In yet another hilarious caper, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and, of course, Scooby-Doo team up with the talented Harlem Globetrotters to solve a haunting that, apparently, involves the ghosts of Paul Revere and other Revolutionary War soldiers. A second episode features the gang and the Globetrotters heading to a deserted island for some relaxation, but they realize they are in for trouble when their ship sets sail with nobody at the wheel.

Short film featuring the extended version of the song “All Too Well” by Taylor Swift. A troubled couple's romance blossoms before it eventually falls apart.


Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

  加美拉与卡欧斯决战后的冬天,北海道降下流星雨,其中一颗坠落在支笏湖南西方约一公里处,陆上自卫队第11师团随即派出化学防护小队,渡良瀬佑介二佐与花谷陆尉深入调查,发现到了是陨石坠落。   五天后,事件的原凶开始现身,札幌市地下铁的电车在隧道内被不明生物攻击,北海道札幌市的薄野出现巨大植物,巨大植物窜出一群体长3m,类似昆虫的甲壳类生物。   怪虫(Legion)与植物是与流星一起飞来的地球外物体,两者属共生关系,Legion会借由啃食硅酮并分泌氧气来制造植物(草体),在这种高浓度氧的环境下,地球生物绝对无法生存,自卫队决定用爆破处理草体。此时海上自卫队探测到加美拉往札幌飞去........



Moscowin Kavery (English: Moscow's Kaveri ) is a 2010 Tamil romantic drama film written and directed by cinematographer Ravi Varman, making his directorial debut, besides handling the cinematography. The film, which has lyrics written by Vairamuthu and music scored by Thaman, stars Rahul Ravindran and Samantha in the lead roles with Harshvardhan, Santhanam and Seeman essaying supporting roles. Releasing on 27 August 2010, after nearly three years of production, the film was ultimately panned by critics.


Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

李督察(成龙 饰)和从洛杉矶赶来香港度假的老搭档詹姆斯•卡特(克里斯•塔克 Chris Tucker 饰)真是一刻不得闲,因美国领事馆遭到炸弹袭击,两名工作人员身亡,李督察只得带上卡特去拜访三合会头目、也是自己父亲的昔日搭档邓力奇(尊龙 饰),邓力奇的手下胡莉(章子怡 饰)等人先后出面袭击李与卡特,不久李被美国方面禁止参与此案,而香港警局也遭到了炸弹袭击。失散的李和卡特分别来到了邓力奇的游艇,得知三合会出现了内讧,话音刚落,胡莉将邓力奇射杀在海中……暂时失去线索的二人奔赴洛杉矶,在当地大亨荣士勋家中发现了胡莉的踪迹和美国的卧底特工,原来邓、胡等人卷入了一场巨额假钞案,李与卡特决定拿回胡莉手中的印版……

If you're a fan of late-night talk shows then, whether you know it or not, you know Emmy Award-winning Louis CK. That's because he has written hilarious bits for all the titans of late-night comedy. Now he's becoming a household name in his own right. Filmed live and uncensored before a raucous One Night Stand audience, CK riffs on the absurdities of married life and countless other everyday observations with a skewed vision and often apocalyptic sense of wisdom that is earning him a cult following among fans of standup. See why he made Entertainment Weekly's it list and was selected by Variety in 2000 as one of the Ten Comics to Watch. Spend an evening with CK, the comedian who is putting the f-u back in funny.


弗兰克·马丁(杰森·斯坦森饰)这位退役的特种兵,在经历了两次腥风血雨之后,重新回到了法国巴黎,准备在朋友的修车行里混口饭吃,修养生息。不过安顿的日子没过多久,仇家又找上门来,一顿打打杀杀之后,弗兰克·马丁最终还是寡不敌众,倒在对手脚下。醒来之后,弗兰克·马丁发现自己身处一个实验室,而手上却多了个腕表一样的东西。 神秘组织的龙头老大约翰森(罗伯特·克耐普饰)告诉弗兰克·马丁,这次他是有求而来。鉴于弗兰克·马丁在托运这一行的知名程度,约翰森需要他帮一个小忙:护送一个女人到达指定地点。如果与女人的距离过远,那么腕表就会爆炸。而如果成功护送到达目的地,那么约翰森就会把腕表除下。 弗兰克与车行的铁哥们琢磨了好半天,发现这个腕表确实没法自己除下来,无奈下只好又重操旧业,护送起满头红发的神秘女人。显然这不是一份轻松的差事,约翰森是被警方通缉的罪犯,而警察为了寻找证据,执意要把红发女人带走,弗兰克只得与警察交起手来。这时候另一个黑帮也想将弗兰克和红发女人置于死地,于是两人在警察和黑社会的双重追捕中,一路杀向终点。

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.



Two years into a marriage with the heir of a wealthy family, Ayumi is already feeling distant from her husband. The reason is her coercion into nightly perverted activities by the sadistic inclinations of her sadistic husband. In addition, the same man on her commute to finishing school frequently molests her. The man ultimately shows up at Ayumi’s house and rapes her. She realizes it has all been captured on camera and the man that raped her was hired to do so by her husband.
