At an elder-care facility, a geriatric con artist tries to prevent his new friend with early Alzheimer's symptoms from being transferred to the 'lost causes' floor.

A woman in her mid-30s breaks up with her boyfriend of seven years and goes on a journey of self-discovery.

Tai biografinė drama apie vieną svarbiausių moterų Birmos istorijoje, apie pasiaukojimą vardan savo tėvynės ir apie šeimos meilę, kuri gali ištverti viską. Kai Aung San Suu Kyi buvo dveji, jos tėvas išvedė Birmą į nepriklausomybę, bet netrukus buvo nužudytas. Suu Kyi apsigyveno Anglijoje, ištekėjo už rašytojo Maiklo, susilaukė sūnaus. Tačiau motinos liga po daugelio metų privertė moterį grįžti į Birmą, kur visi tebeprisimena jos tėvą. Supratusi apverktiną savo gimtosios šalies padėtį, Suu Kyi sutinka vadovauti reikalingoms reformoms. Jos partija laimi rinkimus, bet armija nenori pripažinti Kai Aung San Suu Kyi galių. Vardan šalies lyderė aukoja santykius su artimaisiais – šie neįleidžiami į Birmą, o ji dešimtmečiui įkalinama. Vyras su sūnumi už Birmos sienų siekia tarptautinio Suu Kyi pripažinimo, kad ji nebūtų pamiršta ir pražudyta.

Two childhood paranormal incidents have convinced schoolteacher Faith Corvatch that her true love is a guy named "Damon Bradley," but she has yet to meet him. Preparing to marry podiatrist Dwayne in 10 days, Faith receives a phone call from Dwayne's old classmate named Damon Bradley who is on his way to Venice. Faith tries to catch him at the airport but just misses him so she impulsively decides to fly to Venice hoping to finally encounter the man of her dreams; accompanying her on the trip is her sister-in-law and childhood best friend, Kate, who has just left her husband, Faith's brother Larry.

A musical biopic of the Four Seasons—the rise, the tough times and personal clashes, and the ultimate triumph of a group of friends whose music became symbolic of a generation. Far from a mere tribute concert, it gets to the heart of the relationships at the centre of the group, with a special focus on frontman Frankie Valli, the small kid with the big falsetto.

Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth in the all too perfect behavior of the female residents.

Jaunas viskuo nusivylęs gangsteris pamilsta atsitiktinai gatvėje sutiktą studentę. Nesulaukęs jokio jos dėmesio, jis daro viską, kad sugriautų merginos gyvenimą: paverčia ją gatvės prostitute, priverčia pereiti visus pragaro ratus, o pats blaškosi tarp meilės bei kaltės jausmo. Tai atvirumu šokiruojanti, erotiška meilės ir neapykantos istorija.

In a small Minnesota town, the annual beauty pageant is being covered by a TV crew. Former winner Gladys Leeman wants to make sure her daughter follows in her footsteps; explosions, falling lights, and trailer fires prove that. As the Leemans are the richest family in town, the police are pretty relaxed about it all. Despite everything, main rival (but sweet) Amber Atkins won't give up without a fight.

When her idolized twin sister Audrey dies in a car accident, Laurel decides to take her place. But, as she eases into the life she has always wanted, she must decide between continuing the lie or revealing herself.

High school student Rina has a bad attitude and thinks that friends are something that you use when you need them. She doesn't have any real relationships and is not even on good terms with her parents. Rina is the clubbing queen and could get any guy she wants with her stunning looks. One day, Rina suddenly collapses and her world falls apart. She finds out that she has cancer. The only one who starts to support her is her classmate Maki. Maki tells that they were friends in primary school even though Rina doesn't remember. Maki wants to get close to Rina and help her like Rina had helped Maki when she had hard times.

Spurred by the disappearance of a newly-wed husband, three women in post-war Japan are drawn into a murder mystery.

A career driven professional from Manhattan is wooed by a young painter, who also happens to be the son of her psychoanalyst.

Multiple lives intersect in the aftermath of the violent mugging of a Columbia University philosophy professor.

Emily (Sarah Paulson) and Ben (Eric Mabius) find their plans to marry on Christmas day coming apart at the seams when Ben is left to plan the wedding details after Emily is forced to go on a business trip. Though Emily, a perfectionist, is determined to have a fairytale wedding, she realizes that love is all that really matters when a freak storm threatens to keep her from making it home in time for the big day.

A professional in the advertising business, Holly dreams of finding Mr. Right, & getting the "perfect" romance. When she meets someone who ~looks the part, she falls hard & fast. But soon she is reminded that appearances can be deceiving, & true love grows in more unexpected places.

Determined to learn about her boyfriend's past relationships, Stacy -- who works for a talk show -- becomes a bona fide snoop. With her colleague, Barb, Stacy gets the names of Derek's ex-lovers and interviews them, supposedly for an upcoming show. But what she learns only adds to her confusion, and her plans begin to unravel when she befriends one of the women.

A delightful romantic comedy about about a guardian angel who falls for the young woman he is protecting.

Džefas kuopia vienuolyno arklides ir svajoja tapti riteriu. Deja, nekilmingo našlaičio niekas nė neketina įšventinti į garbingų riterių ordiną. Tačiau vieną gražią dieną Džefas randa... drakoną. Visa karalystė susidomi radiniu, o ypač garsus riteris ir karaliaus patarėjas. Pasižiūrėti drakono atvyksta net senas kinas drauge su auklėtiniu. Tik jiedu ir piktasis riteris žino, kad jei drakonas atiduos savo širdį blogiui, pasaulis žus. Tad Džefui ir jo draugui drakonui tenka įsisukti į nuožmius susirėmimus tarp gėrio ir blogio bei patirti įvairių nuotykių.

18-year-old Jenny Taylor is ecstatic when she finds out that her favorite rock star, Jason Masters, is a guest at the tropical resort where she is working for the summer. When they are both thrown overboard during a Caribbean cruise, she saves his life and they find themselves stranded on a remote beach. Deliriously in love with the idea of time alone with him, she manages to hide the fact that they're a stone's throw away from their resort.

Moksliukų laukia neįtikėtinas įvykis - jų draugo vestuvės. Visi susirenka pas jaunąją, kurios tėčiui - ambicingam politikui - visai nepatinka nei būsimas žentas, nei jo draugeliai. Jis kartu su vyresniosios dukters vyru pasižada vestuves sužlugdyti. Netrukus žentas atveda detektyvą, kuris neva turi informacijos apie nesantuokinę jaunikio dukterį.