Will Hunting (Matt Damon) on geenius - ta teab pea kõike, mida matemaatikast teada on. Kuid ta on juba varasest poisipõlvest peale olnud seadusega pahuksis. Mitmeid kordi on ta viibinud ka vanglas. Ühel päeval kohtab ta aga vananeva psühhiaatri Seaniga (Robin Williams), kes tal raskustest välja aitab tulla...
During a dinner, a group of friends decide to share whatever message or phone call they will receive during the evening, with unforeseen consequences.
A Russian and a German sniper play a game of cat-and-mouse during the Battle of Stalingrad in WWII.
Oktoober 1993 saatsid Ameerika eliidi sõdurid ÜRO rahumissioonil Mogadishusse (Somaalia). Eesmärk on elusid päästa, mitte neid ära lõigata. Kuid selgub, et missiooni peamine eesmärk on sõjapealik Aididi tabamine ja sõja juurimine. Alguses tundub, et kõik läheb hästi, kuni kaks ilmselt nähtamatut võitmatu Black Hawki kopterit maha lastakse. Seejärel muutub missioon meeleheitlikuks võistluseks meeskonna ja maapealsete sõdurite päästmiseks, kes on õnnetuses lõksu jäänud või vigastada saanud.
After proving himself on the field of battle in the French and Indian War, Benjamin Martin wants nothing more to do with such things, preferring the simple life of a farmer. But when his son Gabriel enlists in the army to defend their new nation, America, against the British, Benjamin reluctantly returns to his old life to protect his son.
Maverick (Tom Cruise) on hullumeelne hävituslennuki piloot, kes mitte millegi ees risti ette ei löö. Kõrgemad sõjavähejuhid otsustavad mehe saata täiendõppustele Mereväe eliitlennukooli, kuhu on kokku kogutud parimatest parimad. Maverick, kes on sealsetest õppuritest üks noorimaid, hakkab vanematele olijatele aga kiiresti närvidele käima ning noorel uljaspeal tekib vanade kaladega pidevalt konflikte.
Wounded in Africa during World War II, Nazi Col. Claus von Stauffenberg returns to his native Germany and joins the Resistance in a daring plan to create a shadow government and assassinate Adolf Hitler. When events unfold so that he becomes a central player, he finds himself tasked with both leading the coup and personally killing the Führer.
Film räägib uskumatu loo saksa lennukipiloodist, kes on kogu oma elu soovinud lennata ja kelle kirg piloodiameti vastu viis mehe Ühendriikidesse. Seal llitus ta õhuväega, kuid samal ajal toimunud Vietnami sõda andis mehe elule ootamatu pöörde, kui ta tulistati alla ja võeti vangi. Ta hakkas kaaslastega põgenemisplaani hauduma ja ta teadis, et raske pole mitte plehku panna, vaid ümbritsevas džunglis emakese loodusega toime tulla.
SEALi üksuse veteranohvitseri leitnant Watersi juhitud meeskond siseneb Aafrika südamesse missiooniga päästa dr Lena Kendrick, kes on kaunis Ameerika arst konfliktipiirkonnas. Ent kui ta leitakse, keeldub ta põgenikke hülgamast, paludes Watersil neid eskortida läbi ohtliku Nigeeria džungli. Ohvitser seisab silmitsi konfliktiga, kas nad peavad valima järgmiste saadud korralduste või enda südametunnistuse diktaadi vahel ...
Young Shakespeare is forced to stage his latest comedy, "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter," before it's even written. When a lovely noblewoman auditions for a role, they fall into forbidden love -- and his play finds a new life (and title). As their relationship progresses, Shakespeare's comedy soon transforms into tragedy.
When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise.
The story of the Tuskegee Airmen, the first African-American pilots to fly in a combat squadron during World War II.
A grieving doctor is being contacted by his late wife through his patient's near death experiences.
After the death of her mother, Sara moves to the South Side of Chicago to live with her father and gets transferred to a majority-black school. Her life takes a turn for the better when befriends Chenille and her brother Derek, who helps her with her dancing skills.
In October 1991, a confluence of weather conditions combined to form a killer storm in the North Atlantic. Caught in the storm was the sword-fishing boat Andrea Gail.
Yann, a cook, and Nadia, a waitress and mother of 9-year-old child, decide to risk everything on the purchase of a restaurant. With plenty of talent, energy, love and dreams, but no finance of their own, they find themselves forced into a jungle of financing and bank loans that quickly overwhelms them. To bail them out, Nadia has to take a job in Canada, while Yann is forced to stay behind to save the restaurant. Together, he and the child confront a relentless avalanche of creditors, an uncaring system and the daily grind from which there is no respite… Yann finally understands that his only chance of salvation lies in joining his lover – as well as reuniting mother and child – by following Nadia to Canada and a better life.
Ollie Trinke is a young, suave music publicist who seems to have it all, with a new wife and a baby on the way. But life deals him a bum hand when he's suddenly faced with single fatherhood, a defunct career and having to move in with his father. To bounce back, it takes a new love and the courage instilled in him by his daughter.
Michael Jennings (Ben Affleck) on geniaalne insener, kes töötab kõrgtehnoloogiaettevõtte spetsialiseeritud projektide kallal. Iga kord, kui ta mõne töö lõpetab, kustutatakse tema mälu, nii et ta ei saaks ettevõtte saladusi avaldada. Kõrgelt tasustatud Jennings loodab teenida 90 miljonit dollarit oma viimase projekti eest, mille kallal ta on kolm aastat töötanud. Kuid kui tsekk on täidetud, öeldakse talle, et ta nõustus ise oma makse ära jätma. Kustutatud mäluga nagu eelmistes töödes, proovib Jennings koos elukaaslase ja väljavalitu Racheli (Uma Thurmani) abil välja selgitada, mis kogu selle aja jooksul juhtus, millest ta midagi ei mäleta?
Matt Sullivan's last big relationship ended in disaster and ever since his heart's been aching and his commitment's been lacking. Then came Lent, that time of year when everybody gives something up. That's when Matt decides to go where no man's gone before and make a vow: No sex. Whatsoever. For 40 straight days. At first he has everything under control. That is until the woman of his dreams, Erica, walks into his life.
Kohandatud Marveli legendaarsest koomiksikangelasest - tuntud kui Fearless Man. Advokaat Matt Murdock on radioaktiivse jäägi tõttu pime, kuid tema ülejäänud neli meeli on eriti agarad. Päeva kaupa esindab Murdock rõhutatut. Öösel on Daredevil, maskeeritud valvur, kes varjab pimedaid linnatänavaid, järeleandmatut õigluse kättemaksu.