In the years before World War II, a penniless Japanese child is torn from her family to work as a maid in a geisha house.

У току најмрачнијих година "велике депресије" Бредок прихвата најразличитије послове у жељи да се добро стара о својој жени Ме и њихово троје деце. Међутим, никако не заборавља свој сан да поново боксује. Тако се ускоро опет затиче у рингу, као противник другог по реду најбољег изазивача. На изненађење свих присутних, нокаутира га у трећој рунди. Бредок наставља да ниже успехе не обазирући се на здравствене проблеме који се појављују.

Пре много година, фараон Сети наредио је да се сва мушка јеврејска деца у Египту утопе, али једна је очајна мајка свога сина ставила у кошару и пустила је низ реку, надајући се да ће њен синчић преживети. Кошару с малим дететом пронашла је сама египатска краљица, која је маленог Мојсија одгојила као брата престолонаследника Рамзеса. Годинама касније, браћу, која су одрасла у срећи, љубави и богатству, раставиће Мојсијево сазнање о његовом правом пореклу. Након што побегне из града и далеко од брата који ће наследити вођство неправедног режима, Мојсију ће се обратити и сам Бог, дајући му задатак ослобођења јевреја које би требао повести у обећану земљу.

Тајлер (Петинсон) је млади њујоршки бунтовник који има веома лош однос с оцем откако је породична трагедија поделила породицу. Иако је мислио да нико не може да разуме кроз шта пролази, чудним сплетом околности он упознаје Ели. Почиње да се заљубљује и кроз њихову љубав проналази срећу и смисао живота. Међутим, ускоро се откривају породичне тајне, а околности које су их спојиле сада почињу да их раздвајају.

Checco is 39 and lived his entire life with his parents. He loves his job where he does nothing the whole day, until something happens that will change his behavior and his life forever...

A tight-knit group of New York City street dancers, including Luke and Natalie, team up with NYU freshman Moose, and find themselves pitted against the world's best hip hop dancers in a high-stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

Salvo and Valentino are two happy Sicilian friends, who do not want to work, because they know that if they find a permanent job, their girlfriends will ask them to marry them.

A small-town news reporter and a Greenpeace volunteer enlist the help of rival superpowers to save three majestic gray whales trapped under the ice of the Arctic Circle.

Rome, 1989. On his last day of high school, Luca gets in trouble when he takes it all out on hated literature teacher Martinelli, only to discover he's going to be heading the examination board for his finals. During a summer of fruitless study, he falls in love with a girl he met once at a party, unaware that she's Martinelli's daughter. The latter, strangely enough, has just offered Luca to prepare with him...

Alice Tate, mother of two, with a marriage of 16 years, finds herself falling for a handsome sax player, Joe. Stricken with a backache, she consults herbalist Dr. Yang, who realizes that her problems are not related to her back, but in her mind and heart. Dr. Yang's magical herbs give Alice wondrous powers, taking her out of her well-established rut.

За време новогодишњих празника, заштитнички настројен отац Нед, заједно са својом породицом долази у посету ћерки студенткињи. Међутим, та посета се претвара у праву ноћну мору, с обзиром да Нед упознаје Лерда - доброћудног, богатог, и најблаже речено ,,необичног’’ дечка своје ћерке. Попут сваког брижног оца, Нед мисли да Лерд није довољно добар за његову ћерку, те ће покушати да схвати шта је то што она види у њему. Недов напад панике кулминира у тренутку када сазнаје да Лерд има крајње озбиљне планове и планира да је запроси.

Emma is a busy doctor who sets up a seemingly perfect arrangement when she offers her best friend Adam a relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?

Ulisse, Fulvio and Domenico decide to rent an apartment together in order to live with their modest work. However the three encounter any difficulties that have forced them to always be one step away from starvation. Ulisse has to maintain his wife and daughter selling recordings of important foreign singers, Fulvio has the task of reviewing silly scandals of celebrities instead of writing articles for major artists, while Domenico must keep his wife and children going to make love with old single pensioners.

A climax of brutality and violence after a young man hits some cars in a rush.

A group of unwitting teens are stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit.

High school professor Guido is a hopeless romantic whose life falls apart after his girlfriend leaves him for another man. Paolo, a former student of his, helps him to exit his depression, only in order to become a PE teacher himself.

Mariano has been married for 10 years with Miranda, a woman way out of his league. Their small-town life is disrupted by womanizing photographer Andrea, who — struck by her good looks — offers Miranda a one-time modelling job. Albeit hesitant, the couple eventually accepts his invitation to the Seychelles...

During a séance with some friends, divorced carny Gualtiero successfully conjures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe — although he's the only one who can see her. With Marilyn's help, he'll win back his wife, who left him for a lion tamer, and his teen daughter.

A princess from a Nordic European country is obligated to marry the boy her family chose. She escapes and discovers love in the arms of a beautiful swimming teacher.

Michele is not so successful at school, and with the girls he is desperately unlucky. To bring up grades parents hired him a tutor. While browsing the Internet, Michele discovered that his teacher posed nude for an erotic calendar. In exchange for good grades Michele agrees with the beauty to recreate the photoshoot in real life ...