The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

知名舞台剧女演员牧树里这日收到怪盗基德的预告信:在 26 个字母的盘旋飞舞中,他来拜领无价的“命运的宝石”。毛利小五郎受到牧树里委托将信件分析,认为基德将在演出最后一晚前来盗取宝石,当晚他及柯南、小兰等人来到剧场,那里早有诸多警察守候。令柯南吃惊的是,基德竟扮成工藤新一出现在众人面前,但他及众人方向不同的紧张过后,宝石并没被盗,柯南醒悟字母预告信与航班相关。而柯南、小兰、牧树里及其同事搭乘的前往北海道的飞机上,尚有一起杀人计划正被精心设计。

  修女莎拉(雪莉·麦克雷恩 饰)只身前往西部旅途中险遭三名匪徒强暴,所幸牛仔霍根(克林特·伊斯特伍德 饰)出面相救.霍根本来要前往某法军驻地做勘查工作,如今他决定做莎拉的保镖,护送莎拉.不过莎拉也要有所回报,他得提供霍根法军驻地的内部状况消息。而这二人在一路上逐渐变成好 友,但是却也让霍根对莎拉越来越好奇,因为莎拉的行为举止实在不像个修女.她不但会讲粗话、抽雪茄甚至喝酒,到底莎拉内心藏有什么秘密?

小时候,敏珠和徐妍互相关心,比兄妹关系更亲密。然而,她无意中得知了徐妍的导师吴铉,因为这个男人,他们10年的友谊开始动摇。同时,正洙看到闵珠这样的样子很伤心,所以他和闵珠保持距离。因为敏珠和秀妍的误会,不太在意的郑洙可能会离开,所以敏珠在秀妍的帮助下试图分手。在分手的过程中,敏珠和徐妍又回到了亲密的关系。 因为男人而分居的女人的爱情,和两个男人的友情是滑稽地画出来的。

在核灾难后的世界。淡光双床全部破坏的风景。幸存的人类种植树木下的核冬天潮湿的酒窖。但不知何故,人的精神仍然可以看到某处新的,更好的未来的微光。下一代开始迈向新生活的步行路程。撰稿延Bertheau {} bertheau

又是一年万圣节,夜幕降临,万籁俱寂。山脚下只有镜像影院门口还灯火通明。这里正在上映经典名作《音乐之声》,且仅作一夜放映。突然之间,史瑞克(迈克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 配音)痛苦哀号,夺门而出,显然他不喜欢这种温情调调,而更愿意应景地看一些僵尸、木乃伊一类的恐怖电影。为了调侃这位胖朋友,驴子(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 配音)在靴猫(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 配音)的吉他伴奏下唱起了恐怖歌曲。随着午夜钟声响起,法尔奎德(John Lithgow 配音)等人的鬼魂从坟墓中爬出,聚集在街头巷尾,环绕史瑞克跳起了令人战栗的死亡之舞……本片戏仿了迈克尔·杰克逊经典名曲《Thriller》的MV。

When Mac—Shannon’s new beau—first moved to Lighthouse Cove, he bought the historic lighthouse mansion that the town is named after. During renovation demolition, the bones of a teenage girl who went missing fifteen years ago were discovered. If Shannon has any chance of getting the renovation back on track, she’ll need to tackle the cold case.

  一转眼,伍迪艾伦(Woody Allen)这个老头已经陪伴我们度过了数十个年头,从黑发到白发,从壮年到老年,我们作为观众,几乎可以说是在电影里目睹了伍迪艾伦的整个后半生。从最初的无厘头喜剧《傻瓜入狱记》到最新的爱情小品《爱在罗马》,伍迪艾伦在电影中完成了对人生和爱情的讨论和探究。   在自己的电影中,伍迪艾伦扮演过无数个让人啼笑皆非的角色,然而,在现实中,他究竟是个怎样的人,我们无从而知。同时,不时传出的花边新闻也让这个在影片里絮絮叨叨的男人的身影愈加的模糊起来。影片采访了这些年来和伍迪艾伦合作过的演员和导演们,通过他们的语言拼凑出了一个陌生但真实的伍迪艾伦。

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

The extraordinary true story of MC Hammer. From his early life on the rough streets of Oakland, California, to his meteoric rise as an international rap star, and then finally his fall from grace.

The Caldwells take a family trip to Puerto Rico where their father is also securing a secret business deal, while the kids find their own paths. Eight years have passed since the events of Au Pair, and newly graduated as his high school's valedictorian, Alexander Caldwell joins his visiting sister, college freshman Katie and her roommate Ariana on a family summer vacation with father Oliver and stepmother Jenny. Oliver and Jenny's current nanny declines to join them and the over-worked parents/executives must take care of their newborn baby Sarah in Puerto Rico. Amidst corporate scheming by the young company CFO Walter Hausen, who is planning a takeover of Oliver's company CCI Tekhausen (formed in Au Pair II), Oliver and Jenny must contend with bridging the generation gap with the family, new career motivations and the romances of their 'newly reformed' prankster kids.


Red-haired, sex-obsessed manchild Lucio lazes all day long with his friend Pino until he falls for the beautiful head of the local loony bin. A retelling of 'Pinocchio' from the perspective of a Candlewick-like character.

《邻家有爱2》是一部关于爱情、友谊和性的大尺度喜剧电影,电影重点反映社会的多元化和性别认同方面的问题。故事开始于Kao(Asia饰)被算命师告知在30天内不要和任何人发生性关系,但是此时他的同事Nut(Arm Rattapon饰)希望搬到Kao家住一段时间。随着慢慢的相处,Kao对Nut产生了情愫,努力尝试去抑制自己这种情愫让Kao抓狂,但他越是努力压抑,越发现自己深深迷恋Nut。故事的另一边,在Kao和Nut工作的餐厅中,两个变性女客人TangKwa(Tanwarin饰)和Bua(Jennie饰)同时迷恋上了Kao,为了赢得Kao的心,两个女人相互较劲。为了这个她俩刚刚才认识的服务员小哥,两人不惜放弃多年的友情。也是在这间餐厅,已经出柜的同志Hanoi(Thanapat饰)来看望作为餐馆老板的妹妹,Hanoi无意中聊起了自己想成为一名空少,但苦于不会游泳(游泳是成为空少的必要条件),于是妹妹就让自己的帮手Game去教Hanoi游泳,在这期间Hanoi感受到内心深处某种不同的感觉。逐渐,Hanoi和Game爱上了彼此,为了守护这份爱,也为了捍卫每一个人平等相爱的权利,他们开始了一段新旅程。

A gay teenager is haunted by a shadowy presence while his parents are getting a divorce, he can't seem to convey his emotions to his best friend or make his family listen. His world is turned upside down when the shadow reveals to him a darker secret his family keeps to him.

Ted and his family have just moved to the sleepy coastal town of Gull Island so that he can complete work on his thesis. Everything couldn’t seem more picturesque about their new, seaside home… that is, except for the increasing number of aggressively behaving birds.