Rikollisnelikko herra Blue, Green, Grey ja Brown kaappaavat New Yorkin metrojunan ja vaativat kaupungilta miljoonaa dollaria lunnasrahoina. He uhkaavat ampua panttivangit yksi kerrallaan, jos vaatimuksiin ei suostuta. Poliisin puolella tilannetta metron komentokeskuksessa johtaa veteraanipoliisi Garber. Pian alkaa piinaava psykologinen taistelu ja aivoleikki Garberin ja kaappajien pomon välillä.
The murder of her father sends a teenage tomboy on a mission of 'justice', which involves avenging her father's death. She recruits a tough old marshal, 'Rooster' Cogburn because he has 'true grit', and a reputation of getting the job done.
Punainen virta (engl. Red River) on Howard Hawksin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen lännenelokuvan klassikko vuodelta 1948. Elokuva kertoo suuresta karjanajosta Texasista Kansasiin asti. Päähenkilöinä on karjanajon suunnitellut vanha karjatilallinen Tom Dunson (John Wayne) ja hänen aikuinen adoptiopoikansa Matthew (Montgomery Clift).
An experienced bounty hunter helps a young sheriff learn the meaning of his badge.
In the old west, a man becomes a Sheriff just for the pay, figuring he can decamp if things get tough.
Sosialisti, filosofianörtti ja kyyninen keikari – he kaikki ovat osa niin kutsuttua ”urbaania haute bourgeoisia”, ja vaikka kutakin heistä viehättää eri ideologia, ovat kaikki heistä yhtä vakuuttuneita siitä, että heillä on vastaukset kaikkeen. Ollaan ensimmäisellä joululomalla korkeakoulusta, ja nämä nuoret aikuiset tapaavat juhlissa ja päivällisillä keskustellakseen loputtomasti.
Set in Iquitos, the story follows Andrea (Airam Galliani), a 15-years-ago teenage girl, who suffers the death of his father. With the help of his friends from school, encourage her to contact him using the ouija. However, this triggers a series of terrifying events.
Tupakkalakkoa psykiatrin avulla yrittävä nainen löytää itsestään outoja ulottuvuuksia.
George Washington McLintockia on ylpeä, uhmakas karjaparoni, jonka tytärtä Beckyä odotetaan palaavaksi koulusta. G.W.:n onnellista jälleennäkemistä hänen tyttärensä kanssa varjostaa kuitenkin itsepäinen vaimo Katherine, joka jätti miehensä kaksi vuotta aikaisemmin.
After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.
An American Army officer is recruited by the yet to exist Israel to help them form an army. He is disturbed by this sudden appeal to his Jewish heritage. Each of Israel's Arab neighbors has vowed to invade the poorly prepared country as soon as partition is granted. He is made commander of the Israeli forces just before the war begins.
A sergeant must deal with his desires to save the lives of young soldiers being sent to Vietnam. Continuously denied the chance to teach the soldiers about his experiences, he settles for trying to help the son of an old army buddy.
Stanley Ford leads an idyllic bachelor life. He is a nationally syndicated cartoonist whose Bash Brannigan series provides him with a luxury townhouse and a full-time valet, Charles. When he wakes up the morning after the night before - he had attended a friend's stag party - he finds that he is married to the very beautiful woman who popped out of the cake - and who doesn't speak a word of English. Despite his initial protestations, he comes to like married life and even changes his cartoon character from a super spy to a somewhat harried husband.
A stranger comes to town looking for his estranged wife. He finds her running the local girls. He also finds a town and sheriff afraid of their own shadow, scared of a landowner they never see who rules through his rowdy sidekicks. The stranger is a town tamer by trade, and he accepts a $500 commission to sort things out.
The players in an ongoing poker game are being mysteriously killed off, one by one.
Amerikkalainen jännitysdraama vuodelta 1972, jossa hienoon katoliseen poikakouluun saapuu uusi liikunnanopettaja Reis. Mies joutuu heti vedetyksi kahden vanhemman opettajan, latinanopettaja Malleyn ja äidinkielenopettaja Dobbsin, välisiin kahnauksiin. Pian Reis huomaa, että kyseisessä koulussa on tekeillä monenlaista hämäräpeliä.
An arrogant movie star is busted for speeding in a small southern town and sentenced to attend Mayberry Fest: a weeklong festival celebrating "The Andy Griffith Show." Immersed in a modern-day Mayberry, he’s given a chance to discover the true meaning of friendship and family.
Engineer Johnny Munroe is enlisted to build a railroad tunnel through a mountain to reach mines. His task is complicated, and his ethics are compromised, when he falls in love with his boss's daughter
Jed Clamplett and his backwoods family help solve an energy crisis in their own rustic ways for their Beverly Hills neighborhood they still cannot adjust to.
Third and best known entry in the Mark IV series of fundamentalist apocalypse films. Fundamentalist Christian guerrilla David helps condemned dissidents escape, attempts to subvert the computerized Mark of the Beast, and generally tries to survive as prophecy unfolds in the rise of the Antichrist to the pinnacle of his power and the beginning of God's war on sinful man.