შობის ღამეს ქურდი შეიჭრა კირასა და ხუანის სახლში. მფლობელები კრიმინალს ყველა ძვირფას ნივთს წინააღმდეგობის გარეშე აძლევენ და მშვიდობიანი შედეგის იმედი აქვთ, მაგრამ ბოლო მომენტში მძარცველი სახლში აღმოაჩენს პატარა გოგონას, რომელიც მას სანტა კლაუსისთვის მიჰყავს. არ სურს ბავშვის იმედი გაუცრუოს, სანტას მატყუარა გადაწყვეტს პატარა გოგონას საუკეთესო შობა აჩუქოს.

The life of a failed musician, sunny takes a dramatic turn as he smuggles himself back from Dubai to Kerala in midst of a global pandemic and shuts himself from the society.

სებასტიანი, ბანკის მოკრძალებული თანამშრომელი, აწარმოებს არაპოპულარულ ვლოგს მისი უწყვეტი გატაცების შესახებ: უსაფრთხოება. რა თქმა უნდა, კანონმორჩილი ბიჭი არასოდეს იყენებდა თავის უნარებს კრიმინალურ საქმიანობაში, მაგრამ ერთ დღეს მასთან ინტერპოლის მიერ ძებნილი კრიმინალების გუნდი მოდის და აკეთებს შეთავაზებას, რომელზეც უარი არ შეიძლება. სანამ შტატებში ზომბების ეპიდემია ვითარდება, ისინი გეგმავენ გატეხონ ევროპულ ბანკებში მდებარე სამ ლეგენდარულ სეიფს, რომლებიც შექმნილ იქნა დიდი ოსტატის ჰანს ვაგნერის მიერ მისი ცნობილი თანამოსახელის ოპერების მიხედვით.

Gunning for revenge, outlaw Nat Love saddles up with his gang to take down enemy Rufus Buck, a ruthless crime boss who just got sprung from prison.

Based on a true story from 1998, five Latino and Black teenagers from the toughest underserved ghetto in Miami fight their way into the National Chess Championship under the guidance of their unconventional but inspirational teacher.

Yukon Territory, Canada, November 1931. Albert Johnson, a trapper who lives alone in the mountains, buys a dog almost dead after a brutal dogfight, a good deed that will put him in trouble.

Three strangers arrive one by one to a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere after enduring separate life-altering predicaments. Searching for a way out of the woods, frustrated, hungry and battling to stay warm they discover their mysterious connection and realize what they have to do in order to get out of the woods alive.

A mysterious hypnotist is suspected by the police of being responsible for a wave of young, attractive women committing various forms of self-mutilation.

A global scientific summit debates and fails on a plan to stop a massive asteroid heading straight for Earth, with all countries blaming each other for the impeding disaster. With communications tense, the daughter of a tech billionaire assembles her own team of specialists to try to destroy the asteroid before it is too late.

After bailing on her wedding, a former bride-to-be must fight off her ex-groom and seven angry killer groomsmen in order to survive the night.

A mild-mannered banker is forced to masquerade as a notorious gangster and pimp.

A group of friends must confront their fears in a terrifying game. They must sit by the other players in a circle made of a hundred candles, take one of them and tell a horror story. As stories are told and candles blown out, strange events will start to happen. They will feel strange presences around them, lurking in the shadows. But they MUST NOT leave the game or else a terrible curse will fall upon them...

Everyone knows that being a teenager is not easy, especially when you are a demigod with unlimited powers and risking being crucified at any moment, this is the life of Jesus Christ in his new school.

Professor Fergusson plans to make aviation history by making his way across Africa by balloon. He plans to claim uncharted territories in West Africa as proof of his inventions worth.

Four former harlots try to leave the wild west (Colorado, to be exact) and head north to make a better life for themselves. Unfortunately someone from Cody's past won't let it happen that easily.

As the countdown to graduation begins, students at Osborne High are being stalked by a maniac intent on exposing their darkest secrets to the entire town, terrorizing victims while wearing a life-like mask of their own face. With a mysterious past of her own, Makani and her friends must discover the killer's identity before they become victims themselves.

Lucía and her son live isolated from society in a flat place where there’s practically no life. The small family unit formed by mother and son hardly ever receives visitors, and their goal is to lead a quiet existence. At first they succeed, but the appearance of a mysterious, violent creature that starts stalking their small house will put the relationship that unites them to the test.

Okay Google is a dark comedy about a vindictive AI assistant who breaks out of the cloud to exact revenge on her owner.

In the barrio of Oak Springs lives a strong and stubborn group of elderly friends who refuse to be gentrified. Their leader, Lupita, keeps them together as a community, a family. But little did they know, their beloved bingo hall is about to be sold to a much more powerful force than money itself.

July '72. Vietnam. Lt. Steve Shepard missing in action. Presumed dead...15 years later he's still there.