Bruce Wayne je odhodlaný postarať sa o to, aby Supermanova obeť neprišla nazmar. V Justice League Zacka Snydera spojí sily s Dianou Prince a spoločne zostavia tím superhrdinov, ktorého poslaním je zachrániť svet pred blížiacou sa hrozbou katastrofických rozmerov. Táto úloha je však oveľa ťažšia, než si Bruce predstavoval, lebo každý z nováčikov čelí vlastným démonom, ktorých musí poraziť, aby mohli dať dohromady jedinečnú ligu superhrdinov. Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg a Flash dúfajú, že na záchranu planéty pred zloduchmi ako sú Steppenwolf, DeSaad a Darkseid ešte nie je príliš neskoro.

Na postapokalyptickej Zemi sa robot zostrojený na ochranu života milovaného psa svojho umierajúceho stvoriteľa učí o živote, láske, priateľstve a o tom, čo znamená byť človekom.

Starnúca čínska migrantka v USA sa stane súčasťou bláznivého dobrodružstva, v ktorom sa snaží zachrániť svet skúmaním paralelných vesmírov a vlastných životov, ktoré v nich mohla mať.

A family from the underprivileged class is on the run after the teenaged son kills a rich man from the upper caste. Can the pacifist father be able to save his hot-blooded son?

A US Pornstar talks about her sexual life story and sexual revolution in 1960 U.S.A.

Amar is assigned to investigate a case of serial killings. When Amar investigates the case, he realizes it is not what it seems to be and following down this path will lead to nothing but war between everyone involved.

Joji, an engineering dropout and the youngest son of a rich family lives with his aspirations of becoming super wealthy. Driven by greed and blind ambition, he decides to execute his plans following an unexpected event in the family.

Po udalostiach z Avengers: Endgame sa Spider-Man stretáva s celkom novou zodpovednosťou. Vo svete, ktorý sa navždy zmenil, však naňho číhajú aj nové hrozby. Peter sa s priateľmi vyberie oddýchnuť si na prázdniny do Európy, no Nick Fury sa ho snaží presvedčiť, aby sa pridal k novému superhrdinovi menom Mysterio v boji proti záhadným Elementálom. To je však úplný opak toho, čo chce Spider-Man...

A past ridden with crime, death and pain is recounted to Freddy, a juvenile criminal, who has been assigned to eliminate his estranged uncle Sulaiman, an aging patriarch, while behind bars.

Ramanagara wakes up to a series of events that shocks the entire Nation. In this crisis, two individuals with two different perspectives on law and justice intervene to define the truth.

Shirley and Roy in the middle of an impending Covid lock-down and a personal financial crisis, leave their Mumbai home for Shirley's home in Pala where her father Ittyavira stays. Roy soon finds that her home is not what he thought it is.

A young woman who works in a mall goes missing and even as her father and her boyfriend desperately search for her, she has to battle on her own for survival.

A teenage girl living with schizophrenia begins to suspect her neighbor has kidnapped a child. Her parents try desperately to help her live a normal life, without exposing their own tragic secrets, and the only person who believes her is Caleb – a boy she isn’t even sure exists.

A young single mother is held captive along with her two children by a violent ex and must plot their escape before it’s too late.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

When Paaru sees a fairy tale she heard from from a stranger as a child painted across the walls of a costal town, she goes in search of the man who painted it - Maara.

Michael (Fahad Fazil) and Gayatri (Ann Augustine) are classmates at the Fine Arts College. They decide to live together.

Ramprasad's entire family gathers under one roof for 13 days after his death, to perform and observe the Hindu traditions and rituals called the tehrvi. During the course, the family’s dynamics, politics, and insecurities come out, and then they realise that the importance of people and things are only evident in retrospect.

Three girls find themselves accused of attempt to murder after escaping molestation. Their only hope is an alcoholic lawyer who agrees to take up the case.

A socialist takes on a ruthless factory owner after the latter murders his former employee.