Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.
Film o resnični katastrofi iz leta 1972, ko je letalo ragbi ekipe strmoglavilo visoko v Andih, preživeli pa so bili prepuščeni na milost in nemilost narave.
V novi razburljivi filmski zgodbi Varuhi galaksije je naša najljubša družba neprilagojenih videti nekoliko drugače. Peter Quill, ki še vedno žaluje zaradi izgube Gamore, mora zbrati svojo ekipo za obrambo vesolja in zaščito enega od svojih. Misija, ki bi lahko, če ne bi bila uspešno zaključena, pripeljala do konca Varuhov, kot jih poznamo.
Brata Wachowski (ustvarjalca trilogije Matrica) nam prinašata temačno zgodbo o bližnji prihodnosti, kjer v totalitarni družbi med ljudmi vladata strah in nasilje. Na seznamu sumljivih državljanov se znajde tudi mlada Evey (Natalie Portman), a jo pred smrtjo reši skrivnostni maščevalec V (Hugo Weaving), ki skuša z neverjetnimi borilnimi sposobnostmi in zvitimi ukanami ljudem znova prinesti pravico in svobodo.
Story of two young people who belong to different worlds. It is the chronicle of a love improbable, almost impossible but inevitable dragging in a frantic journey they discover the first great love. Babi is a girl from upper-middle class that is educated in goodness and innocence . Hache is a rebellious boy, impulsive, unconscious, has a appetite for risk and danger embodied in endless fights and illegal motorbike races, the limit of common sense
Animirani film temelji na Nintendovi franšizi video iger Mario. Vodovodar po imenu Mario s svojim bratom Luigijem potuje skozi podzemni labirint in poskuša rešiti ujeto princeso.
Film je umeščen deset let po dogodkih iz prvega dela in se začne z zgodbo o družini Sully. Odkar se je odločil trajno prenesti človeško zavest v telo Avatarja in postati novi vodja naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully s svojo družino živi na Pandori. Z Neytiri sta ustvarila družino in dobila otroke. Kolonizacijske sile se vrnejo na Pandoro, da bi oživile prvotno iskanje, zaradi česar Jake in Neytiri pobegneta iz svojega doma in raziskujeta doslej še neznane dele Pandore, da bi srečala ljudstvo Metkayine, klan domorodcev, ki živijo obdani z morjem.
It's the 1940s, and the notorious Axe Gang terrorizes Shanghai. Small-time criminals Sing and Bone hope to join, but they only manage to make lots of very dangerous enemies. Fortunately for them, kung fu masters and hidden strength can be found in unlikely places. Now they just have to take on the entire Axe Gang.
A two-part crossover special featuring characters from Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Toriko.
Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel. After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. As the journey finally brings them face to face, Caesar and the Colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.
V številnih misijah in proti nemogočim pričakovanjem so Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) in njegova družina preigrali in pregnali vsakega sovražnika na svoji poti. Zdaj se soočajo z najhujšim nasprotnikom, kar so jih kadarkoli srečali: grozljivo grožnjo, ki prihaja iz senc preteklosti, ki jo napaja krvno maščevanje in je odločena, da bo za vedno razbila družino in uničila vse in vsakogar, kar Dom ljubi.
In C.E.75, the fighting still continues. There are independence movements, and aggression by Blue Cosmos... In order to calm the situation, a global peace monitoring agency called COMPASS is established, with Lacus as its first president. As members of COMPASS, Kira and his comrades intervene into various regional battles. Then a newly established nation called Foundation proposes a joint operation against a Blue Cosmos stronghold.
While delivering a parking ticket to a small village in the Florida everglades, Officer Dave Speed finds himself in the middle of a radiation experiment conducted by the American government and NASA, where a detonated nuclear missile gives him a multitude of superpowers.
After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, though he lacks for heroic skills.
When an explosion at an oil well threatens hundreds of lives, a crack team is called upon to make a deadly desert crossing with nitroglycerine in tow.
The Earth shortly before its end. The houses in the cities are deserted, the streets smashed. The sky shimmers dark gray.
The first part of a spin-off of YuruYuri featuring Sakurako and her sisters.
A scorned woman enlists the help of five strangers to execute a bank robbery. Tensions rise as the men anxiously await her arrival with the money, leaving the crew to wonder if they have been betrayed.
On their way to the supermarket, Penny and James meet again for the first time.
A stolen seismic weapon is activated in Yemen. A hostage freed there tries in vain to warn against its global effect. It starts seismic activity at the Californian fault line where her daughter and ex are monitoring it. Can they stop it?