Harry, Ron și Hermione se întorc la Școala Hogwarts pentru a găsi și a distruge în sfârșit horcruxe-urile lui Voldemort, talismanele din care acesta își trage puterea malefică. Voldemort află de misiunea celor trei prieteni și îi va înfrunta în cea mai mare bătălie de până acum. Lupta până acum mai subtilă dintre magia albă și cea neagră, dintre bine și rău, izbucnește într-un război fățiș. Miza nu a fost niciodată mai mare și nimeni nu mai e în siguranță. Viața nu va mai fi niciodată la fel pentru Harry și amicii săi.

Cleo este invitată în oraș la spectacolul de gală organizat pentru a sărbători o cometă magică, unde vine cu prietenele ei cele mai bune. Nefera are însă alte planuri.

During World War II, Steve Rogers is a sickly man from Brooklyn who's transformed into super-soldier Captain America to aid in the war effort. Rogers must stop the Red Skull – Adolf Hitler's ruthless head of weaponry, and the leader of an organization that intends to use a mysterious device of untold powers for world domination.

A family discovers that dark spirits have invaded their home after their son inexplicably falls into an endless sleep. When they reach out to a professional for help, they learn things are a lot more personal than they thought.

Legende din regatul bufnitelor / Legend of the Guardians prezinta povestea lui Soren, un pui de cucuvea visator, care asculta cu sufletul la gura povestile pe care i le relateaza tatal lui despre razboiul mitic dintre cucuvelele diabolice de la Academia St. Aegolius si cucuvelele pasnice si intelepte care traiesc in Marele Copac de pe insula Ga'Hoole.

Liceanul Alex Truelove intenționa să-și piardă virginitatea în brațele adorabilei Claire, însă totul o ia însă razna când îl întâlnește pe la fel de adorabilul Elliot.

When Miley Stewart (aka pop-star Hannah Montana) gets too caught up in the superstar celebrity lifestyle, her dad decides it's time for a total change of scenery. But sweet niblets! Miley must trade in all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood for some ol' blue jeans on the family farm in Tennessee, and question if she can be both Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana.

Paul, charged with directing his school's Nativity play, falsely boasts that his ex-girlfriend plans to turn the production into a film.

Aviva is thirteen, awkward and sensitive. Her mother Joyce is warm and loving, as is her father, Steve, a regular guy who does have a fierce temper from time to time. The film revolves around her family, friends and neighbors.

A shy teenage boy trying to escape the influence of his domineering mother, has his world changed when he begins to work for a retired actress.

Greg Heffley is headed for big things, but first he has to survive the scariest, most humiliating experience of any kid’s life – middle school! That won’t be easy, considering he’s surrounded by hairy-freckled morons, wedgie-loving bullies and a moldy slice of cheese with nuclear cooties!

Will Plunkett și căpitanul James Macleane, doi bărbați din diferite părți ale spectrului social din Anglia secolului al XVIII-lea, au încheiat o înțelegere: ei decid să-i scape pe aristocrați de bunurile lor. Cu cunoștințele criminale ale lui Plunkett și conexiunile sociale ale lui Macleane, ei fac echipă pentru a fi cunoscuți în curând drept „The Gentlemen Highwaymen”. Când Plunkett și Macleane opresc trăsura Lordului Înalt Cancelar Gibson (Michael Gambon) Macleane se îndrăgostește de frumoasa și rebela lui nepoată Lady Rebeca Gibson (Liv Tyler). Manierele sale încântătoare îi atrag lui Macleane denumirea de "Banditul Gentleman". Secundul lui Gibson (Ken Scott) deasemenea încearcă să atragă atenția Rebecăi, însă în zadar, totuși, el este aproape de a-i prinde pe cei doi bandiți, ceea ce ar fi însemnat execuția lor prin spânzurătoare la faimosul Tyburn Tree.

A young woman inherits her family's historic home on the coast of Brittany, a house she has not been to since her father died there when she was age 12.

Luke Malloy is freaking out. He doesn't want tomorrow to come because tomorrow means starting Middle School...saying goodbye to summer break and hello to homework. And even worse, hello to getting picked on by Meat, the terrible torturer of new kids. Luke's dread of tomorrow is casting a shadow on his enjoyment of his last day of summer, so he makes a wish that the Last Day of Summer would last forever... that his one last perfect day of fun and freedom would never end. But when his wish comes true, he discovers that he's stuck repeating the day over and over again, which, as Luke quickly learns, isn't any better. What do you do when the "ultimate do-over" isn't all it's cracked up to be?

Interconnected stories examine situations involving the five senses. Touch is represented by a massage therapist who is treating a woman, while her daughter accidentally loses the woman's pre-school daughter in the park. The older daughter meets a voyeur (vision), a professional house-cleaner has an acute sense of smell, a cake maker has lost her sense of taste, and an older man is losing his hearing.

Malcolm and Kisha move into their dream home, but soon learn a demon also resides there. When Kisha becomes possessed, Malcolm - determined to keep his sex life on track - turns to a priest, a psychic, and a team of ghost-busters for help in this spoof of all the "found-footage/documentary style" films released in recent years.

Dahlia Williams și fiica ei Cecelia se mută într-un apartament degradat de pe insula Roosevelt din New York. Dahlia se află în plină procedură de divorț, iar apartamentul, deși aproape de o școală excelentă pentru fiica ei, este tot ceea ce își poate permite. Din momentul în care sosește, există întâmplări misterioase - și există o picurare constantă din tavanul dormitorului fiicei ei...

When real estate developer Dan Sanders finalizes plans to level a swath of pristine Oregon forest to make way for a soulless housing subdivision, a band of woodland creatures rises up to throw a monkey wrench into the greedy scheme. Just how much mischief from the furry critters can the businessman take before he calls it quits?

Nerdy middle schooler Tommy is forced take care of a baby dinosaur after his cloned science fair project hatches early. He quickly begins to think of the creature not only as a pet, but also as a friend. But when the dino escapes on the day of the fair, Tommy must figure out a way to get the creature back before greedy grown-ups get to the dinosaur first.

The film re-enacts the true story of three children, Jane Duff, aged seven, her brothers Isaac (9) and Frank (4), who in 1864 went missing from their bark-roofed log hut west of Natimuk in the Wimmera region, 25 kilometres west of Horsham in Victoria.