A courageous pastor uses his underground network to rescue and aid North Korean families as they risk their lives to embrace freedom.

A strange creature visits a very strange planet, where it watches the lives of the beans, the inhabitants of the planet. When the beans notice the creature's watchful eyes, they drive it away.

This revealing portrait of Cuba follows the lives of Fidel Castro and three Cuban families affected by his policies over the last four decades.

At a shiva with her parents, a college student runs into her sugar daddy.

A sensitive girl is sent to an all-girls boarding school and develops a romantic attachment to one of her teachers.

A film shot during the summer of 1968 in Oakland, California around the meetings organised by the Black Panthers Party to free Huey Newton, one of their leaders, and to turn his trial into a political debate. They tried and succeeded in catching America’s attention.

A celebration of the universe, displaying the whole of time, from its start to its final collapse. This film examines all that occurred to prepare the world that stands before us now: science and spirit, birth and death, the grand cosmos and the minute life systems of our planet.

Maiquél has lost a bet and dyed his hair blond. This seemingly innocuous event triggers a head-on collision with destiny in which he goes from nobody to hero to outlaw — all in 24 hours.

Richard, a lonely and well-meaning prison officer, is put in charge of reading and censoring the letters received by inmates.

Believing that the world will end that very day, three mental patients Coco, Tsumuji, and Satoru set out upon a journey. Walking upon the tops of the walls of the city, they seek to find a picnic spot with the best vantage point to view the final event.

O familie iraniană bogată se luptă să controleze rebeliunea sexuală în creștere a unei adolescente și noul conservatorism al fratelui ei.

In several unrelated stories, the consequences of putting one's foot down – or failing to do so – are explored.

Isabelle (Julie Delpy) a divorțat de curând de soțul ei James (Richard Armitage) și trece printr-o perioadă dificilă de vreme ce lupta pentru custodia fiicei sale Zoe continuă. Isabelle, un genetician renumit, se gândește la cariera ei științifică, dar fiica ei este principala preocupare. Într-o dimineață, este șocată să descopere că Zoe nu se mai trezește. În spital, părinții neajutorați află că fata are hemoragie cerebrală. Isabelle nu acceptă situația și ia situația în propriile mâini într-un mod neașteptat și șocant.

When a substance abuse counsellor gets arrested for a DUI and returns to her hometown of Niagara Falls, she learns that her estranged father is dying of cancer and wants her to form a bond with her teenage half-sister that she's never met.

In a former mining town in North Ossetia, a young woman struggles to escape the stifling hold of the family she loves as much as she rejects.

Alma and Alex, two adolescent sisters, are survivors of a catastrophic event. They live deep in the woods with their Mother, a strict, over-protective woman who has sheltered them from ominous presences, the Shadows, which live in the daylight and infest the world beyond the river, a border for Alma and Alex. When they follow Mother, out for hunting, Alma and Alex start a series of events which will make them discover the truth about the Shadows and their own reality.

Rent’s a bitch. And that is why, six months after her best friend went missing, Amanda finally gives in to getting another roommate, Hailey. The two college students turn out to have something in common, however: abusive men. For Hailey, it’s her dad. For Amanda, it’s a stalkery ex-boyfriend. But problems can be solved and, you know, you scratch my back, I scratch yours. In other words, Kill for Me, I kill for you.

In 1935, Hungarian-American para-psychologist Nandor Fodor began his investigation of a strange occurrence on the Isle of Man. An average British family, the Irvings, claimed to have been contacted by a mysterious entity at their farm. A talking mongoose. Named Gef (Pronounced "Jeff".)

Residents of a friendly Pennsylvania town foil three brothers' plan to rob a bank on Christmas Eve.

An aimless girl in her final week of college goes to great lengths to win the affections of a boy from her hometown, Philadelphia, and ends up having to confront anxieties about her love life, family, and future.