When disaster hits the Titanic, the Doctor uncovers a threat to the whole human race. Battling alongside aliens, saboteurs, robot Angels and a new friend called Astrid, can he stop the Christmas inferno?

Retreating from life after a tragedy, a man questions the universe by writing to Love, Time and Death. Receiving unexpected answers, he begins to see how these things interlock and how even loss can reveal moments of meaning and beauty.

Young love and childish fears highlight a year in the life of a turn-of-the-century family up to the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair.

David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers that, as a sperm donor, he has fathered 533 children. He is advised that more than 100 of his offspring are trying to force the fertility clinic to reveal the true identity of "Starbuck," the pseudonym he used when donating his sperm. To make matters worse, his girlfriend Valérie is pregnant with his child, but doesn't feel that he is mature enough to be a father.

While Po and his father are visiting a secret panda village, an evil spirit threatens all of China, forcing Po to form a ragtag army to fight back.

Get ready for Barbie: A Fairy Secret, an amazing adventure with Barbie where she discovers there are fairies living secretly all around us! When Ken is suddenly whisked away by a group of fairies, Barbie's two fashion stylist friends reveal they are actually fairies and that Ken has been taken to a magical secret fairy world not far away! Barbie and her rival Raquelle take off with the fairy friends on an action-packed journey to bring him back. Along the way they must stick together and learn that the real magic lies not just in the fairy world itself, but in the power of friendship.

Löömamees Lee (Jackie Chan) ja lobamokk James Carter (Chris Tucker) on taas koos, et Hong Kongis puhkust veeta. Paraku ei tule sellest midagi välja, kuna nad satuvad rahapesu otsa, millesse on segatud Fu-Cang-Longi jõuk, pealikuks Ricky Tan (John Lone) ning tema surmav, kuid kaunis parem käsi Hu Li (Zhang Ziyi). Paarimehed peavad võitlema vastastega Hong Kongis, Los Angeleses ning Las Vegases, et lõpetada juurdlus, milles on mängus miljardid.

Mia Thermopolis is now a college graduate and on her way to Genovia to take up her duties as princess. Her best friend Lilly also joins her for the summer. Mia continues her 'princess lessons'- riding horses side-saddle, archery, and other royal. But her complicated life is turned upside down once again when she not only learns that she is to take the crown as queen earlier than expected...

A deadly airborne virus finds its way into the USA and starts killing off people at an epidemic rate. Col. Sam Daniels' job is to stop the virus spreading from a small town, which must be quarantined, and to prevent an over reaction by the White House.

Goofy demonstrates a number of crazy vehicles.

It's the 1890's, and Donald is riding his penny-farthing bicycle to see Daisy when Chip 'n Dale make fun of him. It quickly escalates into a full-fledged war between Donald and the chipmunks.

Meie lemmiktegelaste elu on veerenud vahepealsetel aastatel vaikselt oma rada, kuid vaikusest lugu pidav mammut Manny on pidanud viimasel ajal tegemist tegema oma murdeikka jõudnud tütrekese Virsiku kasvuraskustega. Kuid enne, kui isa ja tütar jõuavad hakata teineteisest üha kaugemale triivima, sekkub taas kord kõikvõimas loodus - sedapuhku kolossaalse maanihke näol, mille tulemusena tekkisid siia ilma erinevad kontinendid. Nimetatud maanihke tulemusena leiab Manny end järsku jääkamakalt, mis kiires tempos maismaast ning ühtlasi ka tema perekonnast kaugeneb. Õnneks on samale jääpangale lõksu jäänud ka tema vana sõber Diego ning muidugi ka aastatega üha laisemaks jääv laiskloom Sid ühes oma vanaemaga, kelle Sidi perekond ühel hetkel kohale toimetas ja seejärel sedamaid hülgas.

Donald Duck gets into a lot of trouble while he's cooking pancakes for breakfast - Chip and Dale are up to their mischief. Donald tries a number of plans to get rid of them, but they repeatedly foil Donald's plans.

Aspiring New York City artist John Hollar returns to his Middle America hometown on the eve of his mother’s brain surgery. Joined by his girlfriend, eight months pregnant with their first child, John is forced to navigate the crazy world he left behind.

Max on energiline ja entusiastlik Jack Russelli terjer, kes elab koos oma omaniku Katiega ühes Manhattani korteris. Ta õnnelikku elu häirib see, kui ta omanik uue koera Duke'i võtab. Tahtes taas kogu Katie tähelepanu endale saada, üritab ta Duke'i ühte põiktänavasse maha jätta, ent neid ründab kasside kamp, kelle liidriks on Ozone. Nad suudavad napilt eluga pääseda, ent peatselt hakkavad nende vastu hammast ihuma Põlatud Lemmikud - hüljatud koduloomade armee, mida juhib armas, ent hullumeelne küülik Lumepall . Põnev seiklus, mis viib läbi New Yorgi, sunnib Maxi ja Duke'i rivaalitsemisest loobuma ning nad üritavad takistada Lumepalli, kes tahab New Yorgi lemmikloomade omanikele kätte maksta.

Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the world outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Pikantse triloogia esimene osa jutustab tagasihoidliku ja naiivse tudengineiu Anastasia Steele’i ohtlikuvõitu armusuhetest 27-aastase miljardärist ärimehega. Pealtnäha igati täiuslikku Christian Greyd vaevavad lapsepõlvest saadud hingetraumad, mida leevendab piiripealsetest seksimängudest saadav eufooria. See on lugu sõltuvuslikust vajadusest absoluutse kontrolli järele ning kogenematu naise balansseerimisest tundeskaalal “uudishimu-hirm-kirg”.

Successful fashiondesigner D'Maurice seduces married women while he pretends to be gay in order to avoid arousing suspicion among his clientele's husbands