The final part of the film adaption of the erotic romance novel Gabriel's Inferno written by an anonymous Canadian author under the pen name Sylvain Reynard.

Metafyzická úvaha o tom, čo to znamená byť človekom, o láske, detstve, ale aj o pamäti mesta a o rozdelenom Berlíne v období tesne pred pádom Berlínskeho múru. Dvaja anjeli pozorujú z výšky obyvateľov veľkomesta a načúvajú ich trápeniam ale aj radostiam. Ale čo keď jeden z nich zatúži po tom, vnímať svet ako človek?

V období budovania stalinovského Poľska, ale tiež modernej Európy sa odohráva príbeh veľkej osudovej lásky – speváčky Zuly a skladateľa Wiktora. Nedokážu spolu byť, ale zároveň sa neuveriteľne priťahujú a nevedia byť ani od seba. V kulisách Varšavy, Berlína a Paríža znie jazzová a folklórna hudba a Zula s Wiktorom rozohrávajú nádhernú, ale trpkú baladu, svoju vlastnú studenú vojnu.

Nasadený vojak Markus sa vracia domov k dospievajúcej dcére Mathilde potom, čo jeho manželka umrela pri tragickej nehode vlaku. Zdá sa, že to bola len nešťastná zhoda náhod, až kým sa neukáže matematický geek Otto s dvomi excentrickými kolegami Lennartom a Emmenthalerom. Aj Otto cestoval v zničenom vlaku. A je presvedčený, že za nehodou musel niekto byť...

A wealthy Italian household is turned upside down when a handsome stranger arrives, seduces every family member and then disappears. Each has an epiphany of sorts, but none can figure out who the seductive visitor was or why he came.

John Mulaney and his kid pals tackle existential topics for all ages with catchy songs, comedy sketches and special guests in a nostalgic variety special.

A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.

The life and career of the hailed Hollywood movie star and underappreciated genius inventor, Hedy Lamarr.

An ex-fireman with PTSD goes on the run when accused of a crime he doesn't even remember committing, leading him down a rabbit hole of conspiracy to the highest degree.

Three stories adapted from the work of Edgar Allen Poe: 1) A man and his daughter are reunited, but the blame for the death of his wife hangs over them, unresolved. 2) A derelict challenges the local wine-tasting champion to a competition, but finds the man's attention to his wife worthy of more dramatic action. 3) A man dying and in great pain agrees to be hypnotized at the moment of death, with unexpected consequences.

In 1980, Queens, New York, a young Jewish boy befriends a rebellious African-American classmate to the disapproval of his privileged family and begins to reckon with growing up in a world of inequality and prejudice.

Davey Gordon, a New York City boxer at the end of his career, falls for dancer Gloria Price. However, their budding relationship is interrupted by Gloria's violent boss, Vincent Rapallo, who has eyes for Gloria. The two decide to skip town, but before they can, Vincent and his thugs abduct Gloria, and Davey is forced to search for her among the most squalid corners of the city, with his enemy hiding in the shadows.

Luce je mladý černoch, ktorý sa narodil vo vojnou zmietanej Eritrei, kde sa stal takzvaným detským vojakom. Adoptovali si ho bieli Američania Peter a Amy Edgarovci a teraz je hviezdou strednej školy vo Virgínii ako vynikajúci športovec so skvelými známkami. Chová však nevraživosť voči svojej učiteľke dejepisu, Afroameričanke Harriet, kvôli ktorej bol jeho kamarát DeShaun vyhodený z atletického tímu po tom, čo v jeho skrinke našla marihuanu a zavolala políciu. Harriet zavolá Luceovým rodičom do školy a ukáže im jeho esej. Luce si vybral Frantza Fanona, černošského politického radikála, panafrikanistu a marxistu, ktorý vyzýval k násiliu. Harriet to využila ako dôvod na prehľadanie Luceovej skrinky a našla zakázanú pyrotechniku. Rodičia sú znepokojení, ale Luce nič nepovedia...

In 1989, a misunderstood teenager has a high school crush — who just happens to be a handsome corpse! After a set of playfully horrific circumstances bring him back to life, the two embark on a murderous journey to find love, happiness…and a few missing body parts along the way.

A recently widowed traveler is kidnapped by a cold blooded killer, only to escape into the wilderness where she is forced to battle against the elements as her pursuer closes in on her.

8-year-old Elli and her mother, Marlène, live in a small town by the French Riviera where they act out to relieve boredom and hide from social services. When Marlène caves in to yet another night of excess, she chooses to leave Elli behind for a man she just met. The young child must confront her mother's demons in order to get her back.

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?

A terminally ill woman opts for a cloning procedure to ease her loss on her friends and family. When she makes a miraculous recovery, her attempts to have her clone decommissioned fail and lead to a court-mandated duel to the death.

A new couple and their families reckon with modern love amid culture clashes, societal expectations and generational differences.

Príbeh šialeného masakru, ktorý sa stal v sedemdesiatych rokoch, a desivých hlasov, ktoré k nemu viedli ... Začínať si s vyvolávaním duchov, keď bývate na indiánskom pohrebisku, nie je ten najlepší nápad. Zvlášť keď bývate v Amityville. Rodine DeFeových sa náhle dejú hrozivé nešťastia a začnú mať podivné vidiny ...