Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

The true story of how businessman Oskar Schindler saved over a thousand Jewish lives from the Nazis while they worked as slaves in his factory during World War II.

Patiess stāsts par paverdzināta cilvēka cīņu par izdzīvošanu un brīvību. Filmas notikumi risinās Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs laikā pirms pilsoņu kara. Ņujorkietis Solomons Nortaps ir brīvs melnādains vīrietis, kurš ieguvis labu izglītību, viņam ir sieva un bērni. Kādudien vīrietis tiek nolaupīts un pārdots verdzībā. Nebrīvē viņš pārcieš gan nežēlīgus pāridarījumus, gan arī saskaras ar negaidītu līdzcilvēku sirsnību.

Charlie is a factory owner struggling to save his family business, and Lola is a fabulous entertainer with a wildly exciting idea. With a little compassion and a lot of understanding, this unexpected pair learn to embrace their differences and create a line of sturdy stilettos unlike any the world has ever seen!

Pēc tam, kad ir likvidēti daži no bandas locekļiem, kuri mēģināja viņu nogalināt viņas kāzu dienā, "Mamba Negra" turpina atriebties un mēģina pabeigt visu pārējo bandu, it īpaši viņas bijušo priekšnieku Bilu, kurš viņu atstāja mirušu, atstājot viņu komā.

Polu Atreidesu – spožu un apdāvinātu jaunu vīrieti, kuram zvaigznēs ierakstīts ievērojams liktenis. Viņam jādodas uz bīstamāko planētu Visumā, lai nodrošinātu savas ģimenes un savas tautas nākotni. Starp ļaunajiem spēkiem uzplaiksnī cīņa par resursiem, kas atrodami vienīgi uz šīs planētas un spēj atraisīt cilvēces dižāko potenciālu, bet izdzīvos vienīgi tie, kuri spēs pārvarēt savas bailes.

A young bride in the midst of her wedding finds herself mysteriously transported to the TARDIS. The Doctor must discover what her connection is with the Empress of the Racnoss's plan to destroy the world.

Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.

Longing for a baby, a stripper pursues another man in order to make her boyfriend jealous.

"Hobits: Piecu armiju kauja" ir trešā, noslēdzošā daļa episkajai filmu triloģijai, kas uzņemta pēc britu rakstnieka Dž.R.R. Tolkīna pasaulslavenā fantāzijas romāna "Hobits" motīviem. Pēc rūķu valsts atgūšanas hobita Bilbo Baginsa, Torina Ozolvairoga un rūķu briesmu pilnie piedzīvojumi nebūt nav galā. Saniknotais pūķis Smogs izgāž savas ugunīgās dusmas uz Ezera pilsētas neaizsargātajiem iedzīvotājiem, bet Torina prātu apmiglojuši dārgumi, kuru dēļ viņš gatavs upurēt draudzību un godu. Bilbo nekādi neizdodas vest viņu pie prāta, tādēļ hobits spiests izdarīt riskantu izvēli, nenojaušot, ka tuvojas vēl lielākas briesmas - Viduszemes ļaunākais ienaidnieks Saurons nosūtījis orku leģionus uz Vientuļo kalnu. Ap savstarpēji karojošajām tautām savelkas tumsa, tādēļ rūķu, elfu un cilvēku rasēm jāizvēlas - apvienoties, vai tapt iznīcinātiem. Bilbo attopas piecu dižu armiju kaujas epicentrā, kur notiek cīņa uz dzīvību un nāvi, bet Viduszemes nākotne karājas mata galā.

When decorated soldier Captain Colter Stevens wakes up in the body of an unknown man, he discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train.

Set in a future world. Japan has created a great medical technology that controls ethics, health, and social interaction to create a perfect world. Three young girls attempt to stand up to this by committing suicide, but it doesn't work. Years later, Tuan, one of the girls who attempted suicide must prevent a crisis that threatens this "perfect" world.

"MATRIX is a flicker film which utilizes 81 still photographs of my wife's head. It is a film dependent upon variation of intense light changes by calculated combinations of black and white frame alternations with exposure changes. Throughout, the light intensity rises and falls as the head rotates in varying directions within a 360 degree frontal area." — James Cagle

In 1996, Tsurisaki Kiyotaka, one of Japan’s most infamous death photographers, ventured into the center of Hell itself - the Rue Morgue neighborhood of Bogota, Colombia. With death and murder rampant, the corpses eventually find their way to embalmer Froilan Orozco, who has been tending the dead for over 50 years. We watch as bodies are brought in to his shop and he prepares them for their funerals.

Mad Max becomes a pawn in a decadent oasis of a technological society, and when exiled, becomes the deliverer of a colony of children.

Fuelled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince assemble a team of metahumans consisting of Barry Allen, Arthur Curry and Victor Stone to face the catastrophic threat of Steppenwolf and the Parademons who are on the hunt for three Mother Boxes on Earth.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

In this musical take on everyday life, Adele is devastated after a painful breakup. Her distant cousin, Rachel, finds her a job and suggests that Adele sleep with other men to get over her heartbreak. The search begins, but Adele can’t escape the visage of her former lover….

A twist on the classic game of Mafia. 12 competitors take part in a game of life and death where the innocent must take out the Mafia in order to win the cash prize. Those that are voted out must face their biggest fears in a computer simulation.