This film puts you inside the head of a dyslexic child trying to get through the 5th grade in the 1970's.
Geras - Blondis, keliaujantis ginkluotas šaulys su stipriu asmeniniu savigarbos jausmu.Blogas - Angelo Akis, sadistiškas samdomas žudikas.Bjaurus - Tukas, meksikietis banditas, išdavikas, kuris visada laikosi tiktai savo nuomonės.Pilietinio karo metu, jie ieško lobio, palaidoto kapinėse. Kiekvienas žino tik dalelę tikslios informacijos, taigi šiuo momentu jie priklausomi vienas nuo kito. Tačiau, niekas nėra linkęs dalintis...
On a January night in 1985, music's biggest stars gathered to record "We Are the World." This documentary goes behind the scenes of the historic event.
In 2200, private detective Aline Ruby and her android partner Carlos Rivera are hired by a wealthy businessman to track down a notorious hacker. On Mars, they descend deep into the underbelly of the planet's capital city where they uncover a darker story of brain farms, corruption, and a missing girl who holds a secret about the robots that threatens to change the face of the universe.
For the first short film for one of five consecutive record-breaking No. 1 hits from "Bad," Michael Jackson and director Martin Scorsese created an epic 18-minute tale of urban and racial challenges in the 1980s. "Bad" was named the second greatest of Michael's short films by Rolling Stone in 2014.
Filmo veiksmas vyksta tarptautiniame Vakarų klasikinės muzikos pasaulyje. Pagrindinė filmo herojė – Lydia Tár („Oskarą“ pelniusi akt. Cate Blanchett), kuri yra laikoma viena žymiausių šiuolaikinių kompozitorių ir dirigenčių, taip pat pirmoji pagrindinio Vokietijos orkestro direktorė.
A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.
Filmas prasideda kaip dviejų žmonių pasimatymas. Jiems bendraujant, malonus vienos nakties nuotykis pamažu virsta šiurpiu pelės ir katės žaidimu, ir istorija virsta tik suaugusiam žiūrovui skirtu maksimaliai įtemptu pasakojimu apie vieną dieną (ir naktį) iš serijinio žudiko gyvenimo. Replika po replikos, veiksmas po veiksmo – ir iš pusiausvyros išvestas, savikontrolę praradęs žudikas praranda paskutinius žmogiškumo likučius. Jo kelią žymi tik kraujas, stingstantys kūnai ir siaubas. Ar jam pavyks nužudyti pagrindinę savo auką? – tą, su kuria taip maloniai prasidėjo diena?
A steely special ops agent finds his morality put to the test when he infiltrates a crime syndicate and unexpectedly bonds with the boss' young son.
A matriarch past the point of a nervous breakdown, her two daughters that don't give a damn, and the heat-seeking missiles of resentment they toss at each other.
Battered, broken and bereaved, a private investigator must muscle his way through a tangle of lies to uncover the truth behind a mansion murder.
Jaunas viskuo nusivylęs gangsteris pamilsta atsitiktinai gatvėje sutiktą studentę. Nesulaukęs jokio jos dėmesio, jis daro viską, kad sugriautų merginos gyvenimą: paverčia ją gatvės prostitute, priverčia pereiti visus pragaro ratus, o pats blaškosi tarp meilės bei kaltės jausmo. Tai atvirumu šokiruojanti, erotiška meilės ir neapykantos istorija.
The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal. EO, a grey donkey with melancholic eyes, meets good and bad people on his life’s path, experiences joy and pain, endures the wheel of fortune randomly turn his luck into disaster and his despair into unexpected bliss. But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence.
Three vixens have meditated for 1,000 years to able to shed their animal natures and become human. For the final month of their rigors, they have moved near a village where women pray to a god of fertility. One sister visits the god's temple and thinks lustful thoughts. As she leaves, a priest confronts her, warning of dire consequences and of demons that will try to stop the vixens' transformation. Soon, the youngest sister saves a poor scholar from bandits and becomes enamored of him. Each sister visits him, and before long, the youth has made love to all three. After they invite him to stay with them, the playfulness takes a scary turn. Where can they turn for help?
Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents de Suzane von Richthofen's point of view of the events that led to the death of her parents.
A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.
Karštą vasaros dieną dėl nepaaiškinamo elektros gedimo Oslo gyventojus ištinka kolektyviniai migrenos priepuoliai, elektroniniai prietaisai nebeveikia. Viskas sugrįžta į normalias vėžes taip pat staigiai, kaip ir prasidėjo, išskyrus viena – mirusieji atgyja ir pasirodo jų vis dar gedintiems šeimos nariams: eismo avarijoje žuvusi mama, mylimas vyras ir į depresiją panirusios motinos miręs sūnus.
Alexander Armsworth and his family move to an authentic antebellum mansion which once was owned by a river pirate. Alexander is drawn into a century-old mystery when he sees the ghost of a little girl and she asks for his help in finding the "child of glass" by reciting a riddle. He has only a day or two to solve the riddle...or be haunted for the rest of his life!
Greta is a beautiful young woman abused by her brother Franz and left to die in childbirth by her illicit lover, the aristocrat Dr. von Ravensbrück. Bereft with grief, Franz reanimates his dead sister using a formula engraved on an ancient Incan medallion. Greta then returns as an undead avenging angel, reaping revenge on the Ravensbrück family and her manically possessive brother.