When 17-year-old Makoto Konno gains the ability to, quite literally, "leap" backwards through time, she immediately sets about improving her grades and preventing personal mishaps. However, she soon realises that changing the past isn't as simple as it seems, and eventually, will have to rely on her new powers to shape the future of herself and her friends.

Jaunais "pa asmeni skrejošais" policists K atklāj ilgi glabātu noslēpumu, un tas palīdz viņam nākt uz pēdām iepriekšējam pa asmeni skrejošajam, Rikam Dekardam, kurš 30 gadus ir pazudis bez vēsts.

The Dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf have successfully escaped the Misty Mountains, and Bilbo has gained the One Ring. They all continue their journey to get their gold back from the Dragon, Smaug.

The true story of how Ray Kroc, a salesman from Illinois, met Mac and Dick McDonald, who were running a burger operation in 1950s Southern California. Kroc was impressed by the brothers’ speedy system of making the food and saw franchise potential. He maneuvered himself into a position to be able to pull the company from the brothers and create a billion-dollar empire.

A UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from “capture” to “kill.” As American pilot Steve Watts is about to engage, a nine-year old girl enters the kill zone, triggering an international dispute reaching the highest levels of US and British government over the moral, political, and personal implications of modern warfare.

The team of people who saved Winter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital.

Katniss Everdeen reluctantly becomes the symbol of a mass rebellion against the autocratic Capitol.

“2048: Nowhere to Run” takes place one year before the events of Blade Runner 2049. The short film focuses on Sapper, a man who is trying to make it through life day-by-day without turning back to his old ways. We’re introduced to both the gentle nature of Sapper and the violence he’s capable of when set off.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Profesoram Čārlzam Ksavjēram un X-cilvēkiem būs jācīnās ar evolūciju. Viņi nolēmuši atdzīvināt savu draugu Džīnu Greju. Tikai vēlāk viņi uzzina šausminošu noslēpumu - viņa augšāmcēlsies kā Tumšais Fēnikss un radīs draudus ne tikai sev, bet arī visiem mutantiem un cilvēcei. Bet, atrodot līdzekļus mutācijas novēršanai, sākas izšķirošā cīņa starp X-cilvēkiem, mutantu brālību un cilvēci.

Futūristiskā Čikāga ir sagrauta drupās, starp kopienām aug spriedze un briest karš, tikmēr Trisa kopā ar Tobiasu (Četri) bēguļo, meklē sabiedrotos un cenšas rast atbildes uz jautājumiem. Kā vārdā Nesavtīgie ziedoja savas dzīvības? Kādēļ Mācīto līderi dara visu iespējamo, lai viņus apturētu? Trisu vajā pagātnes izvēles un vada izmisīga vēlēšanās aizsargāt savus mīļos. Trisa pārvar arvien jaunus šķēršļus un izaicinājumus, pamazām uzzinot patiesību par pagātni un galu galā arī par pasaules nākotni.

When a shipwreck is found on the shores of Dinotopia, Karl uses his newly discovered radio to make contact with the drifting survivors. But what will happen if that bridge between two worlds is crossed?

A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers.

Pēc piedzīvotajām šokējošajām atklāsmēm, Trisa un Četri spiesti bēgt prom no Čikāgas, pārvarot pilsētu ieskaujošo mūri. Pirmoreiz mūžā viņi pametīs ģimeni un vienīgo vietu, kuru līdz šim pazinuši. Tomēr ārpus pilsētas mūriem līdzšinējās atklāsmes kļūst nesvarīgas, jo gaismā nāk citas, vēl biedējošākas patiesības. Lai izdzīvotu, Trisai nāksies izdarīt sarežģītas izvēles attiecībā uz drosmi, sabiedrotajiem, upurēšanos un mīlestību.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

After falling head over hooves in love with Giselle, Elliot's road to the altar takes a slight detour when Mr. Weenie is kidnapped by a group of pampered pets determined to return him to his owners.

Džims Terjē ir snaiperis – augstas klases starptautisks algotnis. Kad bijušie darba devēji sāk slēpt pēdas, Džims pats kļūst par mērķi. Lai izdzīvotu, viņš draud publiskot pie viņa esošo kompromātu un vēršas pie bijušā pārinieka Fēliksa. Tomēr izrādās, ka arī Fēliksam ir iemesli vēlēties Džima pazušanu no viņa dzīves. Runa ir par Eniju, viņu abu mīļoto sievieti. Džims ar mērķi nogalināt tiek vajāts pa visu Eiropu, neatliek cita izvēle kā vien cīnīties – vienam pret visiem.

Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.

20 years after a horrific accident during a small town school play, students at the school resurrect the failed show in a misguided attempt to honor the anniversary of the tragedy - but soon discover that some things are better left alone.