköttetéssel tisztet csinál majd belőle. És kit ne szédítene meg a díszes tiszti egyenruha, különösen, ha a kedves Josépha még a jelenkezését is elintézi a tisztképző iskolára.

Chandru's friends make fun of him as he does not have a girlfriend. He points out at a girl claiming that she is his girlfriend, due to which a number of unfortunate events take place in her life.

Extraterrestrials contact earth in this delightful fable. Their message is "HELLO" in many languages, and there is a celebration.

Gerald Tovar szokatlan örökséghez jut az apja révén: egy hullaház tulajdonosa lesz, amelyben a halottakon kívül veszélyes hulladékot is tárolnak. A mérgező vegyi anyag valahogy szivárogni kezd, és eléri a holttesteket is, amelyek egymás után kelnek életre a kémiai reakció hatására. A zombihadsereg persze nem kíván örökre a hűtőkamrában maradni.

With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Egy katonai múlttal rendelkező ügyvéd levadássza azt a bandát, amelyik megölte a feleségét és a bátyját, és elrabolta a lányát.

Földönkívüliek szállnak le a Földre azzal a szándékkal, hogy tanulmányozzák a földiek életét és tulajdonságait. Veszélyt ugyan nem jelentenek, de hatalmas fölfordulást hoznak St. Tropez városának nyugodt életébe. A lények ugyanis megpróbálnak elvegyülni, s ezért felveszik az emberek, többek között a csendőrök alakját, amiből számtalan mulatságos galiba adódik.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

Paolo Cioffa, as Christmas approaches, is ready to leave on a cruise with his mistress Magda Venni, freed by his wife Francesca Zanchi and his son Federico, who is about to go skiing.

The last remaining film of Le Prince's LPCCP Type-1 MkII single-lens camera is a sequence of frames of his son, Adolphe Le Prince, playing a diatonic button accordion. It was recorded on the steps of the house of Joseph Whitley, Adolphe's grandfather.

A doomsday pepper is surprised to find a mysterious box appear in his living room with no trace as to how it could've gotten there.

Through seven scenes, the film follows the life and destinies of stray dogs from the margins of our society, leading us to reconsider our attitude towards them. Through the seven “wandering” characters that we follow at different ages, from birth to old age, we witness their dignified struggle for survival. At the cemetery, in an abandoned factory, in an asylum, in a landfill, in places full of sorrow, our heroes search for love and togetherness. By combining documentary material, animation and acting interpretation of the thoughts of our heroes, we get to know lives between disappointment and hope, quite similar to ours.