Follow Christian and his companions on a great journey from the City of Destruction to the gates of Heaven as they face obstacles large and small, man-made and demon-spawned. Beyond the gripping drama, Bunyan’s powerful allegory teaches us all the hazards and hopes of the Christian life, and it features the triumphant glory that awaits all who faithfully follow the King of kings!

Jess je outsider u školi, ali u vlastitoj obitelji. Cijelo je ljeto trenirao kako bi postao najbrži dječak u razredu, ali ne uspjeva kada u utrci, inače rezerviranoj za dečke, pobjeđuje nova učenica Leslie. Usprkos tom nespretnom upoznavanju, njih dvoje ubrzo postaju najbolji prijatelji. Leslie obožava priče o magiji i neobičnim mjestima, a Jess voli crtati. I tako zajedno stvaraju tajno čarobno mjesto, kraljevstvo Terabitihiju...

Bacite kocku i zaigrajte Jumanji! Kada je mladi Alan Parish zajedno sa svojom prijateljicom Sarah odlučio zaigrati jednu stolnu igru, nije ni slutio da će ga bacanje kocke istog trena transportirati u čudnu džunglu Jumanji, gdje će ostati zarobljen punih 26 godina.Točnije, do trena kada će u potkrovlju njegove kuće dvoje siročadi, Judy (Kirsten Dunst) i Peter (Bradley Pierce), poželjeti zaigrati istu tu igru i tako osloboditi danas odraslog Alana (Robin Williams) iz unutarnjeg svijeta igre. No, kako bi svi zajedno pobijedili rastuću moć igre Jumanji, njih troje moraju pronaći i odraslu Saru (Bonnie Hunt) i stići do kraja igre, prije nego li ih ona sama dokrajči.

Ten-year-old Gabe was just a normal kid growing up in Manhattan until Rosemary Telesco walked into his life, actually into his karate class. But before Gabe can tell Rosemary how he feels, she tells him she will not be going to public school any more. Gabe has a lot more to learn about life, love, and girls.

Ten strangers are summoned to a remote island and while they are waiting for the mysterious host to appear, a recording levels serious accusations at each of the guests. Soon they start being murdered, one by one. As the survivors try to keep their wits, they reach a disturbing conclusion: one of them must be the killer.

Pod prijetnjom siromaštva, dobri udovac i njegovih sedmero neobuzdane djece obrate se dadilji koja se bavi vještičarenjem kako bi im kućanstvo dovela u red.

Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, two rebellious teenagers from Southern California, become the frontwomen for The Runaways -- the now-legendary group that paved the way for future generations of female rockers. Under the Svengali-like influence of impresario Kim Fowley, the band becomes a huge success.

Two siblings begin to develop special talents after they find a mysterious box of toys, and soon their parents and even their teacher are drawn into a strange new world – and find a task ahead of them that is far more important than any of them could imagine.

Admiral Frank Beardsley returns to New London to run the Coast Guard Academy, his last stop before a probable promotion to head the Guard. A widower with eight children, he runs a loving but tight ship, with charts and salutes. The kids long for a permanent home. Helen North is a free spirit, a designer whose ten children live in loving chaos, with occasional group hugs. Helen and Frank, high school sweethearts, reconnect at a reunion, and it's love at first re-sighting. They marry on the spot. Then the problems start as two sets of kids, the free spirits and the disciplined preppies, must live together. The warring factions agree to work together to end the marriage.

Zoey is a talented dancer whose organized life is rudely disrupted when she moves in with her new step-dad and three step-brothers, until she discovers a dog-training app that can get boys to obey her every command. But she soon learns that it isn't the cure-all she had hoped for.

U obiteljskoj pustolovini „Putovanje u središte Zemlje“, troje istraživača uranja duboko u neobično novo područje ispod površine Zemlje odakle kreću na čudesno putovanje i pronalaze izvanredna mjesta, izlažući se strašnoj opasnosti.

Život poslovnog čovjeka Toma Poppera iz temelja se mijenja u trenutku kad naslijedi šest pingvina i mora se brinuti za njih. Posao nije nimalo lak jer pingvini i nisu baš uobičajeni kućni ljubimci, kao ni njihovi životni uvjeti i potrebe. Kako bi udovoljio novim prijateljima, Popper će svoj stan pretvoriti u zimsko mjesto iz snova, stavljajući svoj profesionalni život sa strane.

Međunarodna astronautska ekipa na Marsu pronalazi golemu nakupinu kamenja koja remeti rad svih njihovih uređaja. Uskoro se dogodi neobjašnjiva nesreća u kojoj svi nestanu. Spasilačka ekipa sastavljena je od dobrih prijatelja, Jima (G. Sinise), Woodyja (T. Robbins) i njegove supruge Terri (C. Nielsen) te mladog Phila (J. O'Connell). Kiša mikrometeorita pogađa spasilački brod i astronauti su prisiljeni spašavati se na najradikalniji mogući način - korištenjem orbitirajućeg satelita. Iako se situacija stalno pogoršava, astronauti ne gube nadu. Nekako uspijevaju sletjeti i uskoro se pojavljuju naznake koje bi mogle promijeniti budućnost ljudske rase - naznake izvanzemaljskog života.

Climbing aboard their mammoth recreational vehicle for a cross-country road trip to the Colorado Rockies, the Munro family – led by dysfunctional patriarch, Bob – prepares for the adventure of a lifetime. But spending two weeks together in one seriously small space has a way of cramping their style.

Phil Weston has been unathletic his entire life. In college he failed at every sport that he tried out for. It looks like his 10-year old son, Sam, is following in his footsteps. But when Phil's hyper-competitive dad benches Sam, Phil decides to transfer his son to a new team which needs a coach. Phil steps in to be the temporary coach and immediately begins to butt heads with his dad over this new competition in their lives.

Zohan Dvir je agent izraelskog Mossada koji sanja o tome da postane modni frizer. Na zadatku da uhvate Phantoma, poznatog terorista, on iskorištava kaos obračuna i lažira vlastitu smrt. Naoružan svojim škarama i svojom traženom knjigom popularnih frizura, on kreće u Ameriku. Kada ga svi otmjeni frizerski saloni u New Yorku odbiju, on se proslavi u jednom manje poznatom. Glasine o njegovoj iznimnoj posvećenosti detaljima se brzo prošire gradom i ubrzo žene stoje u redu kako bi sjedile u Zohanovoj stolici.

Posao u parku Jellystone opada pa ga pohlepni gradonačelnik Brown odluči zatvoriti i prodati zemljište. Obitelji više neće moći uživati u prirodnim ljepotama i još gore Yogi i Boo Boo bit će izbačeni iz mjesta kojeg zovu dom. Suočen s najvećim izazovom, Yogi će morati dokazati da je stvarno pametniji od prosječnih medvjeda. Yogi i Boo Boo udružit će se sa svojim starim neprijateljem rendžerom Smithom kako bi spasili park Jellystone od zatvaranja.

Three friends, whose lives have been drifting apart, reunite for the funeral of a fourth childhood friend. When looking through their childhood belongings, they discover a trunk which contained details on a quest their friend was attempting. It revealed that he was hot on the trail of the $200,000 that went missing with airplane hijacker D.B. Cooper in 1971. They decide to continue his journey, but do not understand the dangers they will soon encounter.

A determined twelve-year-old mountain climber takes drastic action to save her injured father by planning a high-stakes bank heist, using her skills and teamwork to navigate the challenge.

Katkad se najčudesniji superjunaci nalaze upravo u vašim snovima. To je otkrio desetogodišnji Max (Cayden Boyd), usamljeni dječačić izgubljen u vlastitom svijetu mašte u koji bježi od svakidašnjih prepirki s roditeljima (David Arquette i Kristin Davis), školskih nasilnika i nimalo zabavnih ljetnih praznika. Ali kad Max shvati da su guba likovi, vrhunske pustolovine i nevjerojatne tajne moći iz njegove mašte možda mnogo stvarniji nego što se itko usudi vjerovati, cijeli se njegov svijet promijeni.