Home2Home tells the story of Dennis Kailing who travels 43,600 km (27,000 miles) through 41 countries on 6 continents to circumnavigate the planet in 761 days. He does it on a bicycle - on his first bike journey ever. With the question "What makes you happy", but without experience in bike traveling, the 24-year-old from Germany jumps into the deep end and simply sets off - always heading east. He's traveling alone, but he's rarely lonely: many encounters with interesting, crazy or "completely normal" people give him insights that ordinary tourists rarely experience. While others like a well-structured all inclusive tour, this bike tour is a journey into uncertainty. But in the uncertainty hides the biggest adventure - Dennis gradually becomes aware of this.
Remy živi u Parizu i ima dovoljno znanja i strasti da postane profesionalni kuhar. No, problem je u tome što je Remy - štakor! Za razliku od ostatka njegove štakorske obitelji, Remy ne želi jesti otpatke iz kanalizacije i uličnih kanti za smeće, nego umjesto toga bira fancy restorane, inspiriran Gusteauom, legendarnim pariškim kuharom. Jedne noći Remy odluči iskušati svoje vještine u Gusteauovoj kuhinji. No, budući da je bio neoprezan, otkrio ga je čistač Linguini, nespretni mladić koji radi u njegovoj kuhinji.Njih dvojica sklapaju dogovor u kojem će Remy poput lutkara navoditi Linguinijeve ruke, skrivajući se pritom ispod njegove kape. Slasna jela koja zajedno spravljaju Gusteauov restoran dovode u centar pažnje pariških istreniranih nepaca, ali postavlja se pitanje - bi li restoran poslovao s jednakim uspjehom kada bi svi znali da se iza poslastica krije jedan štakor?
In 200,000 years of existence, man has upset the balance on which the Earth had lived for 4 billion years. Global warming, resource depletion, species extinction: man has endangered his own home. But it is too late to be pessimistic: humanity has barely ten years left to reverse the trend, become aware of its excessive exploitation of the Earth's riches, and change its consumption pattern.
Film je krajem 2020. godine pokorio dodjelu nagrada Europske filmske akademije gdje je proglašen apsolutnim pobjednikom osvojivši čak četiri priznanja i to u kategorijama najboljeg europskog filma godine, najbolje režije, scenarija te glavnog glumca. Nije nevažno spomenuti i činjenicu da je JOŠ JEDNA RUNDA bila izabrana za službenu konkurenciju filmskog festivala u Cannesu.
A man trying to find the real meaning of the place called home or which place he should call it as he has lived his youth abroad and now is having a hard time settling in his home country where he was born.
Nakon što trudna adolescentica Tatiana (S.-J. Labrosse) premine u rodilištu, a liječnici spase njezino dijete, bolničarka Anna (N. Watts), ruskog podrijetla, pronađe među njezinim stvarima dnevnik koji je svakodnevno vodila. Anna odluči pronaći njezinu obitelj i dati im dijete, a dnevnik odnese kući moleći ujaka da joj ga prevede. Budući da on to odbija, ona krene zatražiti pomoć u ruskom restoranu kojega je ova spomenula u tekstu. Pronašavši vlasnika, koji se nakon što je čuo o čemu se radi počne čudno ponašati, ona shvati da je u cijeli događaj oko Tatiane umiješana i prositucija i kriminalci. Anna će im se, naravno, naći na putu, a događaji koji će uslijediti dovest će njezinu rodbinu u neugodne situacije...
After 17-year-old Kevin is released from prison for violent behavior he goes to live with his aunt and her family including Sammy, his cousin. While apprenticing as a plumber he starts to integrate with Sammy’s group of friends who are still in high school. Like all teenagers they just want to party and ignore any responsibilities, but one of them is hiding a problem at home that will put the entire group in jeopardy.
Secret agent OSS 117 foils Nazis, beds local beauties, and brings peace to the Middle East.
When her good tenants go bad, a landlord finds herself terrorized by a cult that seemingly has her husband enthralled — and her daughter in its sights.
Along with her husband and three children, Marthe lives in an eden of her own creation, nearly isolated from the rest of the world. The arrival of a construction vehicle, however, pierces their tranquil, hermetic existence—before long a disused highway has been re-opened, and the family finds their home situated in the midst of rush-hour traffic. While the privileges of clean air, quietude and privacy are thus denied them, Marthe remains determined to stay no matter the cost.
Kod kuće je sasvim originalna priča o susretu dvaju svjetova: onoga mirne djevojčice Tif te nespretne svakodnevice dosadnog izvanzemaljca Boa. Ona je obična curica koja živi s mamom i mačkom Gickom dok je on pripadnik nomadske rase svemiraca Buovi. Njih dvoje inače se nikada ne bi ni sreli no Bo će biti natjeran potražiti novi dom zbog čega će se naći na Zemlji i okrenuti naglavačke život cijeloj njezinoj obitelji. Nakon prvotne eksplozije, ovaj će neobični dvojac, zajedno s mačkom Gickom, krenuti na put oko svijeta.
Avery je tinejdžerka sa tendencijom ka perfekcionizmu koja radi samo stvari u kojima se ističe. Ali kada joj dečko s daljine nagovijesti da želi njihov odnos podići na sljedeću razinu, Avery se zabrine da njezino iskustvo u krevetu nije jednako prolaznoj ocjeni. Ona angažuje svog najboljeg prijatelja Larsona da je pripremi za prvi put i ubrzo shvaća da su seks i ljubav više od mehanike.
The story of a man suffering from mental illness who attempts to rebuild his life.
Ekipa znanstvenika i istraživača na Prometeju nalazi se ni više ni manje nego na putu da otkrije odgovore na najdublja životna pitanja. Ekspediciju vode dva briljantna mlada znanstvenika, Shaw (Noomi Rapace) i Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) sa suprotnim motivima. Shaw je vjernica: želi upoznati te “bogove” kako bi se približila svojim tradicionalnim vjerskim pogledima, dok Holloway želi razotkriti tu vrstu duhovnosti. U svojem radu kao arheolozi otkrili su tragove na špiljskim piktogramima iz starih civilizacija diljem svijeta, pri čemu svi ukazuju na isto mjesto u dalekom svemiru, i uvjerili su korporaciju Weyland Industries da financira misiju. Nitko od znanstvenika nije bio pripremljen za nezamislive terore na koje će naići.
Seven friends - three women and four men - meet for dinner. Everyone should put their cell phone on the table. No matter what message comes in - anyone can read it and listen to the phone calls. However, this leads to a lot of chaos.
A guy meets the woman of his dreams and invites her to his company's corporate retreat, but realizes he sent the invite to the wrong person.
Rory is an ambitious entrepreneur who brings his American wife and kids to his native country, England, to explore new business opportunities. After abandoning the sanctuary of their safe American suburban surroundings, the family is plunged into the despair of an archaic '80s Britain and their unaffordable new life in an English manor house threatens to destroy the family.
Oslo, Norway. After living a traumatic experience, Anna and her son Anders move into a huge apartment building. Feeling constantly terrified and insecure, Anna buys a babycall to monitor Anders while he sleeps.
Carrie is a religious fundamentalist. But her mother decided to come-out-of-the-closet and marry another woman, which they have a daughter together with. Now, she is forced to move into a new house with people she cannot accept. The story takes place over the first two days at the strange house, as Carrie's new parents leave for a business trip and she must now take care of her step sister. As creepy occurrences lead to full blown terror, Carrie must learn to overcome her own fears and believes to save her little sister.