Drama apie naują Prancūzijos teisingumo reiškinį, kuris taikomas nuo 2014 m. Atkuriamasis teisingumas reikalauja dialogo tarp nusikaltėlio ir jo aukos, kuris turėtų vykti saugioje, profesionalių savanorių prižiūrimoje sistemoje. Apiplėšimų, užpuolimų ir prievartavimų aukos skatinamos susitikti su nusikaltėliais akis į akį. Susiduriama su pykčiu ir viltimi, tyla ir žodžiais, sąjungomis ir dvasine kančia, sąmoningumu ir naujai atrastu pasitikėjimu. O kelio gale kartais – kompensacija už patirtą skriaudą.
Jauna nėščia moteris, vardu Mia, pabėga iš kariaujančios šalies, pasislėpusi jūriniame konteineryje krovininiame laive. Po smarkios audros Mia pagimdo vaiką pasiklydusi jūroje, kur ji turi kovoti, kad išgyventų.
Yusuf and his best friend Memo are pupils at a boarding school for Kurdish boys, secluded in the mountains of Eastern Anatolia. When Memo falls mysteriously ill, Yusuf is forced to struggle through the bureaucratic obstacles put up by the school's repressive authorities to try to help his friend. But by the time the adults in charge finally understand the seriousness of Memo's condition and try to get him to the hospital, the school has been buried under a sudden, heavy snowfall. With no way out and now desperate to reach help, teachers and pupils engage in a blame game where grudges, feelings of guilt and hidden secrets emerge, as time ticks mercilessly on and threatens to run out.
When two of artist Barbora Kysilkova’s most valuable paintings are stolen from a gallery at Frogner in Oslo, the police are able to find the thief after a few days, but the paintings are nowhere to be found. Barbora goes to the trial in hopes of finding clues, but instead she ends up asking the thief if she can paint a portrait of him. This will be the start of a very unusual friendship. Over three years, the cinematic documentary follows the incredible story of the artist looking for her stolen paintings, while at the same time turning the thief into art.
When Blanche meets Grégoire, she thinks she has found the one. The ties that bind them grow quickly, and a passionate affair ensues. Together, they relocate. For Blanche, far from her family, from her twin sister, Rose, a new life begins. But little by little, she finds herself caught in the grip of a deeply possessive and dangerous man.
Filme vaizduojamas maištininkės ir nepritapėlės, vienos garsiausių rašytojų Emilės Bronte, audringas ir permainingas kelias į moterystę iki ankstyvos mirties, sulaukus vos 30 metų.
D'Artanjanas atvyksta į Paryžių ir bando surasti užpuolikus, kurie jį paliko mirti, tačiau patenka į tikrą karą, kuriame ant kortos pastatyta Prancūzijos ateitis. Kovodamas jis susivienija su Atu, Portu ir Aramiu, trimis karaliaus muškietininkais.
Žana diu Bari, istoriniuose šaltiniuose, žinoma, kaip Madam diu Bari – anksti suprato, kad žavesys, seksualumas, intelektas yra tie ginklai, kurie priverčia vyrus besąlygiškai paklusti moteriškiems kerams. Jai patiko vilioti, vesti iš proto aplink ją besisukančius vyrus ir tuo naudotis. Būdama paprasta darbininkų luomo atstovė, ji netrukus užsitarnavo kurtizanės vardą. Žanos meilužis, vėliau vyras grafas diu Bari, praturėjęs iš gražuolės meilės intrigų, per įtakingą hercogą Rišelje supažindina ją su Prancūzijos monarchu. Ir Žanai, ir Liudvikui XV šis susitikimas tapo lemtingu. Karalių jaudina Žanos grožis ir paslaptingumas, jos gebėjimas nepaisyti nusistovėjusių karališkų ritualų, drąsa būti savimi ir laisvė. Judviejų aistringos naktys, karališkame miegamajame, pranoksta monarcho lūkesčius. Savo žavosios meilužės dėka melancholiškas ir valdingas Liudvikas XV atranda tikrąjį gyvenimo skonį ir džiaugsmą. Žana tampa jo oficialioji mylimiausia kurtizane.
Akira works as a lawyer. One day, he meets with his former client Rie, who asks Akira to perform a background check on her late husband Daisuke.
A figure known as "The Assassin" descends from the heavens into a nightmarish pit full of monsters, titans, and cruelty.
Šiuolaikiškame, miesto energija pulsuojančiame Paryžiuje jo gyventojai prasilenkia aistros, geismo ir meilės kryžkelėse. Juodai baltame ekrane stebime, kaip trys merginos ir vaikinas perrašo šiuolaikinės meilės apibrėžimą.
This documentary explores the protests that exploded onto the streets of Chile’s capital of Santiago in 2019 as the population demanded more democracy and social equality around education, healthcare and job opportunities.
Ishak, a wandering musician from a small mountain town. A lynching he was a part of 7 years ago comes back to haunt him as he returns to his town to say farewell to his dying mother. Facing the other five perpetrators--his childhood friends—as well as the community and government officials supporting them, Ishak struggles with the guilt weighing upon him. However, the bigger the crime is, the stronger the silence gets since everyone has blood on their hands.
Addie Moore and Louis Waters, a widow and widower, have lived next to each other for years. The pair have almost no relationship, but that all changes when Addie tries to make a connection with her neighbour.
Paryžius, 1930-ieji. Madlen Verdjė – jauna, neturtinga ir netalentinga aktorė, apkaltinta žymaus prodiuserio žmogžudyste. Pastarasis nelaimėlis prisidengdamas profesiniu pasiūlymu bandė mergina pasinaudoti. Kai atrodo, kad visi įkalčiai atsisuka prieš Madlen, jai į pagalbą suskumba geriausia draugė teisininkė Polina. Madleną teismas visgi išteisina ir jaunos aktorės gyvenimas visiškai pasikeičia: jos laukia naujas sėkmės ir šlovės kupinas etapas, tačiau tik iki kol nepasirodys nebyliojo kino žvaigždė Odet ir neišaiškės tiesa.
A local activist and a budding young mayor clash over the best path forward for their impoverished suburb.
Gad Elmaleh decides to leave New York and move back to Paris, to get baptized and become a Catholic. Despite his attempt to hide the truth from his Jewish family, Gad's parents discover their son's unconditional love for the Virgin Mary – and for them, it’s a nightmare! Determined to bring Gad back to reason and to his Jewishness, they turn his conversion into a battlefield - as Gad tries to make them understand by any means necessary that his sincere beliefs do not change his identity and the love he has for his family.
Evading a scandal, a couple from Istanbul starts over in a town on the Aegean coast — but quickly discover the locals are determined to get rid of them.
A father and son, live from day to day by carrying out petty crimes for the local mafia. Hired to kidnap a man and to deliver him across town seems simple enough until the man dies in the trunk of their car. What follows is a panicked after-hours odyssey with the police looking for them, the mafia expecting a live delivery, a dead body rotting in their trunk and they have no idea what awaits them next…
Ecem and Rahmi, who are at the very beginning of their relationship, live in the basement of an apartment in Istanbul. Their life takes a different turn one night when Ecem's ex-boyfriend Kazim comes to their doorstep. The anger of Rahmi, who is very jealous, causes a night full of regrets.