With one coin to make a wish at the piazza fountain, a peasant girl encounters two competing street performers who'd prefer the coin find its way into their tip jars. The little girl, Tippy, is caught in the middle as a musical duel ensues between the one-man-bands.

Based on the true story of a successful couple, Maggie and Aaron who are preparing for the arrival of their first child.

The East High Wildcats are gearing up for big fun as they land the coolest summer jobs imaginable. Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor have scored sweet gigs at the Lava Springs Country Club owned by Sharpay and Ryan's family. Sharpay's first rule of business: Get Troy. As Troy experiences a life of privilege he's never known, will he give up the Wildcats and Gabriella to rise to the top?

Seven former college friends, along with a few new friends, gather for a weekend reunion at a summer house in New Hampshire to reminisce about the good old days, when they got arrested on the way to a protest in Washington, D.C.

In 1940, the world is besieged by World War II. Wendy, all grown up, has two children; including Jane, who does not believe Wendy's stories about Peter Pan.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

Japanski ministar obrane posjećuje Francusku kako bi potpisao "ugovor stoljeća" i uvjerio se u sposobnosti francuske policije u borbi s teroristima. Policijskom načelniku je operacija Ninja, misija u kojoj mora štititi ministra, vrhunac njegove dotadašnje karijere. Kad banda yakuza otima japanskog ministra, jasno je da im se suprotstaviti mogu samo Daniel i Emilien. Daniel, koji još uvijek vozi taksi, vidi priliku za dokazivanje svojih vozačkih sposobnosti, a Emilien priliku za konačno osvajanje Petre.

Pedesetorica zločinaca natjera sve muškarce iz sela da s njima odjašu u pustinju. Među njima je i Chico, jedan od sedmorice koja je nekoliko godina prije spasila to isto selo. Chicova žena Petra traži preostale preživjele od sedmorice, Chrisa i Vina te ih zamoli za pomoć. Kako bi zamijenili preminule članove, uzimaju dvojicu iz zatvora i još dva dobra revolveraša. Šestorka otkrije da su muškarci iz sela upregnuti kao robovi na izgradnji pustinjskog sela i crkve u spomen mrtvim sinovima bogatog rančera Lorce. U iznenadnom napadu šestorka otjera Lorcine ljude i zajedno sa Chicom, sprema protunapad.

Two rich children devise a way to escape their grandfather and visit their mother. Unfortunately for two hapless safe crackers, they become part of the plan.

Quileute i Volturi približavaju se Belli i Edwardu koji uskoro trebaju postati roditelji. Dijete koje čekaju predstavlja prijetnju kako za vukodlake tako i za vampire.

A horror short with no dialogue (Advised to watch with headphones)

Na prijelazu 19. i 20. stoljeća lord Rathbone i njegovi kineski pomagači provaljuju u Zabranjeni grad te kradu carski pečat, a njegova čuvara ubiju. Kći čuvara carskog pečata Chon Lin mlada je i privlačna sestra iskusnog Chon Wana, koji je još uvijek u Americi, na Divljem zapadu. Lin obavijesti Chona što se dogodilo, i on s američkim prijateljem Royom O'Bannonom odlazi u London. U Londonu je i Lin, gdje saznaju da je lord Rathbone član kraljevske obitelji i Parlamenta, te da je povezan s kineskim ustanicima - bokserima...

When one of his missteps puts his family in jeopardy, Tarzan decides they would be better off without him.

U novom su nastavku, kroz niz nesporazuma, Alvin, Simon i Theodore uvjereni kako je Dave odlučio zaprositi svoju novu djevojku u New Yorku. Tri vjeverice odlučuju krenuti na put kako bi ga u tome spriječili, no imaju samo tri dana da ga zaustave i ujedno smanje mogućnost da dobiju užasnog polubrata.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

The first wedding anniversary of Princess Odette and Prince Derek is distracted by field fires set by Knuckles. His master Clavius, wants to conquer the world, and he needs to capture a giant orb to do that. Clavius kidnaps Queen Uberta and Odette with Derek have to save her.

Dvije godine nakon što je spasio kita ubojicu Willyja iz ljudskog zatočeništva i omogućio mu da se vrati majci, dječak Jesse i dalje živi s usvojiteljima Glennom i Annie Greenwood. Oni su saznali da mu je majka umrla i da je iza sebe ostavila dječaka Elvisa, Jesseova mlađeg polubrata, što mu i kažu. Glenn i Annie preuzimaju brigu i o Elvisu, no dvojica dječaka u početku se baš i ne slažu najbolje. Krstareći brodicom s iskusnim Indijancem Randolphom i njegovom unukom Nadine u koju se zaljubi, Jesse ponovo susretne Willyja. Sve je idilično do trenutka kad nasukani tanker ispusti naftu i opasno ugrozi Willyja i njegovo jato kitova ubojica...

Stuart, an adorable white mouse, still lives happily with his adoptive family, the Littles, on the east side of Manhattan's Central Park. More crazy mouse adventures are in store as Stuart, his human brother, George, and their mischievous cat, Snowbell, set out to rescue a friend.

Three escaped prisoners return to the site of a robbery to find the stolen money that was never recovered. Western.

This story revolves around a famous poet who meets a woman who is in trouble. In order to treat her, he takes her to Shimla in a big hospital, but soon that woman gets possessed by devil and goes out of control. Now the question remains that what is the relation that poet shares with her which compelled him to go to any extent to save her, why she was possessed by devil and who is the devil.