Portrait de la célèbre actrice française Fanny Ardant, qui a travaillé avec de grandes figures du cinéma comme Agnès Varda, Alain Resnais, Michelangelo Antonioni, Sydney Pollack et, surtout, François Truffaut (1932-84), avec qui elle a eu une relation sentimentale et dont la mort a marqué le reste de sa vie.

Yuichi Ishikawa, un fonctionnaire du village de Yamakoshi, vit avec son vieux père Yuzo, son fils Ryota et sa fille Aya. Un jour, ses deux enfants ramènent un chiot femelle qu’ils appellent Mari. En 2004, elle donne naissance à trois chiots. Le 23 octobre de cette même année, un grand tremblement de terre détruit le village. Yuzo et Aya, seuls chez eux sont coincés sous les piliers tombés, blessés et incapables de se déplacer. Alors que le vieil homme se laisse rattraper par la mort, il voit Mari se démener pour les sauver et finalement, partir chercher des secours. Alors que tout deux sont sauvés, Mari et ses chiots sont « abandonnés »… Plus tard, voyant sa sœur effondrée, Ryota part secrètement avec elle afin de sauver Mari et ses chiots…

"Last year my father asked me to go on the road with him. As my sister was going along as his back-up singer and his wife Maebh, and my new baby brother Isaac, were also travelling with him, I decided to pick up my camera and go along. This is the Growing UP Tour 2002." - Anna Gabriel An inventive and intimate portrait of family life on the road during Peter Gabriel's recent Growing Up Tour; the highs, the lows, the sublime, the ridiculous, the fathers, sisters, brothers, band members and road crew, in short...The Family...captured and revealed like you've rarely ever seen before by the knowing eye of Anna Gabriel, a family member in every sense of the word.

Après une dispute avec sa sœur cadette, Le Ying part vivre seule. Elle rencontre un entraîneur de boxe et commence à boxer.

In a house in Oxford lived a remarkable man called J.R.R. Tolkien who told stories that thrilled the world. To this very day readers and film audiences are enjoying his magnificent epics “THE LORD OF THE RINGS” and “The Hobbit” – adapted to the big screen by producer, Peter Jackson. Although everybody has heard of Tolkien’s writing, very few people could tell you much about the man responsible for creating the best loved magical creatures that have become household names. This program will give you a real insight into the man behind the legends of “THE LORD OF THE RINGS,” and the people and places that shaped his unique literary genius. From the rolling English countryside to the sooty streets of Industrial Birmingham, the dreaming spires of Oxford to the World War I trenches of the blood soaked Somme; this is the story of the quintessential English College Professor who made epic mythology and legend accessible to one and all.

The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell.

Un recueil de courtes parodies de la saga Mobile Suit Gundam.

This film is about Ahmad Daniel and Nurul Ain's love for each other. Through thick and thin, they have managed to keep in touch through phone calls, SMS and emails. However, when Nurul Ain successfully enters university, she has different goals set and the couple's love begin to waver even more when suddenly Nurul Ain accepts another man's proposal. This comes as a shock to her parents, even more to Ahmad Daniel. As a result, Ahmad gets engaged to one of Nurul Ain's lecturers but Nurul Ain won't let it be. What will happen now?

Indiana Jones passe de l'armée belge au service de renseignement français, où sa première mission est en tant que photographe de reconnaissance pour le 124e Escadron, un groupe de pilotes américains volontaires dans l'armée française. Lorsque son avion est abattu, Indy rencontre le tristement célèbre "Baron Rouge" -- Manfred von Richthofen. Après une évasion audacieuse, Indy est parachuté en Allemagne pour une mission visant à convaincre le concepteur d'avions Anthony Fokker de faire défection en France, et il découvre une nouvelle super-arme allemande -- un nouvel avion destiné à amener la guerre à l'étranger.

Ixe est un jeune rappeur prometteur dont la réputation ne dépasse pas encore les quelques rues de son quartier. Avec toute sa bande et soutenu par Keuj, un coiffeur apprenti producteur, il tente de participer à des concerts et cherche à percer dans le milieu de la musique, au grand dam de sa mère qui souhaiterait le voir embrasser une carrière plus conventionnelle à la Poste...

Alfredo loses his job as a film critic after twenty years working for the same newspaper. His work mates have been trying to help him for a year because he is always drunk and angry, and his reviews have become sloppy. The cause: his wife and daughters have abandoned him and she is now living with Pablo, a famous artist. Alfredo wants to get his family back at any cost and tries to find out some terrible secrets about his new enemy to discredit him before Claudia...

Un chaffeur de dépanneuse est coincé entre des voleurs de banque avec une otage, la police locale et un monstre venu des montagnes d'Arizona pour manger de la chair humaine.

This Traveltalk series entry takes the viewer to a number of locations throughout the state of Florida.

At the Mexican-American border, a war is unleashed between two bands of drug traffickers.

A beautiful Athenian lady (Lida Miranta), who spends the summer in Hydra, falls in love with a fisherman (Lampros Konstantaras) and “steals him” from his girlfriend (Evgenia Danika) to turn him into a singer at Athenian nightclubs.

The SD Gundams are at it again: first with a race among all of the prior SD Gundam characters, then the SD Zeons run a space travel agency in the second episode.

Following the lives of Bunnyranch members, Kaló, Filipe, Calhau and André, we get to know the inside outs of a small but strong rock'n'roll wave that thrives in Coimbra.